Luofu Daze is a huge lake, as blue as the sea and vast.

The middle-aged man brought Jiao Peng and others back and entered a holy island. Seeing that he had lost an arm and his face was pale, the strong man from Luofu Daze immediately asked why.

After the middle-aged man recounted the entire incident, the strong man on the Holy Island fell silent.

Even the famous ancient relics deep in the wilderness were conquered by this village, and there was even a beast master sitting in charge. This village was really terrifying to the extreme.

"From today onwards, that village is taboo and no one is allowed to approach it." This was the decision made by the leader of Luofu Daze. Facing the powerful force, they had no idea of ​​revenge. Those who know the current affairs are heroes.

The same thing happened to other large tribes.

Zishan tribe, in the majestic central ancient city, in the central palace, a strong man like a purple sun sits on the supreme throne, his whole body is burning with purple flames, his breath is like the sea, and the people below cannot lift their heads. Dare to look directly.

"Well, it's such an awe-inspiring village. It's a vast wilderness, a crouching tiger, a hidden dragon. I have to be more careful in the future and understand everything before doing anything. Don't bring disaster to our clan.

As for that village, it is listed as a forbidden place. No one is allowed to approach it. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy. "The powerful figure spoke out, echoing in the hall.

"Yes." The people below were trembling and did not dare to resist.

Thunder Clan, after the young man explained the whole story, the leader of Thunder Clan put his hands behind his back, came to a map made of animal skin, and circled a big circle.

"From now on, this is a forbidden area. Everyone in the Thunder Clan must remember not to cross the Thunder Pond even half a step."

"Follow the order!"

The four major tribes all responded immediately, recalling all the troops who were still stranded near Shicun, and warning everyone in the tribe not to approach Shicun.

As for the mountain treasure, they also gave up. With such a terrifying strong man living in the vast wilderness, it goes without saying that the ownership of the mountain treasure is not something they can get their hands on.

After experiencing this turmoil, Shicun has been completely clean. I believe that soon, the news of a forbidden mountain village standing in the wilderness will spread from the large tribes to other medium-sized tribes, small tribes and other places, and no one will bother them again.

In Shicun, everything has returned to calm. The arrival of the large tribesmen has not affected the pace of life in Shicun.

Time passed day by day, Shi Hao was about to advance to the cave world. These days, he had been preparing, and it was estimated that he would start to break through in a few days.

Other tribesmen worked diligently to cultivate the spiritual plant garden every day, and everyone was very happy to see the spiritual plant grow taller day by day.

Sometimes, the men in the village would ride their scaly horses and gallop around. Moreover, they would pick up their old trade and often bring back some fresh prey, leading a fulfilling and comfortable life.

This hunting ability is also a kind of knowledge that will be passed on to children in the future. Shicun has relied on it to survive in the wilderness for generations. Shilinhu and others do not want it to be lost.

The old patriarch Shi Yunfeng is also very busy every day. He has to prepare medicated baths for the children in the village. Originally, children should not experience too many medicated baths, which will lead to overdraft. However, these little children ate the meat of the beast and accumulated immeasurable amounts of blood in their bodies. Potential, if you want to stimulate those potentials, the best way is to take a medicinal bath.

Therefore, he didn't have to worry at all. He would come every few days, and every time he would release a lot of poisonous insects, such as black scorpions, fist-sized spiders, etc., which made Pihou and others' faces turn pale and their whole bodies tremble.

They wanted to run, but how could their arms twist their thighs? After running a few steps, he would be caught back by the adults, thrown into the big cauldron, and then screamed.

After taking medicinal baths again and again, their physical fitness became stronger and stronger, and they were not much different from the geniuses of the big tribe who came to Shicun last time.

This is a good phenomenon. Children are the future of Shicun. The stronger they are, the more prosperous Shicun will be.

The ancient relics, on the other hand, are completely free and no one cares about them. During the day, they run around in the vast wilderness to find delicious animal milk. At night, they return to Shicun and cook it for Shi Hao. Their daily routine is very regular.

They once ran to the snowfields and snow peaks where Yuntian Palace is located, looking for the milk of ferocious beasts such as snow leopards and ice elephants. When Yuntian Palace disciples saw it from a distance, they were frightened out of their wits and fled in a hurry.

During this period, the three mutated little green-scaled eagles and their mother have been learning from the ancient relic thunderbird. Sometimes, they will ask the beast master, the little red bird, for advice. There is an avian master here. Not asking for advice is simply a waste. , the little red bird is also happy to point them out. In this case, the blue-scaled eagles and thunder sparrows are growing every day.

The descendant of Zhu Yan brought by the little red bird is always sleeping. With the endless vitality given by Chi Cang, its nirvana is very smooth, but it just takes time.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen discussed Tao every day, discussing together the cave-heaven realm in the Dharma of this world, and analyzing the infinite mysteries of this realm from the most essential point of view. They did not avoid the little red bird, and it was also listening.

After so many days, all three of them have gained a lot. Needless to say, Chi Cang and Liu Shen, their understanding of the Dao is beyond common sense and is indescribable. A single inspiration can lead to profound truths. The little red bird is fire. The country's sacrificial spirit is just a beast, and it has gained the most. Listening to the two big brothers talking about Taoism is like enlightenment.

From the conversation between Chi Cang and Liu Shen, he could clearly feel the huge gap between himself and the two of them.

No wonder the sky-swallowing bird that Chi Cang was able to defeat with the same power was unable to fight back. This was a qualitative difference.

On this day, the little red bird felt something in his heart. He looked at the center of the vast mountains in the distance. There were extraordinary fluctuations there, which was disturbing.

"It's the Sky Swallowing Sparrows."

Chi Cang closed his eyes and did not open them, but responded softly.

"It doesn't matter, just let them arrange it."

"Are you really not going to take a look? What if..." The little red bird was a little worried and hesitated to speak.

"In the face of absolute power, all struggles are in vain. Just wait for Shan Bao to be born. I have a hunch that it will be in the next two days."

"Okay." The little red bird was helpless. It looked at the five green wickers swaying in the wind and wanted to say something, but in the end, it said nothing.

It seems that Liu Shen has no interest in Shanbao, or he is very confident in Chi Cang's ability and is not worried about his failure.

The next day, under the surprised eyes of the little red bird, Chi Cang made a large iron pot, which was dark and smooth.

It was a little speechless. Is this person really ready to stew those beasts in a pot?

"It's a pity that the six great sages are not all in animal form." Suddenly, Chi Cang looked at his masterpiece and shook his head.

The little red bird couldn't help but rolled its eyes. It could be seen that this was a foodie village, from big to small.

"Can I make a small request?"

"Say it."

"Can the humanoid not kill me? The monkey and I were able to escape because he was merciful."

"It depends on the situation. It depends on how strong his desire for survival is." Chi Cang said casually.

When the little red bird heard this, he prayed for the humanoid lord in his heart, hoping that he would be smarter.

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