The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 60: Climb to Immortal Platform

Not only the body, but also the soul. At this moment, the blazing soul turned into a sun, and the blazing light shot out in all directions, shining from time to time.

The physical body and the soul are the two most important parts of life for monks. They hide endless secrets, waiting to be discovered.

Chi Cang used all his strength to attack his body and soul, repeating the process of opening up the cave, over and over again, digging into places that could not be reached by ancient immortal methods.

One point after another was opened, and endless light burst out. It was the potential that Chi Cang had never felt before. It was hidden in the deepest part of the body, but now it was found one by one and bloomed with brilliance.

His body and spirit were more dazzling than the sun.


The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, one mountain after another was affected and turned into powder. This place has completely become a forbidden land for life, making all living beings fearful.

I don't know how long it took before the abyss calmed down. The top of his head was still shining with ten rounds of blazing sun. At the same time, the light shining from his body and eyebrows was no worse than that of the ten caves.

His physical body is a cave of its own, and so is his soul.

If counted, he has a total of twelve caves.

Reaching this point, it has been completely transformed, and it is much more powerful than the previous Shikou Cave.

However, Chi Cang is still not satisfied. He wants to use the best of this world's laws, combined with the ancient immortal methods, to further control the original symbols of the thunder pool.

He shouted loudly, the ten holes in the sky flashed, the runes rolled, each rushed out a chain, rushed towards Chi Cang's chest, both the physical body and the spirit rushed out, and a total of twelve chains rushed into the thunder pool together. , entwining that original rune.


In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed. Billions of thunders rolled down, destroying the sky and destroying the earth. The situation fell out of control.

This is the will of the sky roaring and angry, preventing Chi Cang from absorbing the ultimate source of all kinds of tribulations in the world. It is okay to control the thunder pool and palm thunder, but it is not possible to turn into the sky itself and become the source of the tribulations.

This kind of behavior undoubtedly violated the taboos of heaven and earth and crossed a red line that cannot be crossed. Even if you are the darling of heaven and earth, you will not be able to do it and will be wiped out by the great universe.

Chi Cang encountered the most terrifying predicament in history. Thunder lights of different colors poured down desperately, as if destroying the world and causing everything to wither.

It is indescribable, the colorful thunder looks extremely strange, and even the calm people of Shicun cannot remain calm.


"I have never seen such gorgeous colorful thunder. It's quite beautiful." The children were ignorant and didn't know why.

Only a strong man with a certain level of Taoism can experience that kind of terror. Wouldn't the legendary thunder disaster leave a glimmer of hope for the monks? Why was this death penalty imposed?

It's as if the sky no longer gives a chance and directly writes the Book of Death. Who can survive such a horrific disaster?

Under the thunder light, Chi Cang worked hard to use the twelve chains to hook the original symbol of the thunder pool, trying to absorb the rules of the great road. However, it was too difficult. This was not something that living beings could shake. It hid the most original secret of the world.

All attempts have failed. This original symbol seems to be really uncontrollable. It seems that the limit of this way is for a darling of the Thunder Way like Chi Cang to use the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed to control the Thunder Pond and trigger the Heavenly Tribulation against the enemy.

It is impossible and fanciful to want to be the source of all heavenly catastrophes.

However, Chi Cang didn't believe that the whole world would be destroyed one day. Why couldn't he control a symbol that was the source of the catastrophe?


His eyes looked at the colorful forbidden thunder falling in the sky. The ten caves, plus the physical cave and the soul cave, built a passage to guide these forbidden thunders and turn the catastrophe into help.


The abyss in the center of the vast mountain range is expanding rapidly. This time it has expanded several times. It is like a huge black hole, breathtaking.

The body of Chi Cang below exploded directly. Even if the flesh and blood contained huge energy that had not yet awakened, it could not stop this kind of punishment. It ignored everything and wanted to destroy those who touched the taboo.

However, even though the body exploded, the flesh and blood did not lose their vitality and were all gathered together again. However, there was a terrifying power of punishment densely covered in the wound, making it impossible for Chi Cang to heal. He looked like a man who forcibly killed countless people. The pieces of porcelain stuck together seem to break if touched.

The same is true for Yuanshen.

This was an unprecedented heavy blow, and it was just a short step away from being wiped out forever and turned into nothingness.

If it weren't for his special body and soul, and if he had just opened the physical cave and the soul cave, he would probably have died in the world-destroying blow just now.

As for the ten external caves that received the punishment from heaven, most of them were broken into pieces, like ten broken meteorites, lying in the void.

After enduring such a huge injury, Chi Cang was not depressed, but smiling. Although the terrifying power of the catastrophe almost sent him to his death, it also helped him take the crucial first step, opening up the taboo outside the original symbol. The rules allowed the chain to penetrate a little successfully.

A supreme rule of thunder came from the end of the chain, and was understood by Chi Cang. He felt like he had obtained a treasure, and his control over the thunder punishment method was fully sublimated, reaching an unprecedented height.

In the past, he used the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed to control thunder punishment, induce catastrophes in his opponents, and create a favorable environment for himself. He never relied on himself.

This is the path of the Ancient Immortal Dharma, which relies heavily on Immortal Seeds.

Now, he has gradually begun to truly control Heaven's Punishment. All the mighty power belongs to himself, and he no longer relies on immortal seeds.

Suddenly, a cold air hit him, flowing on his neck, making Chi Cang's whole body stiff. The next moment, a dark red light reflected between the sky and the earth, making people tremble from the heart, and the soul went to heaven.

It was the Immortal-Decapitating Guillotine that appeared, and this time it was no longer a glimpse, but a real manifestation, and it was going to chop off the heads of those who violated the taboo.

An irresistible force enveloped Chi Cang, making him unable to move for a moment. Immortal chains appeared, tied him up, and then slowly flew up to the terrifying Taoist platform.

This is something more terrifying than a thunder tribulation. Once you go up and the guillotine falls, you will inevitably die and be sent to the afterlife.

In a sense, it is also a heavenly tribulation, the ultimate catastrophe contained in the heavenly tribulation, surpassing everything, and one guillotine will guarantee death.

Historically, only the most profound and profound events could disturb the Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal Platform.

It is not surprising that Chi Cang Yu wants to turn into the sky and truly step into the red line, triggering the Immortal Killing Platform.

At this moment, he was imprisoned and could not help but fly towards the ancient Taoist platform. It was not very grand and did not look like it was transformed by lightning. It was very mottled, just like a real stone platform.

On the Taoist platform, there was a guillotine lying across it. The immortal light was restrained and extremely deep. There was a dark red blood light, as if it had drunk the blood of the most powerful person, and it was born with terrifying and murderous intent.

As Blazing Cang approaches, the guillotine slowly opens, making a harsh metal friction sound. It is extremely terrifying, as if it comes from hell, and makes people's souls freeze, like falling into an ice cellar.

It was raised high like that, sending out endless murderous intent.

Chi Cang was dragged by the immortal chain. He couldn't resist at all. He couldn't even struggle. He was directly pressed under the guillotine. At this moment, he felt that his neck was so cold, and the separation of the corpses seemed to be just a matter of the next moment. .

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