The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 52 Nine Heavens Tribulation

"You're still pretending to be calm, but you're actually scared to death, right?" Qiongqi said, but his voice was a little trembling, and he didn't have the confidence that a beast master should have.

Anyone could tell that it was extremely afraid of Chi Cang.

The other venerables were speechless. No matter what, this blow must have a final conclusion. They no longer wanted to delay it and wanted to end this nightmare as soon as possible.

"go to hell!"

The sky-swallowing bird roared, its eyes vicious, but a little distracted, very entangled, both fear and hatred.

Together with Qiongqi, it activated the divine treasure, sent out a strike close to that of the divine spirit, and struck towards Blazing Cang's head at great speed.

The crane spread its wings, flying across the sky, exploding the void, like two sharp swords falling from the sky, slashing towards Chi Cang's neck, trying to make his head fall to the ground.

Lord Qingtian roared loudly and revealed his true form. It was a Qingluan, with the bloodline of ancient divine beasts. It was a pure-blooded creature that was extremely terrifying.

It controlled the blue sky treasure wheel, rotated and covered it, and a terrifying momentum erupted. The entire mountain range dropped one level, as if it was going to sink the vast mountain range.

Not to be outdone, the golden-winged roc raised its big halberd to the sky, its blood gushing out, stained with the blood of countless powerful men.

There is no doubt that they are deadly, and they all go towards the vital parts.

When it was the turn of the old man surnamed Yun, he still adopted the previous method, just waving his arms forward, not too vicious, but very fair.

The previous descendants of Little Red Bird and Zhu Yan were able to escape from these people's sneak attacks because the old man surnamed Yun showed mercy. Otherwise, the two venerables would never have escaped the fate of being devoured.


The beast masters roared, their expressions became crazy and crazy, they were doing something unimaginable to ordinary people, they wanted to kill a god.

Victory or defeat can only be determined by a thought. At this critical moment, it is naturally impossible to remain calm.


The four divine decrees erupted together, spraying out light rain respectively. Each one condensed a word "kill", releasing the terrifying power of the gods.

They carry the will of the gods, and what is written on them is "kill" instead of "suppress", "defeat" and other words. To a certain extent, they are equivalent to the reappearance of the gods who write the decrees.

Four dazzling lights bloomed in the void, like four brilliant scorching suns. Wisps of divine light burst out from the scorching sun and shot towards the earth, creating countless large, dark and deep cracks.

The blow of the six great lords was pushed to the extreme at this moment. They firmly believed that even the real gods would bleed under this blow.

Chi Cang, who was in the center of the storm, seemed to be unaware of all this. He had already arrived in front of Shan Bao and reached out to grab Shan Bao.

Past experience shows that people are most relaxed when grabbing treasures, so the timing chosen by the venerables is very tricky.

This is a shocking picture. It is difficult to explain what kind of scene it is. Chi Cang grabs the mountain treasure without any defense. The four-wheeled sun formed by the gods' decree is burning and is about to overwhelm it. The five beasts are urging the gods to use their magic. The weapon came, looking ferocious and crazy. The old man surnamed Yun waved his arms and opened his eyes wide in shock and confusion.

Explosions, roars, roars, and even heartbeats all come together to create a wonderful, crazy movement.

At this critical moment, a brilliant heavenly voice suddenly sounded from Chi Cang's mouth, like a supreme monarch judging the world and using the most tyrannical means to cleanse all darkness and sin.

"Nine Heavens Tribulation Light!"

At this moment, the venerables also heard it, but they did not react for a while. There were many questions in their minds. What is the Nine Heavens Tribulation Light?


Without warning, the sound of electric current sounded from the sky and the earth. The high and far sky was originally clear and clear, but at this moment, there was a dazzling electric light, bright and dazzling.

A world-destroying Qi that transcended all erupted, and in just a moment, thunder and lightning were densely covered in the void like spider webs, and then crashed down.

It was so spectacular. The infinite thunder light merged into a thunder waterfall, impacting down from the nine heavens, destroying everything along the way. It was like a broken bamboo and unstoppable.

Any divine decrees or magical weapons are nothing compared to the Thunder Falls. Those majestic mountains towering into the clouds are as insignificant as a small pebble at this moment.

The pupils of the venerables shrank suddenly. They looked at this thunder waterfall that traversed the sky and the earth. They didn't understand how it appeared. Is this special code a treasure? Is the scale a bit exaggerated?

Before they could react, the thunderfall arrived, its destructive power like a vast ocean, boundless, covering the entire vast mountain range.

At the same time, the attacks from the venerables also arrived and they were killed in front of Chi Cang.

They roared, their expressions were epileptic, their eyes were bloodshot, and they gave it a try. Life or death depended on this blow.


The vast mountains exploded, were flattened by the terrifying shock wave, and even continued to sink. The waterfall composed of countless lightnings destroyed everything, and it was extremely tyrannical.

The void collapsed, the sky cracked, and chaotic energy surged, as if the world had reopened.

It was completely impossible to see clearly there, and it was completely obscured by clouds and fog. The little red bird's eyes widened, and its heartbeat was countless times faster than usual.

A thunder waterfall that reaches the sky descends, punishes the world, and makes everything in the world wither. What kind of shocking method is this? can not imagine.

When everything calmed down, the original vast mountains had turned into an endless abyss with no bottom as far as the eye could see.

In the void, a figure stood there, intact, holding something wrapped in fairy light in its hand, watching it intently.

In other directions, there are some charred figures scattered, which are the six great sages. They were shocked by the thunderstorm just now, their whole bodies were stiff, and they were still emitting black smoke.

In addition, there are some charred black and slightly yellow paper fragments floating quietly in mid-air, which are the shattered decrees of the gods.

As a result, just as Chi Cang said before, in the face of absolute power, all arrangements are in vain and useless.

The six great sages looked at Chi Cang who was looking through the mountain treasures and sacred objects. A burst of cold air went straight to the sky, sending chills down their spines and sending chills to their souls.

They couldn't help but suspect that they might have blood clots in their brains, and that's why they came to plot against such a terrifying creature.


They have no other thoughts. At this moment, they just want to run as far as they can.

Chi Cang put away the mountain treasure. He already roughly knew what it was. Now was not the time to continue to study it in depth. It was almost time to collect the ingredients. It was not easy for these beast masters to come all the way.

Sending ingredients thousands of miles away is a light gift but a heavy gift.


The big iron pot appeared, pitch black, and I didn't feel anything when I saw it normally. But now, when I saw it, it was like the most terrifying hell in the world.

The scalps of the beast masters who were looking at them were numb. Are they really going to stew them? No matter what, they are venerable people who can make the wilderness tremble with just one stomp of their feet. They are really going to be thrown in and boiled, and their reputation will be ruined for the rest of their lives!

"Run! Run!"

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