The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 28 Night Attack on Stone Village

Nong Liqing came to a forbidden place. This is the place where Nong village worships spirits and practices. People are not allowed to approach it at ordinary times. If they approach rashly, they will be considered to have evil intentions and be killed.

A giant silver-white wolf quietly listened to Niaoliqing's description and carried him deep into the forbidden area.

They stopped in front of an altar made of snow-white animal bones.

On the altar, there is an old wolf with its eyes closed, practicing. It is only more than two meters long, with two wings on its back. Its tawny fur is very shiny, but it looks very old, and its wolf face is full of wrinkles. .

This is an extremely rare beast, and it is rare for one to appear among countless wolves. At this moment, its body is flashing with primitive runes. It is very powerful, and the energy it exudes makes Ni Liqing feel frightened.

He carefully told everything he knew, and then quietly waited for Lao Ao's response.

Not long after, the old man opened his eyes, and the light flashed, full of cruelty and cunning.

It slowly stood up and expressed its attitude towards this matter. Obviously, Lao Yi was very interested in the reasons why the Shicun people became stronger. Its current cultivation had just reached the bottleneck period, and it was eager to make a breakthrough. Therefore, Lao Yi decided You have to go to Shicun to find out for yourself.

However, with its cunning, it is naturally impossible to kill it directly and recklessly.

On the Shi Village side, Shi Hao and others repelled the invaders from Yong Village and were discussing this matter.

"Although Shicun and Yaocun are both human races in the same mountains, the lessons of the past are enough to attract our attention."

"Yes, the people in Yao Village are vicious. My fathers were attacked by them once. The sacrifice spirit at that time was not the Willow God. That time, several people died in the village. This was a blood debt. I think it would be better to fight another day. Yes, I’ll go find them today to figure it out.”

The old patriarch frowned and pondered. With the current background of Shicun, Yongcun is nothing at all and can be completely ignored. However, it is not a wise move to leave such a thorn in one's side. What if the vicious Yongcun people attack Shicun's people outside Women and children, that would be a disaster.

Besides, Shicun and Yaocun already had blood debts, but now that they have strength, they naturally have to settle the matter.

He was about to make the decision to go to Gongcun, but before he could say anything, the ground outside shook.

Everyone quickly went out to check.

I saw a large number of giant wolves with black backs and white bellies appearing in the mountains and forests in the distance. Each one was as big as a house, with its mouth wide open. Its fangs were more than half a foot long. They were snow-white and fierce, paired with the scarlet red color. His tongue looked extremely ferocious.

"So many mutant giant wolves? It must have been summoned by the old man from the village to grab food."

"Not necessarily. Lao Ao is cunning and may have other purposes. The strength of our village has greatly increased and the people of Ao Village have seen it. This Lao Ao is probably suspicious and has some ideas about this." Shi Yunfeng said thoughtfully.

"Haha, come here, our village is now the safest place in the wilderness." Shi Feijiao said with a smile.

Everyone else also smiled. If Lao Nong really had thoughts about Shi Cun, he would be asking for his own death.

The giant wolf charged and brought up a hurricane. It looked very scary. Its bloody mouth could swallow an adult in one bite.

However, Ishimura has changed his mind and is not afraid of these ferocious beasts at all.

The men came forward with broad swords, dragon horn bows, etc., and Shi Hao was among them. Although he was small, he was powerful and could use bone inscriptions skillfully. He beat the giant wolf and howled in agony.

After a while, the group of giant wolves were defeated, leaving wolf corpses on the ground, and the remaining few fled in panic.

In the distant mountain forest, Lao Hao was sitting on the back of the giant silver-white wolf, his eyes calm, staring closely at the charred willow tree in the stone village. It was the creature it was most afraid of, and it could not see through the depth at all.

It silently weighed it in its mind and decided that the risk of breaking into Stone Village was too great and not worth it.

Later, Lao Nian looked at the stone house outside Shicun. According to Nian Liqing, the people of Shicun built this stone house most likely to store good things, and it might contain the secret of their becoming stronger. .

It silently observed the big stone house, sensing the fluctuations inside. After a while, Lao Nian showed a surprised look, and it actually sensed strange fluctuations, much like the aura of a powerful ancient relic.

What does this mean? The people in Shicun may have been really lucky. They picked up the corpse of an ancient relic and ate its flesh and blood, which made them stronger.

Thinking of this, Lao Nong's heart was beating fast. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If it could grab the body of the ancient relic, it would definitely be able to reach a higher level.

It suppressed its excitement and observed it carefully. The newly built huge stone house was far away from the willow tree and it was worth taking a risk.

Next, Lao Nian commanded the giant wolf to launch several attacks, all directed at the dried meat, trying to confuse the people of Shicun and attacking in the east and west. It was born to be wary of cunning, and these actions and considerations were almost instinctive.

Time flew by, and in a blink of an eye, it was night.

Today's night is very dark, with lingering black clouds lingering in the sky. The Willow God is in retreat, and knowing that Chi Cang is there, nothing will happen to the village. Therefore, at night, the willow stick is no longer as sacred as it used to be. The entire Shicun fell into darkness.

Lao Nong looked at the sky, then at the silent and dark willow trees, and called God to help me.

It flapped its wings, flew through the air at high speed, and quickly approached Shicun.

Chi Cang, who was sitting cross-legged under the willow tree, opened his eyes, but immediately closed them again, turning a deaf ear to Lao Ao who flew over sneakily, because he saw that Lao Ao's target was the resting place of the ancient relics. There was a huge stone house, and with those ferocious ancient relics there, there was no need for him to take action.

Lao Nian sneaked in very smoothly. There was no sound in Shicun. You could even hear the sound of people sleeping soundly in Shicun. The willow tree did not respond and remained motionless.

It was a little excited, feeling that success was close at hand.

Finally, Lao Nian came outside the big stone house. After arriving here, the aura of the ancient relics became stronger. He was overjoyed and was sure that there were ancient relics inside.

So, Lao Nian couldn't wait to step forward, gently opened the door, and got in through the gap that appeared.

Unexpectedly, the imagined corpse of the ancient relic did not appear, but there were quite a few living ancient relics, six in total. They were all practicing there, and their bodies were glowing with precious light. Their aura was so terrifying that they almost melted them. .

Lao Nian was shocked: "???"

Its brain was a little blank and it didn't react for a while. What was going on? Isn't it an illusion?

Wiping his eyes, Lao Ao glanced around and found that these ancient relics had not disappeared, but were still there, and they were all staring at it with interest.

In an instant, a stream of cold air rose from Naojiao to Tianling Gai, and then sank from Tianling Gai to Naozu. His whole body was stiff and trembling.

"Hug...Sorry, I went to the wrong place."

After sending out his spiritual thoughts, Lao Nian turned around stiffly and tried to get through.

At this time, a word came, which made his heart feel cold.

"You're here, come and sit."

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