The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 30 The Forbidden Road

How can the true will of heaven be so easy to control? If he really achieves the punishment of Dai Tian, ​​who can defeat him?

Although the current Chi Cang has not recovered the memory of his previous life, but has only revived a part of the Tao Fruit of his previous life, he knows enough about his own seeds. After all, he has experienced Hedao and is already one.

Because of this, Lei Chi never left during his lost years.

In any case, what is gone is gone, and the past cannot be repeated. Cherishing the present is the most important thing to do.

This time, Chi Cang was determined to truly analyze the original symbol and completely master its secrets.

In his heyday before losing his memory, he practiced the Immortal Ancient Dharma and failed to achieve it. Now, while practicing the Immortal Ancient Dharma and combining it with the Dharma of this world, it may be an opportunity.

Everything starts with blood removal.

He took a deep breath, mobilized the blood Shen Xi in his body, and began an unprecedented attempt.

You must know that the thunder pool is no better than a tripod, a bell, or a sword. It is born from heaven and earth. It is a thing that goes against heaven. It should not appear in the world. Throughout the ages, it has only manifested in the most powerful catastrophes.

Now, God knows what the consequences will be if every piece of blood Shen Xi is turned into such a heaven-defying thing.

Chi Cang didn't know either, but he was determined to make a breakthrough, combine the two systems, and embark on a path to the sky.


The void was shaking, and even if Chi Cang sealed the surrounding world in advance, he could not isolate this movement.

The runes previously arranged have begun to fall apart, and there is an inexplicable order that is disintegrating it.

This has just begun. Just the general form of the thunder pool has such a violent reaction. It is hard to imagine what it will be like when it actually manifests.

Chi Cang knew that he could no longer stay in Stone Village. He stopped practicing. The runes of the avenue were everywhere under his feet. He took one step forward, and in a blink of an eye, he had reached the depths of the wilderness.

Here, he can break through without any scruples, without having to worry about anything.


A wave of heaven-destroying waves erupted, all because Chi Cang was manifesting the ancient patterns on the outside of the thunder pool.

Thunder pools are also divided into types and strengths. Generally, thunder pools can only be seen to be made of ancient rocks. There are no lines on the surface at all, and there are no original symbols representing the beginning of the thunder path inside.

Most of them contain the supreme brand, such as the true dragon brand, the true phoenix brand, etc., which are the life marks of the most powerful races. Such races have survived the strongest tribulations. If they can encounter the thunder pool, the life mark may be What was engraved at that time was eventually warmed and nurtured in the thunder pond. If there was a chance to obtain it, it would be possible to evolve into the most powerful race.

Chicang's thunder pool is unique. You can see its extraordinaryness just from the surface. The original lines seem to contain the origin of life, giving people a sense of vitality.

At this moment, Chi Cang worked hard to move his blood Shen Xi closer to the thunder pool in his body.

However, this approach seemed to have touched some kind of taboo, which was not allowed by the rules of heaven and earth. Many lines appeared and disappeared inexplicably. No matter how hard he tried, he could not retain them.

Moreover, there were strange thunderbolts shooting down from above, all appearing out of thin air. It was obviously a clear sky without a single dark cloud, but there was lightning flashing across the sky, which was horrifying.

Chi Cang did not believe in evil, and still tried, manifesting it over and over again, but unfortunately they all failed. The pattern could not be preserved, as if only the thunder pool born from heaven and earth could do it.

However, so many attempts were not in vain. Chi Cang discovered that the blood-moving realm that had reached its ultimate level was on the rise.

At the same time, his blood was tainted with an inexplicable aura, high and far, far and deep, simple, mysterious, and indescribable. It seemed to be the end of everything and the origin of everything in the world.

Chi Cang was shocked. He didn't expect such a sudden change to occur. What was the origin of his thunder pool? The thunder liquid in it is full of vitality, and the source is endless. In the way of thunder, the most precious thing is vitality.

He kept trying, again and again.

During this process, the strange thunder became even more violent, and thousands of strands of lightning struck down, drowning the sky.

Under his urging, the thunder pool glowed and erupted with terrifying suction power, swallowing up all the thunder without leaving a trace behind.

Compared with others, Chi Cang has a huge advantage. With this thunder pool, it is difficult for Lei Ting to get close to him. Even if he gets close, he is not afraid. He is born to be Lei Ting's favorite.

I don’t know how many times I tried, but finally there were some raised marks on the surface of the thunder pool formed by the blood Shenxi. It could be vaguely seen that they were some intermittent lines. They seemed simple, but they contained complicated and profound principles and principles. Moreover, the changes are endless, and it may be difficult for a person to study it thoroughly throughout his life, which explains what it means to be simple.


The blazing blood vibrates and boils, and the power it erupts is as vast as the ocean. The energy and blood alone can make the world pale.

This road is so astonishing. The blood-moving methods of this world and the thunder pond fairy seeds of ancient methods have created a forbidden road.

You can tell how terrifying this road is from the thunder in the sky. The entire wilderness has been affected, and the thunder light pours out, as if there is a sea of ​​thunder knocking down.

The sky is howling, and the rules of order are roaring.

All the creatures were trembling, fearful of this glorious power.

In Stone Village, in the big stone house, the ancient relics' eyes widened, their bodies trembled, and their souls trembled uncontrollably.

The old man lying on the ground beside him was already out of shape and trembling, but he was moved to tears because the nightmare was temporarily over.

The willow trees outside seemed to sense something and lit up again. The tender green branches once again released a soft halo, spreading throughout the village and guarding the place.

The people who were awakened walked out of the stone house, saw the thunder in the sky, and saw the sacred willow tree. They immediately understood that the willow god protected the stone village, and they were all grateful.

"Where's Uncle Chicang?" Shi Hao was confused and looked everywhere, but couldn't find him.


The old patriarch Shi Yunfeng whispered, remembering the night before he discovered Chi Cang, that time, the thunder roared for a whole night.

Is it also because of Chi Cang this time?

The terrifying thunder raged all night long, and then slowly receded at dawn.

Chi Cang finished his practice and was in high spirits. He had an indescribable temperament all over his body, which was ethereal, lofty, and majestic.

He successfully carved some of the lines of the thunder pool. Although it was still intermittent, it was much better than the previous inexplicable disappearance.

Thanks to this, the Blood Moving Realm began to move forward again, truly breaking through the limit and rebuilding the world.

However, the practice is far from over. If you want to truly turn the Blood Divine Aura into a thunder pool, it will be extremely difficult and cannot be accomplished in a day.

Moreover, the obstacles will become more and more terrifying. Even if he is Lei Dao's favorite, he will inevitably be robbed, and greater challenges are yet to come.

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