The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 554 Finale (Final Spreading Flowers)

Are Ye Fan and others really dead?

In the dead darkness, Ye Fan suddenly opened his eyes. At first, he was a little confused and confused, because the place where he stood was too void and cold, and there was no concept of time and space. It was like what it looked like after everything came to the end, and it seemed like Back to the beginning.

The next moment, his mind became much clearer because he saw several light groups.

There are people inside, giving birth to life in the silence.

"I will carry out the will of heaven, punish heaven on behalf of heaven, control the thunder of the universe, and destroy all living beings. I am the only one in the past, present and future." A voice rang out from a ball of light.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fan saw a familiar figure walking out of the light group. He was majestic and majestic. It was Thunder Emperor Chi Cang who had already died in the battle on the plateau.

"He transformed into freedom, he transformed into eternity... I will return eventually, crushing the unknown." The second person came out, the Emperor of Desolate Heaven Shi Hao, with the same elegant demeanor.

The blazing eyes looked over and looked directly at Ye Fan in the light group. For a moment, Ye Fan understood a lot.

They did die in battle, but they did not truly die forever.

Instead, we have come to a special place, transcendent from all other worlds, without the concept of time. Whether we enter it eons ago, enter it now, or enter it in the future, it is always at this time, this moment.

Just like Chi Cang and Shi Hao who came out of the light group, they died in the battle two epochs ago and came here two epochs ago, but in fact they are in the same order as Ye Fan and others. Enter at the same time.

On the other side, Ruen Ren, Wu Shi, and Liu Shen are also there.

Chi Cang and Shi Hao stared at all this with extremely deep eyes, looking through the past, present and future.

They understood why.

Only by becoming a creature that transcends the sacrificial path can one come to this space.

In other words, at this moment, they are all on top of the sacrificial path.

To reach this point, you need to sacrifice the avenue, sacrifice the evolutionary path, sacrifice everything, everything becomes empty, eternal silence, and then revive in the silence, rise in the ruin.

In addition, there is another condition, which is to have corresponding thoughts.

If you don’t have the determination and courage to move forward without fear of life and death, to give up everything, and without the eternal, unshakable, and eternal belief, it is impossible to become a priest.

Those ancestors could never satisfy these, so they could not succeed.

Even if you are sacrificing Tao-level creatures, most of them will end in failure. If one of the conditions just mentioned is missing, it will be useless no matter how much you sacrifice, and the final outcome will be eternal disaster.

If you are reluctant to give up and are bound by fetters, you will not be able to set foot.

Chi Cang and Shi Hao also have a bond in their hearts, but they fight to protect the world and their loved ones. Therefore, they go forward bravely, swallowing their anger for eternity, and after dying in battle, they set foot on the sacrificial path.

The same is true for Ye Fan and Liu Shen.

Only Empress Huafenlu failed. Anyone whose faith wavers in the slightest will fail.

"As the Emperor of Heaven, I shall kill all enemies in the world!" Ye Fan walked out of the light group, glorious and majestic.

Immediately afterwards, Ruen Ren, Wu Shi, and Liu Shen walked out one by one.

In this supreme place that transcends time, worlds, and eternity, there are six living beings standing there. Looking through eternity, no one else has arrived.

This means that only the six of them can reach this point.

Because if someone comes to the sacrificial path in the future, they will break through the light group and come out at the same time.


Here, the avenue is like flowing water, fate, cause and effect, creation, and the way of heaven are like bubbles in dreams. The vast world, the beginning of chaos, endless reincarnation... are like stars holding the moon, setting off the supremacy and supremacy of this place.

Standing here, everything can be destroyed and resurrected in a single thought. The so-called ancient history has lost its meaning.

No matter how fast the years go by and the sea changes, to this place, it is just a moment.

All six of them died in battle, undergoing extreme transformation and reaching the supreme realm that ancient and modern Taoist priests dream of. Now, they have recovered from death, and it is time to return to the present world and turn things around.


Taking one step forward, six people reached the plateau at the same time.

It was just a look that tore the plateau apart.

"What? Chi Cang, Huang, Ye Fan...are you still alive?"

The ancestors on the plateau were shocked beyond measure. Aren't all these people already killed by them? How could it still be there?

"It's over!" Chi Cang whispered, with complex colors in his eyes.

How many eras, how many glorious eras have ended due to strangeness and uncertainty. Plateau has been a scourge on the world for too long.

Generation after generation, people have risen up to resist, hoping to put an end to the evil and bring peace to the world. Unfortunately, they all ended in failure.

Finally, the day came to put an end to the misfortune.

When the six priests come to the plateau, no more accidents will happen.

"Roar! Chi Cang, Huang, what if you are resurrected? Kill us again!" Ancestor yelled.

Dozens of terrifying figures stood up from the depths of the plateau and came towards the six people. They were the ancestors and the sacrificial corpses who owned the ancient coffins.

This was not over yet. Sensing the crisis, the consciousness of the plateau directly released all the strange powers buried at the bottom of the plateau, poured them into some corpses, and allowed them to emerge to fight.

However, these are all futile struggles.

Just one look from the six priests shattered everything.

The Dao of Sacrifice, above the Dao of Sacrifice, although there is only a two-character difference, their strengths are so different that they cannot be compared at all.

As the ancestors and the corpses of the priests melted, the wisps of mist shrouding the plateau also dissipated. The entire plateau was cracking and was about to be destroyed.

"Have you reached the level of those creatures back then?" Plateau Consciousness felt despair, knowing that the situation was over.

It just relies on the ashes of a sacrificial path and barely possesses the quality of a sacrificial path. How can it fight against six living sacrificial beings? Failure is a matter of time.

"that person……"

Chi Cang and others whispered, and they understood everything in an instant. There was once a living being who stepped on the sacrificial path and existed in the world. Everything happened because of him. The target of the weird clan's great sacrifice was him.

While thinking, everyone's weapons let out a soft cry, and the plateau suddenly collapsed, turning all the unknowns and weirdness into powder.

Subsequently, under the thought of the six sacrifices, all the civilizations that had fallen at the hands of the strange ethnic groups in the long history, the endless sages and heroic spirits, all returned.

The vast sea of ​​​​sacrifice turned into one bright world after another, rising with the fire of civilization.

A glorious world is reflected like this. It is so vast that even the vastness of God is just a drop in the ocean compared to it.

The relatives of the six people were naturally resurrected. Everyone understood everything and couldn't help crying with joy. They rushed from afar to reunite with them.

Chi Cang, Liu Shen, and Chi Xia hugged each other tightly, and Shi Hao, Ye Fan, etc. also reunited with their confidante.

PS: This book ends here. Thank you all for your support and companionship. There will be free extras later, and one chapter will be added in about two or three days.

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