The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 58 I’m not dead yet

Chi Cang held it in the palm of his hand. After a long time, the silver paper calmed down and remained motionless in Chi Cang's hand, flowing with silver brilliance, like a brilliant galaxy gathered together.

"Cao Zi Sword Technique!"

He already knew what kind of sword art was recorded on this metal page. It was the grass-character sword art known as one of the three major sword art, and it came from the Nine-leaf Sword Grass, one of the ten evils.

This is the most mysterious one among the ten evil spirits. Even back then, no one knew how powerful it was. Before it could shine, it died prematurely.

The battle between the immortals and the Nine-leaf Sword Grass was unfortunate. The four immortal kings crossed the border and happened to be where it took root. It was unavoidable and there was only one battle.

One person faced the four immortal kings. No matter how strong it was, it was still outnumbered. After the battle, the Nine-leaf Sword Grass disappeared and was considered to have died in that battle.

Although people did not witness that battle with their own eyes, they had felt the endless sword energy slicing through the ancient universe and tearing apart the great universe.

Regardless of the outcome, daring to use swords against the four immortal kings shows how powerful the Nine-leaf Sword Grass is.

Its sword techniques are listed as the three supreme sword techniques, representing the ultimate in attack. They can be called invincible techniques. Mastering it is enough to be invincible. If you really practice it to the top, you can cut through the past and present, and see eternity. .

The most glorious period of this supreme treasure was in an older era. It is so long ago that it has been submerged in the long river of history and cannot be traced.

Chi Cang browsed through the silver paper and realized the mystery of this supreme sword technique.

Its cultivation method is to temper matter and turn it into a sword embryo. You can even use your arms, finger bones, etc. as sword embryos, which are indestructible and indestructible.

Putting away the silver pages, Chi Cang returned to Shicun in one step. Everyone had been waiting for a long time, wanting to know what was going on with that silver sun.

Everyone was horrified to learn that it was the inheritance of the Nine-leaf Sword Grass, one of the ten evil spirits. No wonder it was so powerful.

Afterwards, Chicang gave the animal skins recording the treasures of the Jiao, Luaniao, and Bifang tribes to Saint Honghu, Little Red Bird, and others for viewing and reading at will.

As for the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Grass-Character Sword Technique, he did not give them because these two methods were very closely related, and he, Saint Honghu, and Little Red Bird had not yet reached the point of teaching them to each other.

Saint Honghu and Little Red Bird also know this, so they have no dissatisfaction. The mountain treasure belongs to Chicang, and it is already a great kindness and kindness to be able to give them so many precious treasures for them to read. Any other emotions?

It’s too late to be grateful.

Both are strong birds, and they are very interested in the treasures of the Luannia clan and the treasures of the Bifang clan. They are both birds, and these treasures can give them a lot of enlightenment.

In the end, Chi Cang gave them four precious bones densely covered with runes, belonging to the four beasts of the Four Birds Cooking Soup. When handling them, Chi Cang specially picked out the original precious bones and used them as stone village heritage.

Saint Honghu and Little Red Bird burst into tears of gratitude. This time, their harvest was unimaginable and exceeded anything before.

Here, those extremely precious treasures appear in piles and piles, just like a dream, making people unbelievable and feeling like they are in a dream.

The six ancient relics can also be viewed. They take care of Shi Hao's daily life and are busy for Shi Village, so they naturally have a contribution.

Several ancient relics are all hungry and thirsty, remembering every treasure technique in their minds. At this time, the realm of cultivating spirits in the cave has been achieved. There is no shortage of treasure techniques at all, and each cave has one.

Even in the end, the cave was not enough, and the extra treasure skills were one for the left hand and one for the right hand. They had a great time playing, and they all became multi-treasure boys.

Shi Hao, who was born to be a genius in Taoism, was even more immersed in the ocean of treasure arts. He studied the treasure arts of all races and gradually broadened his horizons. He had mastered so many secret arts at a young age, and his profound knowledge was unimaginable.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen were not worried about whether Shi Hao was knowledgeable but not masterful, because he had been studying the original true solution for a long time, which was enough to serve as a general guide to control many secret magic runes.

The powerful people in Shicun were all immersed in training, and the treasure skills they had obtained through practice continued to digest the beast meat from last night.

When everyone dispersed, Chi Cang gave the silver paper and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Skill to Liu Shen and studied with him.

"The inheritance of the Supreme Palace is very strong. It is no worse than those shocking traditions in the upper world. Even in the legendary hometown of immortals, this method is probably one of the best." Liu Shen commented like this.

Later, he understood the Caozi Sword Technique.

I saw that all the willow leaves on the five tender green willow branches seemed to have turned into the sharpest fairy sword, releasing a shocking sword energy, soaring straight into the sky, killing gods and immortals, extremely sharp and unparalleled domineering.

"It's a pity that the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass's Supreme Sword Technique died prematurely in battle, just like you. Otherwise, there will definitely be shocking achievements left in the world." Liu Shen said.

Chi Cang was speechless for a moment.

"Uh...well...I'm not dead yet..."

A few days later, outside of Chi Cang's body, the sword energy surged into the sky, and nine leaves were born. They were the silver sword leaves he had cultivated, flashing with terrifying thunder. As they turned, the sky turned upside down, and thunderous thunders seemed to destroy everything in the world.

He put away the grass-shaped sword technique and used the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Technique.

Six hand postures appeared. Under Chi Cang's continuous seals, he seemed to have become the incarnation of the great road. Six large black holes appeared, swallowing everything.

Immediately afterwards, various visions of reincarnation appeared, representing Chi Cang's understanding of reincarnation.

The birth, old age, illness and death of mortals, the rise and fall of immortal dynasties, scenes are changing, this is the reincarnation of the world.

The universe and galaxies are shattered, chaos reappears, the light of the beginning shines, all things revive, the universe is reshaped, and the heaven and earth are reopened. This is the cycle of epochs.

In the end, everything from small ants to large universes are all in the six paths of reincarnation.

A supremely powerful person fell, and his body decayed and was transformed into various substances, creating a prosperous place. A sacred tree soared up, and some living beings ate the fruit of the sacred tree, achieved super evolution, and became invincible. The one who rises to the top will eventually fall... over and over again, endlessly.

This is the Six Paths of Reincarnation, in which all things change.

Chi Cang completely mastered this unparalleled ancient heavenly skill. He put away the vision and his eyes were as deep as the stars.

"If there are six supreme treasures for me to control, that kind of power will shake the heaven and the earth, and it will be indestructible."

Half a month later, Shi Hao successfully broke through the Blood Moving Realm and became a strong man in the Cave Heaven Realm. As soon as he broke into the Cave Heaven, he opened four mouths in a row. For a child of his age, it was simply shocking.

During this time, other strong men in Shicun were accumulating strength and striving to evolve and reach a higher level.

Chi Cang studied the two supreme treasures to the extreme and fully understood their true meaning.

On this day, he stayed away from Shicun and prepared to integrate ancient and modern methods in the Cave Heaven Realm. After discussing it with Liu Shen for so long, various ideas were mature and ready to start.

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