The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 56 Liu Shen’s Name

When the banquet was over and everyone went back to digest the results, Chi Cang carried the iron pot to the willow tree alone.

At this moment, the night is deep, the sky is dark, and the stone village is shrouded in the light of the Willow God, like a fairyland.

The old man surnamed Yun was placed in a newly built stone house. Under the willow tree stump, Chi Cang was the only one left.

"Liu Shen, do you want to eat something? It tastes very good. I left some specially for you." He pointed at the big black pot and said.

He knew that Liu Shen could not devour or eat animal meat in front of everyone.

The willow tree is very peaceful, and the five green willow branches sway in the wind, releasing a hazy light that fills the sky above Shicun.

"You can eat it yourself." Liu Shen's words were very calm, without any fluctuation.

Chi Cang was not discouraged. After spending so many days together, he had already gotten to know Liu Shen and was familiar with His way of speaking and so on.

"Eat some, after all it is the meat of the beast master, and it contains a lot of divine essence." He was still recommending it, because this pot of four-animal soup was really delicious, and everyone who had eaten it said it was good.

He talked endlessly and used many adjectives to describe this pot of meat.

Unable to bear Chi Cang's persistent pursuit, Liu Shen stretched out a wicker stick, rolled up a large ball of golden-winged roc meat, and in just a few breaths, the essence of the golden-winged roc meat was removed. Devoured cleanly.

Unexpectedly, Chi Cang shook his head and said that it was not right to eat like this and that he could not appreciate the delicious food.

"Life can't just be about cultivation. Sometimes, you should also stop and look at the scenery on the roadside and taste the splendor of the world. Only in this way can the path of evolution be considered complete.

Sometimes, the various emotions and bonds of living beings can also become fuel on the road to evolution. "

When Liu Shen heard this, he fell silent and seemed to be thinking about this passage seriously. After a long time, he nodded and "listened" to Chi Cang's suggestion.


The light and mist were hazy, and the fairy spirit floated. A figure in white walked out from the tree stump, came to the big black pot, stretched out his hand, and ate a few pieces of animal meat.

Unfortunately, He was surrounded by blazing fairy light, and his face was filled with chaotic energy, blocking everything, even Chi Cang couldn't see clearly.

Naturally, there was no sight of Liu Shen eating animal meat, and Chi Cang was speechless.

"By the way Liu Shen, do you have a name?" Chi Cang suddenly asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure in white stopped what he was doing. He ate a lot of pieces and seemed to be experiencing this new feeling.

He never thought that under the essence of devouring the divine essence, there could be such a novel sense of taste.

He has guarded many divine kingdoms, served as their ancestral sacrificial spirit, and enjoyed various sacrifices, but he has never experienced the taste.

This is the first time.

At this moment, hearing Chi Cang's words, he was speechless for a long time.

Finally, He replied: "You can call me the ancestor sacrificial spirit."

"This... ancestral sacrificial spirit? Don't you have a name? For example, I am called Thunder Emperor and Chi Cang. You are called ancestral sacrificial spirit and are called Liu Shen by the Shicun people. So what is your name? "

Liu Shen ate another piece of animal meat. The taste was really addictive. Even he who did not eat the fireworks of the world felt that it was very good after trying it.

"If you put it this way, then I have no name. Everyone in the world calls me the ancestor sacrifice spirit. No one has ever asked me about my name." Liu Shen replied.

"Oh, is it so?"

Chi Cang was also silent. Liu Shen had lived for endless years, but no one had ever asked him his name. For some reason, he sighed a little when he heard this.

In his opinion, a name is something that can accompany a living being throughout its life. From the moment it is named, the name is a unique symbol representing the living being, a mark, and a meaning that cannot be compared with a title.

However, Liu Shen did not.

Having protected so many ancient countries and divine countries, and being respected and worshiped by so many people, Liu Shen's life was extremely glorious, as can be seen from the "ancestor" in his "ancestral sacrifice spirit".

However, over the years, no one has been very close to Him. He has always been lonely, accompanying the divine way alone.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have a name, why not give it one now!" Chi Cang said with a smile.

At this moment, he stood face to face with the white-clothed Liu Shen who was wrapped in chaos energy, with only a big black pot between them, very close to each other.

Liu Shen was stunned again.

naming? He really never thought about any of this.

In his life, he only had the divine way and the immortal way, and he just wanted to make great progress on the road of evolution, even if he had to go to Nirvana again and again and start all over again.

As long as he can obtain the ability to solve all troubles, he will not hesitate. His life's ambition is to calm down the weirdness in this world and return a clear sky to all living beings, because he has seen and experienced the weird invasion with his own eyes and knows its harm.

Now, Chi Cang's words caught him off guard. Taking a name? Even though He has the power to reach heaven and earth, he is still a little confused when faced with the problem of choosing a name.

Chi Cang understood his state of mind at this moment and said aloud: "You have successfully cultivated Taoism for the willow tree. Why not take Liu as your surname? As for your first name..."

He was thinking about giving Liu Shen a name that suited his temperament, but unfortunately, the vocabulary in his mind was so small that he couldn't think of it for a while.

Liu Shen did not speak and did not resist the naming matter. He and Chi Cang could talk to each other as equals and were partners, so they could discuss these matters. If it were anyone else, he would not pay attention at all.

"Well... let me think about it again."

Chi Cang felt that there were too few names that fit Liu Shen's temperament, and he seemed to be a banished immortal to the world.

It’s okay to call Liu Shen temporarily, there’s no need to rush.


Liu Shen responded.

Under the moonlight night, the two rarely talked about each other. They ate the fragrant animal meat in the pot and talked a lot about the past. Before they knew it, it was dawn.

It was time for the white-clothed Willow God in the mist to go back. He returned to the charred willow tree stump and disappeared.

After one night, more than half of the animal meat in the pot was gone. The people in the village, the ancient relics, the Honghu Saint, the little red bird, etc. actually didn't eat much. Most of it was eaten by Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

He put away the big black pot and quietly looked at the rising sun on the horizon in the distance.

After a while, the villagers came out. None of them had slept much. After eating the meat of the beast, they couldn't fall asleep even if they wanted to. They were too energetic.

The ancient relics over there are even more like chicken blood, and their whole bodies are still shining.

It can be seen that they have made great progress, such as the Demon Ape, the Lihuo Bull Demon, the Golden-haired Lion, the Thunder Bird, the Red Jiao, etc., have reached the level of the old Suan Ni, and the Golden Suan Ni has made further progress. The weather seems to be about to break through.

It's a bit rushed...if you have any comments, just leave them

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