The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 31 Spiritual Planting Garden

Chi Cang returned to Shicun, and the people here had no sleep all night, because it was difficult for everyone to associate the wrath of the sky with Chi Cang and him.

However, no one asked what was going on. Everyone had their own secrets, especially a strong man like Chi Cang.

He came under the willow tree, sat cross-legged quietly, and silently realized the mystery of the combination of blood-moving and ancient immortal methods. This was destined to be a long process and could not be accomplished overnight.

The way of cultivation is about one step at a time, and Chi Cang is not in a hurry. He decides to continue to manifest the thunder pool after night falls every day, and return to Shicun at dawn to sum up the harvest.

At this time, the ancient relics in the stone house came out. One by one, they stretched and moved their bodies. Their bones clicked and their muscles were majestic and powerful. They were all vigorous and fierce.

They ate the flesh and blood of the Venerable and grew to a greater or lesser extent, becoming stronger than their original selves.

The people in Shicun also started a busy day.

They don't have to worry about food at all now. The wave of ferocious beasts they killed during the last time Chi Cang broke through and moved blood was enough for the whole village to feed them for ten or eight years. This is in sharp contrast to the Ao Village next door, which can't open the pot.

However, although there is plenty of food and there is no need to worry, the people of Shicun are not idle. The old patriarch Shi Yunfeng called on everyone to maintain their original aspirations, be prepared for danger in times of peace, and not be lazy.

Everything they have now is basically brought by Chi Cang. One day he will leave. What they should do is to train the next generation well, pass on the hard work and bravery, and pass the fire from generation to generation.

They dug out the ancient books left behind by their ancestors, and based on the plants beneficial to the human body recorded in them, they prepared to reclaim wasteland and plant a spiritual plant garden.

There is plenty of meat, and plants should also keep up, so that we can develop in a balanced way.

Before that, they consulted Chi Cang and asked for his opinion. Chi Cang naturally agreed with this. A person's cultivation path cannot be separated from the assistance of elixirs and animals. Among them, elixirs have an important role that cannot be ignored. effect.

If Shicun planted a spiritual plant garden, there would be many benefits. Besides, there would be no need to hunt. People in Shicun couldn't do nothing and just sit in the village and eat nothing, right?

"Before we open up the Lingzhi Garden, we have to solve the problem in Yongcun first." Shilinhu said. Yesterday, the sacrifice to the spirits of Yongcun summoned many giant wolves and attacked Shicun several times. This is undoubtedly a provocation. , with Shi Cun's current strength, it is naturally impossible to swallow his anger.

"Well, if we don't solve it for one day, it will be like there is a thorn hanging by the side, which may prick us at any time." Shi Yunfeng nodded.

Just as they were counting their people and preparing to go to Yao Village for liquidation, a bloody thing flew over and landed at everyone's feet.

People were slightly startled and backed away.

"What is this? A ball of meat?"

The people in the hunting team were extremely surprised. They could no longer tell what shape it was, but it was still moving, and it was obviously not dead.

"Huh? It seems... that old guy from Nong Village!" The Stone Forest Tiger has rich hunting experience and has seen countless ferocious beasts, and he quickly identified Meat Ball's identity.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in shock. They were about to go to the village to settle accounts with this old beast, but now, it had been beaten into a state of disgrace.

They looked at the demon ape one after another, because it was the one who threw it.

After some communication, people learned that it turned out that this old man sneaked into the stone house where the ancient relics rested last night and stayed there for a full night...

Looking at the "honest" demon ape, the "kind" golden lion, the "harmless" Lihuo Bull Demon, the red dragon, the thunder bird, and the "weak" old Suan Ni, everyone couldn't help but give a slap Chills.

This old bastard was originally known for his cunning and cunning, but now, his cleverness was mistaken for his cleverness, and he stumbled into the hell on earth.

"It must have spent an unforgettable night." Shi Feijiao said suddenly.

Lao Nong, who was still conscious, suddenly felt sad and couldn't help feeling sad. It was indeed unforgettable. He had never suffered such a crime in his life.

Finally, Lao Ao was let go, and he was "told" to clean up the house on his own. If anyone from Ao Village made trouble again, his life would be in danger.

Everyone was not worried that Lao Ao would run away, because the six ancient relic species all left their own "small marks" on Lao Ao's body, making him unable to run away.

Lao Nong cried and left. This experience left so much psychological trauma to him that he may have to live in the shadows for the rest of his life.

In Yongcun, the spirit of the deceased did not return all night, and the whole village was in panic. They didn't know what happened to it. The people they sent came back and told them that Shicun was very peaceful, as if nothing had happened.

Everything seems so weird.

Finally, a wolf howl came from the distance. It was the silver-white giant wolf next to Lao Nang. He carried the lost Lao Nang back in despair.

"Sacrificial Spirit, what's wrong with you?" Nian Liqing hurriedly ran over to ask about the situation.

Lao Nian shook his head and told Nian Liqing to let him and several tribesmen go to the forbidden area to meet it. He had important things to "instruct" them.

Shi Cun, the plan to build the Spiritual Plant Garden still requires a lot of preparation work. These things will be completed entirely by the people of Shi Cun themselves. Chi Cang will not interfere. He needs to focus on cultivation now.

As for the six ancient relics, they tried their best to help Shicun. With them here, nothing would be a problem.

Shi Yunfeng picked an open area and decided to open up here.

The men were ready to work aggressively to treat the land here. As a result, the Lihuo Bull Demon went directly into battle and plowed the hard ground until it was soft and soft. The people in Shicun were stunned.

"What a fierce Red Bull."

Hearing the praises from the Shicun people, the other ancient relics felt sour and took action one after another, not to be outdone.

The thunder bird brought the spiritual seeds needed by the people of Shicun from the sky and sprinkled them into the plowed soil. The red dragon brought fertile river mud from the bottom of the river and covered it. The devil ape built a tall tower not far away from the surrounding area. On the fence, golden-haired lions and golden swans swallowed a belly of elixir from nowhere, and stood on both sides puffing out clouds and mist, making the place extraordinary and hazy.

Even if you stand outside and take a breath, you can smell the fragrance of the elixir.

The people of Shicun were in a daze. With these ancient relics here, it had nothing to do with them.

"Perhaps... we can build a super tribe." The energetic man said with great ambitions.

As a result, the patriarch Shi Yunfeng shook his head. He knew that these ancient relics served Chi Cang and could not be said to be loyal at all now. They could not be blinded by the temporary scene.

Besides, there is nothing wrong with Stone Village. Everyone loves each other and is like a family. If a super large tribe is built, class stratification will occur. Where there are classes, there will be struggle. At that time, it will be impossible to return to the original warm little village. It's possible.

There was a transition in the front that I didn't write well, which was the change in the ancient method of Chi Cang's Resurrection. I recently changed it.

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