The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 61 Being guillotined


The metallic vibrating sound erupted, as cold as hell, and the peerless murderous intent overflowed, making Chi Cang's neck feel cold and his soul freezing.

The dark red guillotine emits a bright blade light, accompanied by the hazy fairy mist, falling suddenly from above.


Immortal light flew, blood splashed, Chicang was robbed, and a piece of red flashed from the immortal-killing guillotine. This was the blood of the endless and powerful genius, left on the guillotine.

Now, Chi Cang was guillotined, and the blood from the broken part of his neck flew high, and was naturally absorbed by the guillotine, becoming a mark.

It seems that Chi Cang has no hope of survival, because his soul and body were executed together. They were already very broken, and now they have suffered a great disaster.

However, just when the guillotine was about to hit the bottom, it suddenly stopped in mid-air and was barely halfway down. In other words, Chi Cang lost half of his life and had already stepped into the gate of hell with one foot.

The terrifying dark red guillotine trembled crazily, and he tried his best to cut down, wanting to give Chi Cang a thorough blow.

However, more than a dozen thunder chains locked it and strangled it tightly, preventing it from continuing to fall and getting stuck in the middle of Chi Cang's neck.

Chi Cang, who was unable to move below, breathed a sigh of relief. The breakthrough he had just made made his control over Thunder Dao Heavenly Punishment truly enter the ranks of taboos.

At the critical moment when the immortal guillotine was about to fall, he reluctantly activated the thunder chain to lock the guillotine, pulled it upward, and stopped its fall, thus saving his life.

In the past, he, or other creatures, would not have been able to do this, and would have to endure this blow.


Blood splattered everywhere, surging like a fountain, making people's scalp numb.

All this blood took the form of a thunder pool, which was related to the power of heavenly punishment. It had mysterious and unpredictable power. It was poured on the Immortal-Slaying Guillotine. After being absorbed by the Guillotine, his restless emotions gradually calmed down.

The lightning chain wrapped around the Immortal-Destroying Guillotine was also trying to comfort him. After a tense confrontation, the trembling Immortal-Destroying Guillotine was no longer irritable, and was slowly pulled up by the lightning chain, leaving Chi Cang's neck.

Where it stayed, a dark wound was left, with blood still flowing out and dripping on the Immortal Killing Platform.

Finally, this horrific disaster passed, and the Immortal-Decapitating Guillotine was calmed down, no longer executed, returned to the crack in the sky, and disappeared.

All the visions also disappeared, and the world returned to its previous tranquility, as if everything that had just happened was an illusion, and only the mess on the ground witnessed the thrilling scene just now.

Chi Cang stood up. There was a bloody wound on the back of his neck, and his spine was completely cut open. If an ordinary person suffered such an injury, it would be difficult to lift his head.

The same is true for the soul in his head, which suffered a great disaster.

Chi Cang's face turned pale, and he sat cross-legged on the spot, silently recovering from his injuries. After a long time, Chi Cang got rid of the depressed state, his face became rosy, and his injuries were completely recovered.

This is his unparalleled advantage. He has an inexhaustible supply of thunder pool liquid. In terms of recovering injuries, almost no one can compare with him.

He returned to Shicun in one step and saw the people waiting eagerly, with a smile on Chi Cang's face.

Seeing that he was fine, everyone in Shicun immediately felt relieved. The thunder punishment just now was so terrifying that it almost issued a death edict to the person who had overcome the tribulation.

People have to worry about Chi Cang's life and death.

Fortunately, he returned safely.

After everyone dispersed, Chi Cang exchanged experiences with Liu Shen and talked about the terrifying immortal-killing guillotine.

Even Liu Shen was speechless when he learned that Chi Cang had escaped from the immortal guillotine and returned intact.

Since ancient times, there has been no record of the creatures that caused the Immortal Killing Platform to survive. Without exception, they were all wiped out. Maybe there were people who defied nature and survived in the older era, but there are no records left, so there is no way to verify it.

At least in the Ancient Era of Immortals, several of the heaven-defying beings who triggered the Immortal-cutting Guillotine all died unexpectedly. They had the qualifications of an Immortal King and were considered to be destined to become kings and ancestors in the future. However, in the end, because of being too confident, they were not afraid of heaven and earth. Don't be afraid, if you touch the taboo, you will be struck by a guillotine and the corpse will be separated.

Therefore, Liu Shen was shocked by the sky-defying blazing sky, and could even survive the inevitable disaster. If this kind of creature did not die young, and reached the end, it would definitely be able to overlook all opponents and be invincible in the sky and on the earth.

The two discussed the matter of the twelve caves. Liu Shen believed that since he takes the path of attributing all the great power to himself, there should be no caves outside the body, and everything outside the body should be accommodated in the body.

Chi Cang agrees with this, but for now, he needs those caves outside his body, because the chains extending from them are the means and medium for him to absorb taboo rules. Chi Cang knows what he needs to do now, no matter what , first of all, become the source of heavenly punishment in this world.

The next day, Shi Hao, who was already a master in the middle stage of the Cave Heaven Realm, came to Chi Cang and Liu Shen with red eyes, and asked timidly: "Uncle Chi Cang, Liu Shen, can you help me look at the things in my subconscious? I I really want to know what happened back then.”

He was very nervous, afraid of knowing a cruel truth, but he also wanted to know everything that had happened.

These days, Shi Hao has repeatedly asked the old patriarch and Shicun's uncles and aunts about his parents. After all, he is a child and will miss his parents.

Chi Cang looked at Liu Shen, remembering the past that he helped Shi Hao explore.

"Okay!" Liu Shen simply responded with two words.

He asked Shi Hao to prepare, and then began to cast the spell. The main trunk of the charred willow tree exuded mist, and the five tender green willow branches overflowed with light and spread outward, like chaos. For a while, the whole world fell silent, as if it had arrived at the beginning of the world. Before.

Shi Hao remained motionless, as if he had reached the end of the world. The scenes that Shi Hao had seen before but could not remember because he was too young reappeared before his eyes.

"Your Majesty Youyou, the beginning of the people..."

When Shi Hao read the memories in his subconscious mind, tears were already streaming down his face. He stood there alone, very lonely.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen didn't speak, leaving Shi Hao alone to be quiet.

After a long time, Liu Shen finally said: "How do you feel?"

"I feel very sad, father, mother, where are you now?" The little boy said, tears kept falling, which made people feel sad.

In that memory, he saw his young self being coldly and ruthlessly taken to the secret room by his aunt, digging out the so-called Supreme Bone, and attaching it to his cousin Shi Yi's chest.

He told the aunt that he was cold, but what was waiting for him was not concern, but ruthlessness, without any mercy, and even the last remaining true blood was cruelly drained.

She knew that if she took the remaining bit of true blood, Shi Hao would probably not survive until he was two years old, but in the end, he still had it taken away, which was outrageous indifference.

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