The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 32 Original solution

"Once upon a time, our ancestors were so powerful that only a few of them went out and established an ancient country.

This is the ancestral land, and it is destined to leave behind terrifying bone inscriptions and inheritance. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, everything has disappeared in the years. I don’t want Shicun to be tainted with interests, rights, desires, etc.

There is no eternal glory, and there is no immortal inheritance. The plainness is the truth. Our Stone Village will always be just Stone Village. "

The words of the patriarch alerted the people who were immersed in the powerful power of the ancient relics. They fell into deep thought and soon realized this.

The reason why Shicun is a harbor in everyone's hearts and a place of spiritual sustenance is because there is no class division like in the tribe. Everyone is equal, loves each other, and is a family.

If a large tribe is established, the village expands, the number of people increases dramatically, and there is a distinction between high and low, will it still be the same as before?

They couldn't help but think of the couple from the vast ancient country established by the ancestors of the Stone Clan. More than two years ago, they came to the Stone Clan's ancestral land with a shrunken baby in their arms to seek a way to save the baby. Unfortunately, in the end, they returned disappointed.

That baby was none other than Shi Hao. His Supreme Bone was taken away by his cousin of the same race, and he endured such great suffering at a young age.

If he had been born in Shicun, even if he had two or three Supreme Bones, no one would think of digging up the bones cruelly. They would only be happy for him and give him any good things first.

Thinking of this, everyone shuddered. Compared with the tribes and ancient countries that were fighting endlessly, the village was better. The old patriarch was right, plain and simple was the truth.

"Yes, I like the current village. It's so carefree."

"Well, Ishimura will always be Ishimura."

Time passed, and several months passed by in a flash. During this period, Chi Cang had revealed most of the patterns on the surface of the thunder pool, and his blood Shen Xi looked like a lifelike thunder pool.

This form is a taboo. Chi Cang is able to manifest it entirely due to his control over the way of thunder. If it were another person, he would not be able to reach this step anyway.

In the past few months, the tribulations and punishments he has faced have become more and more terrifying day by day. In recent days, the role of the thunder pool has reached its peak, and a terrible rule and order has descended, imprisoning the power of the thunder pool.

At this time, Chi Cang can only rely on himself. Fortunately, he was born as the darling of thunder, and his talent for wielding thunder and controlling lightning is unparalleled. However, this ability to resist has its limits. When the punishment is too strong, even he They will also be robbed.

However, Chi Cang does not intend to give up. The more dangerous it is, the more it proves that this path is correct. He will continue to walk until he succeeds.

Stone Village continues to thrive, with adults going from strength to strength and children with a solid foundation going beyond before.

Especially Shi Hao, there was still a lot of meat from the beast master that was grilled last time. He ate it often and it was difficult for him not to become stronger. Under Chi Cang's teachings, he could already weigh 70,000 kilograms with one arm.

In addition, he was allowed to practice and study the treasures of the six ancient relics, and even Chi Cang's thunder method was taught to him. To put it bluntly, Shi Hao's current salary is not as good as those in the upper world. The strongest successor cultivated by the force is worse, or even better.

Although the rules of heaven and earth in the lower realm are not complete, and the overall strength of the monks is far weaker than that in the upper realm at the same level, but with Shi Hao's current achievements, he is no longer weaker than the successors of the great sect in the upper realm at the same age. If he is in The upper realm will definitely be even more amazing.

Shi Hao himself worked very hard. He did not forget Chi Cang's words, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. He always maintained an open mind, devoted himself to studying bone inscriptions and exercising his body.

In the path of cultivating Taoism, his talent is really strong. After he has a better foundation, he can often draw inferences from one instance to another, and his understanding is astonishingly high.

However, Shi Hao, who is not yet four years old, is still essentially a child, with a childlike innocence, loves to play, and still has a soft spot for animal milk.

The six ancient relics often found various kinds of animal milk to cook for him, which really gave Shi Hao a real treat.

Whenever the children in the village saw the demon apes squatting on the ground in a circle, they knew they were making animal milk for Shi Hao, and they all laughed at him for not growing up.

Shi Hao wasn't angry either, he just smiled innocently.

During this period, he lived a really happy life, tasted delicious animal milk, and traveled all over the wilderness. Many people from large tribes saw a porcelain doll on the back of the ancient relic from a distance, and thought it was the god of some powerful ancient country. The proud man is practicing.

The children in the village were also very wild. They followed him and the ancient relics around and had a great time playing every day.

Over the course of a few months, the wildness of the ancient relics gradually faded away, and they gradually accepted titles such as Xiao Hei, Da Jin, and Er Jin. They became very familiar with a group of children and were almost inseparable.

Chi Cang doesn't care about them, it's a good sign that they are getting together.

At this time, Chi Cang was holding a piece of bone, staring at it with deep eyes. The bone was white and lustrous, like a piece of palm-sized suet jade. It was indescribably crystal clear, white and translucent.

Although it is not big, the bones are engraved with densely packed symbols that are innumerable. They are faint and indistinct, as if the chanting sounds of the gods and demons are coming out, shocking people's hearts. Those who are not deep in Taoism will definitely be angry when they hear it. Blood surged.

This is the famous original true solution. Decades ago, it fell together with Liu Shen and was put away by the patriarch Shi Yunfeng. It has been kept in a corner and has never been taken out.

Because in the previous Shicun, no one could look at this bone. Anyone who looked at it would vomit blood. Looking too deeply would put their lives in danger.

The old patriarch knew how powerful Chi Cang was, so he took out this extraordinary bone and handed it to him.

Chi Cang has been looking at it for many days. The original true interpretation is indeed extraordinary. The white bones are densely covered with characters. It tells the original origin of the runes, explains the mystery of the so-called original treasure bones, and combines the ancient ferocious beasts and divine birds. All the strengths and weaknesses are annotated.

Starting from the most primitive place, it explains the most original mystery between heaven and earth. It is all-encompassing and can be called a supreme heavenly book.

In order to explain the runes from the most primitive perspective, the bones are also equipped with corresponding engravings. There are scenes of various powerful ancient beasts fighting gods. Whenever Chi Cang looks directly at it, he will feel a tragic aura. Coming at you.

The only pity is that the original true explanation does not record the shocking treasure technique, it is all about the understanding of runes and bone inscriptions.

It has unimaginable effects for those who have just entered the path of spiritual practice, but for Chi Cang, it can only be used as a reference.

He had a feeling that this bone was not finished. There should be a lower part. If it was a lower part, it might be of great use to his practice.

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