The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 53 Come into the pot yourself

The six great sages fled in six different directions at the same time. In this case, the chance of survival would be much higher.

However, they underestimated Chi Cang's ability. Their combat power was comparable to that of creatures in the divine fire realm, which was also invincible. Beating the venerable was like a giant beating a baby.

Seeing Chi Cang put away the mountain treasure and looking in all directions with cold eyes, the fleeing venerables were horrified and felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.

Everybody pray there, don’t catch yourself first.

"Swallowing Sky Bird, come to the pot by yourself."

A cold voice resounded between heaven and earth, as if the Godless Lord had made a judgment, with an unparalleled majesty.

When the sky-swallowing bird heard this, its heart stopped beating, its feathers stood up straight, and its feathers exploded.

"No, it was Qiongqi's idea. I was coerced." The sky-swallowing bird rushed to the doctor and began to blame the blame. It was really too afraid of Chi Cang. It knew that if it was caught by Chi Cang, it would be extremely difficult. Escape to death.

On the other side, Qiongqi's chest was about to explode with anger. This damn sky-swallowing bird was trying to bring trouble to its head.

"I declare that you can't believe a word of what the Sky Swallowing Bird says. I'm the one being coerced." Qiongqi shouted while running.

The other four venerables were dumbfounded. Neither of these two guys was a good guy. They thought they had a strong relationship, but in the end, they immediately started blaming each other.

At the same time, they were doubting themselves, why would they team up with this kind of thing? In the end, they could only sigh. Since ancient times, treasures have moved people's hearts.

"You make it difficult for me to determine who is in charge.

Well, let me provide you with a place where you can discuss it as much as you want. "

As soon as he finished speaking, a big thunder hand protruded from the void above the abyss, growing bigger and bigger, as if there was no end, covering the sky and the sun, covering the entire sky.

The Sky-Swallowing Bird is also huge, with its wings spread out like clouds hanging from the sky. However, in front of the thunderous hand, it is like a particle of dust.

"Ah! I was wrong. Please let me go. You won't dare to do it again." The Sky-Swallowing Bird was horrified and screamed for mercy, heartbreakingly.

"It's too late." Chi Cang said coldly. He squeezed the Thunder's big hand, imprisoned the Sky-Swallowing Bird, and quickly took it back.


The sky-swallowing bird felt as if its eyes were dazzled as it was thrown out by a huge force and hit a hard object hard. It was smashed to pieces and an unknown number of bones were broken. It was too heavy. , it didn’t slow down for a long time.

When it saw the darkness all around and the sky was a large circular opening, how could it not know where it was?


The sky-swallowing bird screamed, extremely shrill and shrill, like the howling of a ghost from eternity ago.

After entering the blazing iron pot, where is life?

It wanted to continue shouting, but suddenly, a dark red object flew over at an extremely fast speed, and hit its body with a "boom".


This blow was heavier than the one just now. The sky-swallowing bird was dizzy from being hit, its bones were broken, and its whole body was covered in blood.

Unexpectedly, the dark red thing was also screaming there, causing the Sky-Swallowing Bird to not know whether it should scream or not.

This is Qiongqi who was captured by Chi Cang and failed to escape the fate of being put into the pot.

Not long after, another giant thing flew in one after another, and it was the beast master who fled in different directions.

The Lord Qingtian, the Golden-winged Dapeng, and the Crane all entered the pot. All in all, all the six great Lords in animal form were thrown in.

Only the old man surnamed Yun didn't. However, he was beaten badly. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Even his eyes were trapped and he couldn't see clearly.

"Capture completed."

The blazing voice came, rumbling and deafening.

"Well, the harvest is quite rich, there is a golden-winged roc, a crane, a sky-swallowing sparrow, a blue luan, and a Qiongqi.

It's a pity that only one sacred bird is missing to complete the feast of five birds. "He looked at Qiongqi with some dissatisfaction in his eyes, as if to say, why aren't you a bird?

Qiongqi suddenly felt aggrieved, he was about to become a dish, and he was still being disliked? He couldn't express his pain, he just felt heartache and wanted to cry.

Chi Cang put away the big iron pot. This was a pot of treasure. The stew was absolutely delicious.

Then, he grabbed the old man surnamed Yun like a chicken, turned around and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked into the void, with sharp light shooting out of his pupils, like a fairy sword floating there.

"Fellow Taoist, I don't mean any harm."

Voices suddenly came out of the void, and they were very old.

Immediately afterwards, a white-haired figure walked out with a plump face. Although there was no abnormality around his body, his energy and blood were very strong, and the divine fire in his body was surging, like a blazing furnace.

This is a master who has reached the realm of divine fire. It can be seen that he has been at this level for many years. His combat power is much stronger than that of ordinary gods, and he can almost touch the realm of true gods.

It is naturally not easy to reach this level in the lower realm.

Before Chi Cang could speak, the old man surnamed Yun who had been beaten up by Fatty beside him made a surprised sound.

"Sage Honghu? You're not dead?"

The white-haired old man sighed when he heard this.

"Back then, I did almost die. When the oil and lamp ran out, a spiritual body was meditating in the retreat. As a result, my disciple mistook it for me and swallowed it in one bite.

It's really sad. It was originally just an ancient relic, but it evolved into a pure-blooded creature under my guidance. I don't ask it for anything in return, but at least it must abide by the basic etiquette of master and disciple.

It's a pity that this vicious white-eyed wolf can never be raised well.

It was precisely because of this that it stimulated me. I should have died a long time ago, but in the end I couldn't stop being obsessed with it. I held my breath and endured it, ignited the divine fire, and escaped death. "

Saint Honghu shook his head for a while, and he could only blame himself for not being kind to people in the first place.

The old man surnamed Yun also sighed. Saint Honghu was unlucky to meet such a disciple, but he was also lucky. He was a blessing in disguise and evolved into a creature in the divine fire realm.

"Is this Honghu Saint? You have no ill intentions, so why are you here? Peeping is not a polite behavior." Chi Cang said indifferently.

Generally speaking, someone peeping meant that he had bad intentions, but he really didn't feel any malice in the old man in front of him, so he didn't take action immediately.

"I came here to clean up the door, and I am also very interested in the sacred object of Shanbao. However, since fellow Taoist is destined to it, I will not take it by force. Besides, even if I take it by force, there is a high probability that it will be broken. There is no chance of success with this halberd." Saint Honghu answered truthfully.

His original intention was to come here to clear out the traitor that was the Sky-Swallowing Bird, and Shan Bao could only be regarded as incidental.

Chi Cang was speechless and sent a message to ask the old man named Yun next to him about the reputation of Saint Honghu.

If he does no evil, just like his apprentice, he will be put into a pot and have a banquet of five animals. If there is no evil deed, then let him go.


"I still like her" 200 starting coins.

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