"Squeak, squeak, squeak..." The little golden monkey could understand human language. When he learned that he had been given the name "hair ball", he was immediately dissatisfied and began to protest, jumping around in Shi Hao's hands.

However, when Shi Hao took out a piece of animal meat, it stopped barking and happily started chewing the meat.

After a few times, the little golden monkey has completely accepted the name Furball.

"Feather ball?" the little red bird laughed, not to mention, the monkey after nirvana matched this name quite well.

I just don’t know what Zhu Yan’s descendants will look like after they regain their memory.

"This kid's name is a mistake, what about Maoqiu, Dajin, Erjin... Xiaohong...

Ah, I'm not a little girl. "The little red bird said the wrong thing and spat several times.

In the next few months, this vast wasteland was very peaceful. The follow-up incident of the Venerable Taikoo Sacred Mountain did not happen. Perhaps it was because the creatures at this level of the Venerable were highly autonomous, and it was normal for them to disappear for a few years. , or because the matter of seizing the mountain treasure was kept secret very well, the creatures from the ancient sacred mountain could not find it here for a while.

But it doesn't matter to Shicun. With Chi Cang and Liu Shen here, no matter how many beast gods come, it will be useless. Even if a beast god comes, he can only take the pot.

A few months passed in an instant. During this period, Chi Cang broke through the cave and entered the next realm - transforming spirits.

A small part of his Immortal Ancient Dharma Dao Fruit was also opened, and his combat power soared. From being comparable to a creature in the Divine Fire Realm before, he has now become a true god. The energy in his body has become more and more ethereal. Except for Liu Shen, no one can see through his strength.

Previously, when it was equivalent to the divine fire realm, Saint Honghu could still barely feel Chi Cang's combat power. But now, it can't see it clearly at all. It only feels that it is unfathomable and incalculable. It feels like it is just an ant in front of Chi Cang. a feeling of.

This made him feel frightened, knowing that Chi Cang might be a sealed ancient strongman, but he was only in the recovery stage now. Once he regained his former ways, he would be invincible in the world.

You must know that it can ignite the divine fire, and it can already run rampant in the lower realms, destroying the venerable in a flash, and Chi Cang is still above the divine fire. This is definitely a power that ordinary people cannot reach and can only look up to.

At this moment, Chi Cang is sitting cross-legged in the abyss, practicing in the realm of spiritual transformation. This realm is divided into three stages. The first is the physical body becoming a spirit, the second is the spiritual reshaping of the true self, and the third is the spiritual transformation. The cave heaven nourishes the spirit.

In the cultivation of turning the body into a spirit, Chi Cang has undergone many transformations, trying his best to explore the hidden treasures of the human body, and is already close to the point of perfection.

This was an indescribable realization. He sensed all this immediately and knew that he was about to reach that point.

The spiritual radiance shines all over the body, from the inside out, from the outside in, regardless of each other, and the whole body is one. The blazing sky is like a god and Buddha sitting cross-legged, and a halo spreads outside the body, looking extremely sacred.

This is absorbing the spiritual power between heaven and earth, submerging it into one's own body, and tempering one's true self.

Everywhere in his body, there is a stream of essence flowing, gurgling and nourishing into every layer of the body, which is completely consistent with the legendary characteristics of deep spiritual seed and spontaneous wisdom light.

Next, it is time to guide these wisdom lights, nourish the spiritual seeds in the body, let them take root and sprout, and sort out the various runes in the body.

This is not difficult for Chi Cang at all. He has gone very far on the path of the ancient immortal law system. By using this to verify the current world law system, he can get twice the result with half the effort.

In fact, all roads lead to the same goal, and the characteristics of the spirit-transformation realm are also explained and expressed in the Immortal Ancient Dharma system, but the emphasis is different.

At this time, Chi Cang was realizing the differences and similarities between the two methods.

He stretched out his palm, and there were shining mysterious symbols floating on it, one after another, some from the Suanni clan, some from the Luaniao clan... many of them were runes owned by powerful races.

For Chi Cang, there is no need to sort out the runes in his body like other spiritual transformation monks, because he knows everything about himself.

Now I am following the cultivation method of the Spirit Transformation Realm just to experience the process of this system.

Not long after, Chi Cang completed the first stage of spiritual transformation, bringing this state to the legendary level, and completely reached perfection in the stage of turning the body into a spirit.

After completing this stage of practice, Chi Cang returned to Shicun.

Today is an unusual day. Shi Hao is about to travel far alone and undergo the first trial in his life.

"My child, you have never been far away, and this time you have to travel 300,000 miles. How can I rest assured?" Shi Yunfeng, the old patriarch, was worried.

"Grandpa Patriarch, I am not leaving Stone Village, but I am completing the training that God Liu has given me." The handsome Shi Hao said comfortingly.

His eyes were filled with mist, and he was holding back tears, which looked very distressing.

Shi Yunfeng knew that Shi Hao was missing his parents. They had said that they were going to look for medicine, but they never came back. Shi Hao was very worried.

"My child, are you going to that vast ancient country? There are many princes there, and you are still too young to be able to defeat them."

Shi Hao shook his head: "I will only go to the frontier of the ancient country to fight with those big insects and beasts to verify what I have learned. I will not take risks."

He wanted to visit the second ancestral land. It was a place of exile. Some old people of his lineage were exiled to the frontier. They had a very speculative chat with his parents. They should know who Shi Ziling and Qin Yining were. Where did it go.

In addition, there is a child there who replaced him and stayed in that desolate place. I don’t know how he has lived these years. If Shi Hao is not dead, people of Shi Yi’s lineage will not give up. He is very likely to Encounter danger.

Shi Hao is an emotional person and feels that the child should not have this fate, especially since the other person replaced him.

"Let him go. The young eagle will fly into the sky one day. As long as the heart is here, it will come back." Chi Cang said.

His words were still very authoritative in Stone Village. Even though the old patriarch and other clan members were still worried, they didn't say anything more.

"This kind of training is the method used by the ancient ferocious beasts such as Zhenjian and Pixiu to hone their cubs. It is really scary to have to travel three hundred thousand miles alone.

There are many ferocious beasts and alien species in the wilderness. If you encounter one and don't avoid it in advance, it will be really dangerous.

However, if you can pass it smoothly, it will be of great help to you in the future. Liu Shen said.

Shi Hao nodded: "I will try my best to complete it."

He waved his fist to cheer himself up, then said goodbye to everyone and went on the road alone. Suddenly, a golden figure followed him.

"Furball!" everyone shouted.

"Let it follow." Chi Cang said.

After Shi Hao left, the little red bird flapped its wings and spoke.

"It's time for me to leave, that ancient country needs me."

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