The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 57 The Six Paths of Reincarnation

Chi Cang had already learned the general information about Shan Bao from Liu Shen, and it was very likely that it was the inheritance of a certain supreme Taoist lineage in the upper world.

In fact, the masters of the great religions in the upper world are also looking for this sacred object. It is of great importance. If the news spreads, it will definitely attract the attention of many forces.

Now, Chi Cang has obtained the mountain treasure, and he is ready to open it to see the supreme inheritance in it.

He took out the mountain treasure, which was a cube bone, as white as jade, with a crystal luster. When he rubbed it gently with his hand, it gave people a warm and moist feeling like jade. It was solid and indestructible. Chi Cang squeezed it with all his strength. , As a result, Shanbao remained motionless without a single crack.

"This kind of material..." Chi Cang observed for a while, a little surprised.

Previously, the old patriarch Shi Yunfeng handed him a piece of white bone, only the size of a palm. It is called the original true interpretation. It is a supreme heavenly book. It is the divine introduction chapter in the original true interpretation. It uses the simplest primitive symbols to explain the world. The most original principles between them give people infinite enlightenment.

Now, the material of this mountain treasure reminded Chi Cang of that bone.

Soon, he took the Original True Interpretation Shen Yin Chapter from Shi Hao, compared it with the mountain treasure in his hand, and finally came to the astonishing conclusion that the two were similar and were probably made of the same material.

However, compared to the original Zhenjieshenyin chapter, Shanbao is a bit darker and seems to be missing something.

"If we complete it, it is very likely that it will be the middle part of the original true solution - detachment." Chi Cang made a guess, but it was difficult to think of the missing parts and fill them in.

He put aside this idea for the time being, and what he needed to do most now was to open this inheritance.

The surface of the cube bone is smooth and has no mechanism. It seems to be sealed. Moreover, it is so hard that it is impossible to start.

However, creatures of Chi Cang's level have extremely sharp spiritual senses and can easily find the problem.

"Six sides..."

He grabbed the mountain treasure, feeling blessed, and suddenly six light groups appeared in his hand, representing six kinds of treasures, falling into the six sides of the mountain treasure.

Immediately, it shined brightly and dazzlingly, overflowing with a brilliant rain of light. When the people around saw Shan Bao's strange movements, they all held their breath and did not dare to disturb Chi Cang.


The cube-shaped white bone block was opened, and one side was a cover. As the vision occurred, it took the initiative to break away from the bone block, revealing the situation inside the mountain treasure.

Chi Cang stared inside and saw a little bit of glow. From the outside, the mountain treasure looked very small, not big, but the space inside was very large, giving people a very empty feeling, like a vast night sky, with little dots. The stars twinkle.

At the bottom of the mountain treasure, there are several animal skins. They are very old, very old, with dried blood stains. I don’t know how many years they have been in existence. At first glance, they are ancient relics.

"Is this the supreme inheritance?"

Chi Cang took out these animal skins and flipped through them one by one. They contained some powerful treasures and astonishing methods.

For example, the treasures of the Jian tribe, the treasures of the Luanniao tribe, the treasures of the Bifang tribe...

These things are all rare treasures to the lower world, and taking out any one of them will cause a big shock.

The most precious thing is a supreme ancient heavenly skill, which is the inheritance of the Taoist tradition that left the mountain treasure. How precious is it? Even in the upper world, the emergence of this heavenly skill will cause huge waves, and all the supreme leaders will personally come to fight for it.

Chi Cang took out the piece of animal skin, his eyes were like lightning, and he watched the amazing ancient heavenly skill recorded on it.

The six hand movements and various seals are integrated into one, which is the heavenly power of six paths of reincarnation.

This kind of heavenly skill will exert different effects and perform different interpretations according to the user's different understanding of the six paths of reincarnation. It is not only a supreme method, with unparalleled attack power, but also a way to control precious magic. Dharma can fuse and superimpose a variety of treasures to form a more terrifying combat power. In this way, if a god blocks a god, he will kill a god, and if a Buddha blocks a Buddha, he will kill a Buddha. It is unstoppable.

The more Chi Cang studies and evolves in his mind, the more he realizes the extraordinary power of this heavenly skill. Throughout the ages, many scriptures and treasures have been handed down and remain immortal. However, there are very few that can be called unparalleled. , the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Skill in front of you can definitely be called unparalleled.

Even if he is one of the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors and has mastered his own Ten Fierce Treasure Techniques, this Heavenly Skill is still of great use. To a certain extent, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Technique is even more amazing than the Ten Fierce Treasure Techniques.

He immediately sighed that the harvest from this trip to Shanbao was really great. He never expected that there would be such amazing things hidden in this lower realm.

As for the other treasures, although they are not weak, they are still far behind the top treasure books.

Chi Cang flipped through them one by one, and when he reached the last animal skin, he stopped, his face solemn.

His eyes were extremely deep and sparkling with electric arcs, as if he saw something.

This animal skin records the Suan Ni method. The runes are blurred and cannot be seen clearly. It is placed at the bottom. Generally speaking, only the treasures at the bottom of the box will be in this position.

Although this Suani method is not weak, it should not be put at the end. A great sect with the unparalleled heavenly skill of Six Paths of Reincarnation will definitely have more than this.

Chi Cang found out his spiritual thoughts, entered it, and observed carefully. As a result, he retreated in just an instant, his expression suddenly changed, and the lightning in his hands shone so fiercely that it made people unable to open their eyes.

The next moment, in the center of the distant vast mountains, the ground shook, a silver sun erupted, and countless silver sword energy ravaged the world, cutting through the endless mountains, piercing the void, and cutting down all the stars outside the territory.

In Shicun, Saint Honghu, Little Red Bird, and the old man surnamed Yun were all dumbfounded. They were extremely shocked. An old animal skin actually released such terrifying sword energy. If Chi Cang hadn't transferred it in time, all of them in Shicun would probably have been killed. To be shot into a sieve.

In the center of the vast mountains, Chi Cang's face has returned to calmness. This animal skin appears to be a Suanni treasure, but there is a silver metal page hidden in the interlayer. There are mysterious lines and symbols on it, exuding a unique The sword energy.

A piece of metal page actually emitted such a shocking sword energy, cutting down all the stars outside the territory, just because it recorded a peerless sword technique.

A very simple page of paper, showing a silvery white color, constantly emitting clanging sword sounds, killing people's hearts and souls.

Chi Cang was very close, and until now, silver sword energy was still flowing out.

He could feel the terror of this sword energy, but the sword energy slashed on his body without causing any harm. Even though most of the power in his body was still dormant, he was still a body of ten evils after all. It was difficult for the lower world to do anything. Those who hurt others.

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