The beast kings were very cautious and a little hesitant, because the humans in this village were much tougher than they thought.

Especially the group of women, who were discussing in a low voice which beast king has fatter legs and is suitable for roasting beast legs, and which beast king has rich ribs and will be delicious when cooked into soup.

A group of children are also very talkative, sometimes their mouths are watering as they talk.

The ancient relics felt very confused. What kind of village were they coming to? Why are they all foodies?

The most depressing one was the Golden Old Suan Ni. The old men were so embarrassed that they were arguing over which part of its body was the most precious besides the original talisman, as if they were sure that it would die of old age.

It really wanted to refute these old people, saying that it could actually save them a little bit.

Under Chi Cang's arrangement, the village was in order. The beast kings built a separate stone house next to the village and lived there.

At night, Shicun once again held a bonfire party to celebrate the changes and prosperity of Shicun.

Chi Cang took matters into his own hands, took out Qiongqi's hind legs and the wings of the Sky-Swallowing Bird, and used the new electric grilling method to make a delicious meal.

A group of ancient relics stayed aside and watched the whole process. They were a little frightened because they were all shocked by the blazing thunder. Seeing the flesh and blood of the two beasts glowing with fragrance under the lightning would always make them frightened. Generate some bad associations.

Later, Chi Cang refined the murderous intent and harmful substances in the flesh and blood of the Beast Lord, leaving a corresponding level of essence and distributing it to everyone according to the range that everyone could bear.

The beast kings were also given some, and they were all flattered. They didn't expect that following the big boss, the benefits would come so quickly. Previously, who could have thought that they would be able to eat the beast king's meat in their lifetime?

The people in the village toasted to each other and ate the fragrant roasted wings and roasted Qiongqi legs. Their whole bodies were warm, and their essence would leak out every time they opened their mouths.

The flesh and blood of the Beast Lord is no joke, even those extremely powerful ancient countries did not have such an opportunity.

Shi Hao enjoyed eating the most. He had just revived the Supreme Bone, and his body was like a bottomless pit. He needed all kinds of supplements. Although he was small, his belly was not small at all. He ate as much beast meat as a hill in a row, which made him feel uncomfortable. People were stunned and couldn't help but worry whether he would burst his belly.

Finally, Shi Hao couldn't eat anymore. He opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of essence. He quickly stretched out his little hand to cover his mouth to prevent the essence from leaking out.

At this moment, he felt that his whole body was heating up, his skin was shining brightly, and his blood was flowing very fast, especially the bone in his chest, which was like the sun. Densely packed runes emerged, and the sound of chanting could be heard from time to time.

Upon seeing this, Chi Cang immediately took action to seal the void near Shi Hao, preventing the fluctuations emanating from the Supreme Bone from spreading. At the same time, he passed the method of cultivation and inheritance into Shi Hao's mind in the form of the sound of the great avenue, allowing him to take advantage of it. Taking this opportunity, he achieved the Blood Moving Realm in one fell swoop.

Shi Hao covered his mouth, his cheeks were bulging and flushed, and he looked very cute. Hearing Chi Cang's instructions, he nodded and did not dare to delay. He sat cross-legged on the spot and followed the practice method to condense the runes and combine them with the blood. , transformed into Shen Xi, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth.

The void shook, the earth trembled slightly, and a future young supreme entered the path of spiritual practice and began his evolutionary journey that was destined to be brilliant.

He is really extraordinary. Just practicing in the blood-moving realm has caused such a big commotion. If it weren't for Chi Cang suppressing the world, it would have been even more exaggerated.

The ancient relics were astonished by the performance of this little one. They were far inferior to them at the same level back then. If they had to compare, this little one could definitely stand shoulder to shoulder with pure-blooded heaven-level ferocious beast cubs. It was terrifyingly powerful and had unparalleled potential.

That strange bone made all the beast kings feel terrified. The law contained in it was undoubtedly a taboo and would become the owner's greatest reliance.

Soon, under the favorable circumstances, Shi Hao completed the practice of moving the blood. He condensed Shen Xi in his blood, and his strength increased a lot, like a young true dragon. The small body contains a vast ocean of divine energy.

The bodies of the major beast kings also glowed, and their harvests were astonishing. They wolfed down the beasts and couldn't finish their food. If they could eat the beast king's barbecue regularly, it would not be impossible to make further progress.

Other people in the village also experienced breakthroughs. Even if they did not enter the path of spiritual practice, their physical fitness also improved.

The old patriarch Shi Yunfeng only felt numbness and itching in his chest. The hidden illness left behind when he entered the Shenzang Secret Cave was actually beginning to ease. The pain that had haunted him for many years was slowly leaving.

Chi Cang took action, and runes flew out from his fingers and rushed into Shi Yunfeng's chest, helping him to transform the beast's physical divinity while also resolving the stubborn disease.

The rays of light gushed out, and the old patriarch's body overflowed with a mysterious brilliance.


Finally, a stream of gray haze erupted from the old patriarch's mouth, making a chirping sound in the air, and slowly dissipated, and his old disease was eradicated.

Immediately afterwards, vitality emerged, and the divine essence was brilliant, nourishing Shi Yunfeng's withered flesh and blood, helping him heal his scars, making him quickly become stronger from his weak state.

"My injury is healed." The old patriarch was so excited that he couldn't help crying. He seemed to be twenty years younger. His body was full of power. He was transformed by Shen Xi and automatically took over the creation of heaven and earth. You must know that he was also in the cave heaven realm back then. A master of martial arts, if he hadn't been plagued by stubborn illnesses, he would never have aged like this.

"Great, the patriarch's injury has recovered."

The clan members were overjoyed, and the atmosphere of the bonfire party became even more lively. This night was destined to be anything but peaceful.

Unknowingly, the relics and the children became one with each other. In comparison, children were much easier to get along with than adults, because they were not in awe of the relics because of their identities and origins, and were very naive.

Shi Hao even gave nicknames to a group of ancient relics.

"If the cow is red, let's call you Red Bull. If the little monkey is black, let's call it Xiaohei. If the monkey is golden, let's call it Dajin."

Lihuo Niu Mo is very satisfied with his nickname, because it sounds very energetic.

The Demon Ape and Old Suan Ni rolled their eyes. What are these names? Isn't it too easy to start with your heart?

The demon ape frowned, why can the bull demon be called a red bull because it is red, but it has a "small" prefix? No matter what, it has to be called Black Monkey, right?

When he came to the golden lion, red dragon and thunder sparrow, Shi Hao paused and let the three relics look forward to it for a moment, thinking that Shi Hao could come up with a nice name. As a result, when Shi Hao said it, the three beasts were almost killed. Thunderous.

"The little lion is also golden, so let's call it Erjin...well...little dragon...little bird..."

Except for the Bull Demon, all the remaining species were dissatisfied with their names. They wanted to protest, but considering that they had just arrived and were unfamiliar with the place, it was better to keep a low profile, so they could only accept their fate.

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