The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 29 Combination of Ancient Dharma and Modern Dharma

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The ancient relic spoke and asked him to go over and sit down.

what to do?

Lao Nian is about to cry but has no tears. How could such a mysterious thing happen? A small stone house actually hides six extremely powerful ancient relics. If you don't want to dominate the wilderness, why would you build a stone house next to a stone village and sit around in it? What about this party?

Such an outrageous thing, even if you want to break your scalp, you can't expect it!


It reflected in its heart, secretly scolding itself for being eager to break through the situation and losing its sense of proportion, and then took the initiative to walk into this abyss of hell.

It's a small stone house. It's easy to get in but difficult to get out.

Lao Nong's heart gradually sank to the bottom of the sea, his eyes were filled with sadness and anger, and he was a little desperate. I was afraid he would have to confess here today.

At this moment, it really wanted to strangle Yao Liqing to death and plot something like Shi Cun, but he couldn't think of it.

Just as Lao Ao's brain was spinning rapidly, a big furry hand came to his shoulder, almost paralyzing Lao Ao to the ground.

It was the demon ape that came. It put its arm on Lao Ni's shoulder, and moved its dark face close to Lao Ni's head. Lao Ni could clearly hear the demon ape's breathing, which was like thunder, deafening and frightening. It shivered.

The two beasts were very close to each other, with their arms around each other. If an outsider looked at them, they would definitely think that they were two good brothers with a close relationship.

Lao Nong recognized it at a glance as a demon ape. It was a tyrant in the wilderness. It was extremely powerful and had a frightening hobby - it loved to eat the brains of ferocious beasts.

As soon as he thought of this, the black claw of the beast touched Nong's head with familiarity, touching again and again on Lao Nong's Tianling Cap, as if looking for a suitable position for the craniotomy.

This was so frightening that Lao Nian almost fainted. He only felt that the Tianling Gai was filled with cold air, and he might not know when it would be opened with a "snap".

"Let's go, little Aangao." The demon ape said, with a lot of resentment in his eyes, as if he was a little dissatisfied with his nickname of Xiaohei.

Lao Bao's calves were trembling, and he was lifted directly into the air by the demon ape, with all his feet off the ground, like a little chicken.

Turning around, it saw this horrifying scene again.

In the gleaming, slightly dim stone house, the Golden Suan Ni, the Golden-haired Lion, the Lihuo Bull Demon, the Thunder Bird, and the Red Jiao were all smiling and looking at Lao Hao.

Originally, a smile was the best way to express goodwill, but when it was applied to these terrifying ancient relics, it seemed a little weird.

Lao Nian only felt his scalp numb and wanted to scream, but he didn't dare. It was true that the sky was not responding and the earth was not working.

"My life is at risk!"

Qing Leng, who was dozens of miles away in Nongli, suddenly sneezed. He waited for a long time at the intersection where Lao Nong left, but never saw his return.

Could there be any accident?

Or is it that Lao Yao got the body of an ancient relic and wanted to enjoy it alone, so he abandoned Yao Village?


Wei Liqing clearly understands the virtue of offering sacrifices to his family's spirits, and he is a Wei.

"If you really do this, I will curse you even if you are a sacrificial spirit."

Under the willow tree, Chi Cang silently understood the Dharma of this world. For him at this moment, this was a brand new path.

Compared with the awakened immortal ancient method, the method of this life is different in the way of unlocking the treasures of the physical body. The emphasis between the two is different. Therefore, after practicing the ancient method of immortality to the extreme, it seems to be flawless, but in this world From a Dharma perspective, the treasures in some places within the body may not be fully opened.

The reverse is the same.

Chi Cang has advanced to the blood-moving realm for many days, which is equivalent to cultivating this realm to the extreme from the perspective of this world's laws.

The effect was very obvious. He could clearly feel that some places not touched by the Immortal Ancient Law were opened by the Modern Law, and unprecedented secret power emerged. This was undoubtedly an enhancement for Chi Cang.

At this point, if you want to continue moving forward, you need to make groundbreaking breakthroughs. Otherwise, you will have to advance to the next level - Cave Heaven.

However, based on Chi Cang's understanding of the path of evolution, the Blood Moving Realm should not be just that, there are more places that can be explored.

"If you are an ordinary genius who wants to make a difference after reaching the extreme level of blood moving realm, you need at least a kind of sacred blood to baptize and transform.

One of the Ten Evils, the Sky-horned Ant's extremely powerful blood, the true dragon's heart blood, the true phoenix's immortal blood... are all excellent tools to break the shackles of blood.

Unfortunately, it is currently unavailable. "Chi Cang said to himself, he was thinking about his journey of bloodshed and how to move forward.

In fact, he himself is one of the Ten Evils, and has been infinitely close to the king's realm. The power of his bloodline is astonishing, and it is also a kind of sacred blood.

Today's Chi Cang is based on this foundation and has cultivated the blood-moving state to the extreme. If compared with others, his blood-moving state is more than a little bit stronger, it is as good as heaven and earth.

However, this level is not enough. He wants to break through himself and open up a new world.

Can the two methods be combined? Although they coexist in Chi Cang's body now, there are no sparks, which shows that there is still room and possibility for moving blood.

Chi Cang stared at himself. At this time, the blood all over his body had condensed into brilliant rays of divine light, constantly absorbing the creation of heaven and earth, and occasionally flashing arcs of electricity.

They turn into cauldrons, bells, and swords for a while. They are ever-changing and release one kind of magical power after another.

This is the characteristic of the blood-moving realm. The blood is combined with the runes and turns into divine light, taking over the power of heaven and earth.

Looking at the magnificent Shen Xi, and then at the ancient thunder pool floating on his chest, some thoughts gradually came to Chi Cang's mind.

He closed his eyes, and a terrifying aura emanated from his whole body, freezing the space within a foot around him. Powerful runes flew out one after another, imprinted in the void, fixing the heaven and earth, and turning them into eternity.

This is to seal this place and suppress any possible anomalies.

After doing all this, Chi Cang was about to start. He was making an extremely risky attempt. The first step of this attempt was to turn all the blood Shen Xi in his body into a primitive thunder pool.

The thunder pool floating on his chest is a supreme immortal seed, which Chi Cang relies on to practice the ancient immortal method. It is born from heaven and earth. It contains amazing thunder liquid and possesses unimaginable divine essence. A creature like Liu Shen can gain a lot from it, which shows how defiant it is.

The reason why the pool of thunder liquid can never be used up and the energy is continuously produced is because of an original symbol at the bottom of the thunder pool. It is the source of everything and the initial birthplace of the power of thunder. , symbolizing the beginning of thunder.

Even Chi Cang, who controls the thunder pool, has not fully understood it.

He, who was known as the Ten Evils in the Immortal Ancient Era, mostly relied on the original symbol to control the way of thunder. He was born close to thunder, so he could use the original symbol at the bottom of the thunder pool to a small extent. Others could not do it at all. Naturally, he cannot control the thunder pool like him, so he is called the Thunder Emperor.

In the eyes of outsiders, he controls the thunder pool, presides over killings, and is known as the punishment on behalf of heaven. He is the embodiment of heaven's will, but in fact, he has not really achieved this step yet.

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