The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 62 Shi Hao’s memory

Later, the Shi clan, which originally valued friendship and had harmonious branches, got into a fight because of this incident. Shi Hao's father, Shi Ziling, was so angry that he made a fuss in the palace.

Unfortunately, in the end, justice finally bowed its head to reality.

Shi Yi perfectly connected to Shi Hao's Supreme Bone, as if he was born with it. In addition, he was born with double eyes, and his aptitude was unparalleled.

The Stone Clan has already lost a born supreme, and it is impossible to lose another born saint. Moreover, this born saint has transplanted the supreme bone, and the future will be even more terrifying.

The poor little thing was given up, abandoned without waiting for justice.

Shi Ziling and Qin Yining had no choice but to leave with Shi Hao in their arms. They searched for the second ancestral land of the Stone Clan and finally found Stone Village...

At this moment, there was no hatred in Shi Hao's heart. If it were anyone else, he might have already sworn revenge in his heart, but Shi Hao didn't. The first thing he thought of was his parents, who went to the Ancient Sacred Mountain to find medicine for him. , has not returned yet, must have encountered some difficulty.

Therefore, he was worried.

"Don't you hate losing the Supreme Bone and being treated indifferently by the whole clan?" At this time, Liu Shen asked.

Shi Hao shook his head.

"It's just a piece of bone. Supreme status cannot be determined by a piece of bone, but by oneself step by step.

The wild fire never burns out, the spring breeze blows and regenerates, and what is lost can be regained. Now I have regenerated my supreme bones, stronger than before.

No matter the indifference of the whole family, I have my grandfather, uncle, aunt, parents who love me... that's enough. "

"You are indeed a kind child. You are not so angry that you lose your mind and shout for revenge." Liu Shen replied.

Chi Cang patted Shi Hao's shoulder, feeling very happy because he helped Shi Hao regenerate the Supreme Bone, which was equivalent to giving him great power.

Power and hatred are inseparable. Shi Hao is very good and does not put hatred first just because he has gained power. He is a kind child who always cares about his loved ones.

Only this kind of Shi Hao deserves to be treated like this.

Liu Shen finished casting the spell, the chaotic haze dissipated, and Shi Hao's figure appeared in front of everyone in Stone Village.

The old patriarch Shi Yunfeng and the adults in the village gathered around. Seeing the tears on Shi Hao's face, they felt extremely distressed and helped him wipe them away.

"Xiao Hao, no matter whether you know your life experience or not, this is your home and we are all your relatives." A group of aunts said.

The elders of Shicun stretched out their big hands, rubbed his head, and said with a smile: "It's not a big deal. Our Stone Clan has become a god, and you have been reborn with the Supreme Bone. In the future, you will definitely surpass your ancestors and become the eighth person in the world." The most powerful person in the wilderness."

His friends are also comforting him: "Don't cry, Xiaohao. You still have us. No matter what difficulties there are in the future, we brothers will bear it together."

Six ancient relic species surrounded Shi Hao. They found and brewed animal milk for Shi Hao, and practiced with him. They watched him grow up and become stronger little by little, and they already had different feelings for this child. Seeing him crying in sadness at this moment, I felt a little overwhelmed for a moment.

The demon ape spoke out, wanting to stand up for Shi Hao, and the Lihuo Bull Demon was also eager to try, and wanted to kill the person who bullied Shi Hao with his horn. Golden Suanni touched Shi Hao's head with his thumb, and sent a message to Shi Hao, telling him Tell him his name, and the six remaining species will definitely stand up for him.

Honghu Saint, Little Red Bird and others looked at this scene and sighed inexplicably. This village is really a paradise. Here, you can't feel a trace of indifference at all. Everyone loves each other and is like a family.

Shi Hao looked at everyone with great emotion. The tribesmen were very kind to him and regarded him as their own. The ancient relics also took good care of him and ran around. Therefore, his childhood was very happy and was not filled with hatred.

Of course, this does not mean that he will not care about those things. One day, he will go to that ancient country to ask for an explanation.

After this day, Shi Hao practiced harder. Liu Shen and Chi Cang told him that the theoretical limit of the lower realm of cave heaven was ten cave heavens, and he was working hard in this direction.

"If you don't experience wind and rain, you will always be a flower in the greenhouse. It's time for Shi Hao to go out and experience it." Chi Cang said to Liu Shen.

At this time, Shi Hao was already strong enough for his age group, but he just needed to temper his character. It was time for him to go out and make a living.

Liu Shen nodded, just as Chi Cang said, the current Shi Hao is just a flower in the greenhouse and needs to be tempered before he can truly embark on the path of becoming a strong man.

Suddenly, an astonishing fluctuation came from one direction, alarming the powerful men in Shicun.

The little red bird on the blackened tree stump smiled, it already knew what happened.

"After sleeping for so long, it's time to wake up."

Everyone came to the place where the fluctuations came out, which was a small stone house. The descendants of Zhu Yan who were in the state of nirvana were placed in this small stone house.

People understood that it was the monkey brought back by the little red bird.


There was a continuous sound of breaking, as if porcelain was broken.

Just when people were surprised, a ball of golden light rushed out, round, like a golden fist, only three inches high.

The golden light was flying around, dazzling everyone. The children tried to catch it, but the speed was too fast and they couldn't catch it at all.

The little red bird touched its forehead with its wings. Did it really lose its memory? Otherwise, with the seriousness of the monkey, it would be impossible for him to make such childish actions.

Chi Cang stepped forward, stretched out his hand, grabbed the golden fist, lifted its tail, and hung it upside down in the air.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..." The golden ball struggled hard, its eyes widened, and it kept shouting.

It still looks like a monkey, but it has become round, the size of a fist, golden, and has big eyes. It is on par with Shi Hao. The two are very compatible. The two big eyes stare at each other and flicker every time they blink. Ying's light.

"Ah, so cute."

Shi Hao liked it very much and handed it a piece of animal meat. The little monkey hugged the animal meat and stopped screaming immediately. It happily held it and gnawed it, regardless of whether Chi Cang was grabbing its tail.

"He's a foodie."

Everyone saw the true nature of the little monkey at a glance and was destined to Shi Cun.

Chi Cang handed the little monkey to Shi Hao. Shi Hao suddenly felt like he had found a treasure. He played with it and rubbed it back and forth. The little monkey ignored him at all and only focused on eating the meat.

After a while, the little golden monkey became angry because there was no more meat and he was eaten by it.

Shi Hao smiled happily and gave it another piece.

Everyone in Shicun looked at this scene with a smile. This little golden monkey and Shi Hao were so compatible. There were many similarities between the two.

The six ancient relics looked at each other. Isn't this the terrifying venerable man holding a stick? Now it has become a small golden ball, and is still being played with by Shi Hao.

They were eager to try and see how it felt, but the words of the little red bird stopped them.

The little monkeys will one day regain their memory. If they knew about these ancient relics... they would definitely teach them a lesson.

Unless they can evolve quickly and reach the level of the Venerable, they can avoid disaster.

But this was impossible, so the ancient relics retracted their hands with a dry smile.

"You're fluffy and round. Why don't I call you Furball." Shi Hao's big eyes were smiling, and he was very satisfied with the name he chose.

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