The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Extra: Chi Cang and Liu Shen

The mountain forest is vast, lush and green, silent and deep. Occasionally, one or two clear animal sounds can be heard. A small stream flows down from the top of the mountain. The stream is gurgling, the floating light is golden, and the sound of rushing water can be clearly heard.

An exquisite log cabin is located in an open space halfway up the mountain, beside a stream and embedded in the mountain forest. It blends in with the scenery and is one with nature. From a distance, it looks like a lifelike ink painting.

At dusk, above the wooden house, a wisp of smoke rises crookedly, straight into the sky, and merges into the thin mist, without any sudden feeling.

After a while, the sky darkened and the wooden house gradually disappeared into the night.

Suddenly, a peerless beauty in a white dress walked out of the wooden house. She seemed like an elf in the night. She was ordinary and contained sacredness and nobility, giving people a sense of inviolability.

She was seen holding her hands in front of her chest, standing on the wall of the mountainside, looking at the deep forest path, with a look of expectation in her eyes, like a wife looking forward to her husband's return home.

Soon, a vigorous figure rode through the night and returned from the forest path, carrying the harvest of the trip on his back. It was a young deer with dots of plum blossoms printed on its body.

Seeing the beauty in white standing on the stage wall waiting for him to come back, the man carrying the deer smiled on his face and felt a touch of warmth in his heart.

He walked over quickly, put the fawn on the ground, and took the beauty in white into his arms, his eyes as gentle as water.

"Liu Shen, how many times have I told you that it's cold at night, so you don't have to stand there waiting for me. You are pregnant. If you get cold, I will feel bad."

As he spoke, he reached out his hand to her belly and stroked it gently. There was a slight bulge there, as if she was pregnant.

When the beauty in white heard this, she couldn't help but give him a blank look.

"I am already a priest, how can I catch cold?"

The man laughed: "We are mortals now."

He pointed to the sika deer on the ground and said, "Look, I shot a deer, and I will make you a pot of soup today to replenish your health."

After he finished speaking, the man dragged the deer on the ground, walked to the wooden house, and began to deal with it.

In a short while, a pot of fragrant venison soup was stewed. In addition, there was a plate of roasted venison. Under his careful preparation, the roasted venison had a golden color. Just looking at the appearance will make people eat. .

The two dishes were served, and together with the dishes originally laid out on the table, they formed a sumptuous dinner.

The man and the beauty in white sat around the table, just like a mortal couple, talking and laughing, enjoying the delicious food on the table.

The two of them were the Thunder Emperor and Liu Shen who were famous in the heavens. Back then, they, together with Shi Hao, Ye Fan and others, solved the strange and unknown, and put down the final turmoil. Since then, the two disappeared in the heavens. In all realms.

Only a few people knew that they had come to such a place free from the world and enjoyed a peaceful and peaceful life.

This is what they once longed for, living in a cottage, working at sunrise, and resting at sunset...

The two people have been living here for who knows how long, maybe one era, maybe two eras, or maybe ten eras. In short, they don't feel bored at all.

We once stood on the top of the mountain and tasted the splendor of the world. However, in the end, plainness is the truth. As long as we are with each other, that is eternity.

After dinner, Chi Cang came to the stream and washed the wooden chopsticks and bowl he made by himself. Then, he took Liu Shen's hand and walked to the top of the mountain.

There, there is a protruding boulder, which is suitable for climbing up and looking far.

The two lay on their backs on the boulder. Chi Cang stretched out his hand so that Liu Shen could rest on his arm, while his other hand grabbed the fur on Liu Shen's body and closed the gap to prevent the cold night wind from getting in.

They occasionally looked up at the stars in the sky, occasionally looked at each other, smiled at each other, hugged each other, and felt each other's body temperature.

The starry sky here is bright and magnificent, as if there is a brilliant river of stars embedded in the night sky, with countless shining stars, like the number of sands in the Ganges River, countless.

Perhaps among these stars, there will be some ancient stars that breed life and civilization, like sparks of fire in the vast universe.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen were thinking about it, wandering around in their minds. With their strength above the sacrifice, they could understand everything and know everything in just one thought. However, the two of them had already sealed their own abilities. Rather than being able to sacrifice themselves, they prefer to return to their original nature and become mortals.

Stars are dotted and twinkling constantly. Looking up at the stars, one can appreciate the majestic beauty of the universe and realize the vastness of heaven and earth and the insignificance of oneself.

They just cuddled up to each other, enjoying the beauty of the stars in the sky.

It was late at night, and the two returned to the cabin, lay on the bed and fell asleep hugging each other.

Chi Cang stroked Liu Shen's belly, feeling the new life bred inside.

Logically speaking, both of them are above the level of sacrifice, and it is almost impossible to give birth to children because their individual strength is too strong.

However, what is unexpected is that after they returned to nature and returned to their original nature, Liu Shen was lucky enough to become pregnant again.

This is undoubtedly a big surprise for Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

In order to welcome this little life, they have been waiting for decades, and it may take even longer in the future. After all, it is a life born from the union of two sacrificial paths, which is naturally extraordinary.

"Liu Shen, do you think this time, will it be a big fat boy or a little princess?" Chi Cang asked expectantly.

The two of them had already sealed their own abilities and did not pry into the child's information. They thought it was best to let everything take its course.

Hearing this, Liu Shen's beautiful face turned crimson, and at the same time, the brilliance of motherhood was revealed.

"Which one do you want?"

"I can do either. If it's a fat boy, let's name him Chi Mu. If it's a little princess, let's name her Chi Xi." Chi Cang said happily.

The word "wood" is naturally taken from the word "liu" of Liu Shen, and "xi" is taken from the creek flowing in front of the wooden house. Speaking of which, Chi Cang's ability to name names is not very strong. He once said that he would give Liu Shen chose a name, but in the end she realized that Liu Shen was the most suitable name for her, so she didn't add any unnecessary fuss.


Liu Shen was amused by his appearance, blooming like a fairy flower, and Chi Cang was slightly stunned when he saw it.

Even though the two have lived together for a long time and are extremely familiar with each other, in Chi Cang's heart, Liu Shen is still so amazing. "If life is just like the first time we met" is the most true portrayal of them.

In the years to come, Chi Cang still wants to continue living like this with Liu Shen, day and night, even if the world is old and the sea is dry and the rocks are rotting.

Liu Shen once asked Chi Cang if he would feel too ordinary if he had always been like this. He was the Thunder Emperor who dominated the world, an invincible existence born for fighting. Being immersed in the gentle land always gave people a sense of pity.

However, Chi Cang's answer was that the luckiest thing in his life was to be able to get together with Liu Shen, wake up to take control of the world, and lie drunk in the lap of a beautiful woman. He would rather stay drunk forever.

In the past, he worked hard to evolve and gain strength. All he did was protect the most important people around him. He never fought for the sake of fighting.

In the house, the two of them sometimes recalled their past experiences and sometimes joked... Soon, Chi Cang fell asleep in the fragrance of Liu Shen's hair, and Liu Shen also fell asleep peacefully in Chi Cang's arms.

Under the night, the wooden houses stand tall and quiet in the deep woods.

I've been waiting for a long time. The extra chapters will be updated every two to three days. They won't be updated every year like the previous one. Please don't worry.

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