The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 47 The tide recedes

"Haha, sure enough, compared to Xiao Hao, you are far behind." Pihou, Dazhuang and other children from Shicun were so excited when they saw how powerful Shi Hao was and how he crushed the bloody dragon with just one hand. Call.

The adults in the village also nodded with satisfaction. The fact that Shicun was able to produce a child like this was a blessing gained through hundreds of generations of cultivation.

Looking at Jiao Peng, who had gray eyes and lost his soul, it was hard to believe that just now he was still a domineering and confident spiritual genius.

The middle-aged people in Luofu Daze couldn't bear to scold Jiao Peng anymore.

"There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. Our Luofu Daze looks very powerful, but in fact it is just a small place. Being king and hegemony there does not mean anything. Arrogance and arrogance will only lose sight. Let's go, a failure does not mean anything. It's over, and there are endless possibilities in the future." He could only comfort him like this.

From the level of the leaders of the major forces, it can be seen that Shi Hao did not use the power of the bone inscriptions at all, it was purely physical power.

They are both in the blood-moving realm, but the gap is so huge that it makes people feel horrified.

However, they were relieved when they thought of Chi Cang, the little red bird and all the ancient relics under the willow tree.

How can a child trained by a strong person not be strong? It's an absolute crush in every aspect.

Not to mention peers like Jiao Peng, even the few young people present who have entered the cave for the first time are probably no match for this child.

The middle-aged man took the lost Jiao Peng, took a few other children, said goodbye, and then walked away without looking back.

The same is true for several other large tribes. They never want to come here again. This village is too terrifying. Experiencing it once is the most terrifying nightmare in life. How can they want to come here a second time?

The next time I do it again, I'm afraid it won't be as simple as cutting off my hand.

Under the "concerned" gaze of the ancient relics, the powerful people fled away. When they even doubted whether they would reach halfway, those ancient relics would suddenly come over and kill them halfway. .

When everyone disappeared, the old man from Yuntian Palace also took the initiative to say goodbye and prepared to leave with the twin girls.

He is a very wise old man, who knows how to advance and retreat, and does not cling to others. He is even planning to tell the Yuntian Palace disciples never to set foot here again after returning.

In fact, Yuntian Palace can be regarded as a force that has nothing to do with the world. It is a reclusive family that lives on the top of a snow-capped mountain that is rarely visited. It has its own bottom line in how it behaves and knows how to survive.

Normally, many tribes and forces disdain the way Yuntian Palace behaves. They think that in a world where the jungle prevails, kindness is a joke. Who would have thought that they suffered a big loss because of this. In the end, only the old man of Yuntian Palace did not cut off his arm and remained intact. Lossless.

Chi Cang didn't say much and let the people from Yuntian Palace leave freely. Regarding the old man's promise not to disturb Shi Cun, he nodded.

This is a tacit understanding. Shicun is isolated from the world. Everyone likes this kind of living state and there is no need to have too much interaction with the outside world.

Of course, this does not mean that we must completely cut off contact and force Yuntian Palace to list Shicun as a forbidden area just like other forces.

For example, let’s take the scene happening right now.

The adults in Shicun liked the two cute twin sisters very much, especially the aunt in the village. They pinched the two little girls' beautiful faces again and again, just like the little girl pinched Shi Hao before.

"She looks so cute and is about the same age as our Xiaohao. From now on..." Pihou's mother seemed to have thought of something and said this.

However, he was pulled back by Pihou's father as soon as he was halfway through speaking.

"Xiao Hao is only four and a half years old, why are you talking about this?"

"Four and a half years old is not too young. According to the age at which men in the wilderness get married and have children, Xiao Hao is not even a few years old.

You see, they chatted a lot with Xiao Hao, so they might as well get married together in the future. "

The others heard it and laughed.

Shi Hao didn't understand anything. When he saw everyone laughing, he laughed too.

The two little girls knew more than Shi Hao, and their faces suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

The old man from Yuntian Palace couldn't stop coughing. Although this little kid is very powerful and has astonishing qualifications, it is impossible to marry his two beloved granddaughters at once. After all, who can say clearly what will happen in the future? To put it bluntly, he didn't want to have too much contact with Shi Cun.

He threw out a snow feather, which expanded in the void to a length of five or six meters. Then, he took the hands of his two granddaughters and flew up.

"Goodbye, Xiao Shihao, let's leave first. I'll see you another day!"

On the snow feathers, the little sisters who looked like elves waved their delicate little hands and said goodbye to Shi Hao and everyone in Shicun.

They have the same appearance, with fair skin and big, lively eyes. They are really beautiful and lovable.

Shi Hao nodded and waved.

"Yeah, goodbye, little sister, don't forget to bring sweet animal milk when you come again, such as snow leopard or something..." He shouted loudly.

Shi Cun suddenly heard joyful laughter, and a group of children booed and teased Shi Hao for not breastfeeding at the age of four.

The snow feathers were crystal clear and as light as nothing, carrying the people from Yuntian Palace away at high speed. At this point, all the big forces who came to Shicun had left, and the place had returned to its former purity.

Everyone was laughing, which made Shi Hao very embarrassed and his face turned red.

"Don't laugh, I just heard that the animal milk is very special and unique to the snow-capped mountains. I want to see what it's like. I really don't want to eat it." He explained there, but the animal milk at the corner of his mouth was not dry yet. The stains betrayed him, and they were getting darker and darker.

"We understand!"

"Yes, we all understand, haha!"

The Lihuo Bull Demon, Demon Ape, Golden Suan Ni, Golden Retriever Lion, etc. all remembered the names of the vicious snow beasts mentioned by Shi Hao, such as Snow Leopard, Ice Elephant, etc.

They all grinned. In this vast wilderness, there is no animal milk that they can't get, which is guaranteed to give Xiao Shi Hao a feast.

Forty thousand miles away from the Cangwu Mountains, there is a large tribe, known as the Golden Wolf. It has many buildings and a large population. It is a tribe with extremely powerful overall strength.

In the center of the tribe, stands a large golden tent belonging to the leader of the Golden Wolf tribe. It is embroidered with a golden wolf head, majestic and ferocious.

The leader of the Golden Wolf Tribe, who had cut off his arm, ran back with the others dejectedly. Since three mutated scale horses and dozens of scale horses were taken away by Shicun, they could only sit two or even three people on one horse. Scaled horse.

This scene was particularly miserable and shocked the Golden Wolf tribe. When the clan leader heard the information about Shicun, his expression was extremely solemn.

"It's really scary, Batu. You are lucky to be back. Even if you die there, your death will be in vain. It is very easy for the strong men in that village to destroy our Golden Wolf tribe.

From now on, all clan members are restricted from traveling to an area of ​​10,000 miles with that village as the center. This will be written into the clan motto tomorrow. "

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