In fact, the little red bird is reluctant to leave here. It feels very comfortable in this village. The people in the village are very nice, and there are also powerful people who have taken root. By following them, you can learn a lot.

However, after all, it is the sacrificial spirit of a country, and there are countless people who need it to protect it.

Leaving was originally a sad thing, and the little red bird was indeed a little reluctant to leave. However, this sad atmosphere was ruined by a few naughty children.

"Xiaohong, come and play often."

"Goodbye Xiaohong, we will miss you."

Sniffy Baby, Da Zhuang, and others spoke out one after another, "Little Red" one after another, making Little Red Bird feel ashamed and angry, and stared angrily at these naughty kids.

It flew into the air, and under the sun, its bright red feathers were magnificent and gorgeous, like the most beautiful creature in the world.

At this time, a beam of crystal light came out of the little red bird's mouth and flew towards a mountain in the distance.


The moment Shen Xi touched the mountain, the towering mountain peaks immediately melted away and disappeared, becoming nothingness.

Several children in Shicun shivered when they saw this scene. A huge peak just disappeared on the horizon, which clearly shows how scary the little red bird is.

Seeing a few frightened naughty children, the little red bird screamed proudly and happily. It said goodbye to Liu Shen, Chi Cang, Honghu Saint and others, flapped its wings, and flew away at high speed, disappearing in the blink of an eye. trace.

"It's time for me to leave. The experiences and gains here have benefited me a lot. I owe this village a big favor, and I will be rewarded in the future." Saint Honghu also had thoughts of leaving.

The traitorous Sky-Swallowing Bird has entered his stomach, and now it has returned to nature. His great revenge has been avenged. In addition, Chi Cang has repeatedly guided him in his practice. The path for the future is already clear, and he can only rely on himself from now on.

It plans to travel around the world to find some ancient ruins and practice cultivation while traveling.

After all, it is a swan. The strong men of this clan love the vast world outside and like to walk around without being idle.

Before leaving, Chi Cang handed it a thunder pattern seed, which could hide itself and isolate it from detection.

He and Liu Shen often talked about Taoism, and naturally they talked about the great tribulation. The eight realms of the lower realm were almost the hunting ground of the forces of the upper realm, just like leeks, one crop was harvested, and another crop was harvested.

All creatures above the Venerable level are in danger of perishing.

The Honghu Saint is different from the little red bird. If it travels around the world, it will be difficult to find it. If a catastrophe breaks out and it is discovered by a strong person in the upper world, it will inevitably be unable to escape.

This thunder seed can help him escape death at critical moments and avoid becoming someone else's food.

"Thank you!"

The Honghu Sage is not polite. It is a matter of life and death and cannot be careless.

The villagers had a good impression of this kind-hearted old man because he was always polite and respectful to others.

Therefore, everyone was seeing him off and waving reluctantly.

However, the next second, everyone's hands froze in mid-air, and the expressions on their faces froze.

The voice of Saint Honghu was heard in the wind. He actually planned to recruit a few more bird disciples.

Hearing this sentence, everyone felt a chill for some reason. Having just eaten the last disciple, it would be unlucky to accept a new one, especially if they wanted to recruit poultry, which made people have to think twice.

Chi Cang was speechless for a while. Doesn't this guy have any special hobbies?

After sending away Shi Hao, Little Red Bird, and Saint Honghu one after another, the originally bustling Stone Village suddenly became empty.

Everyone's mood was a little low, and they were all worried about Shi Hao's safety. He was a child, and it was his first time to travel so far, and he didn't know what kind of danger he would encounter.

However, life still has to go on, and Shicun has returned to its usual mode. Everyone has their own things to do and is busy.

Only the six ancient relics were a little confused. Shi Hao left. They temporarily lost their job of boiling animal milk. They used to cook it every day, but suddenly they stopped cooking. Some of them didn't know what to do. They sat at the entrance of the village in a daze. , I really want to find Shi Hao.

However, Chi Cang clearly stipulated that no one could interfere with Shi Hao's experience, so they could only endure this thought.

Seeing the appearance of these ancient relics, Chi Cang nodded secretly. The wild and ferocious ancient relics had a great sense of belonging to Shicun. This was a good sign.

Next, you can further deepen this bond.

He came to the ancient relics, gave them some guidance on their cultivation, and gave them diluted Thunder Pond Liquid, urging them to evolve to higher realms and protect Stone Village in the future.

The six ancient relics grasped the diluted thunder pool liquid with an astonishing breath, and their whole bodies trembled with excitement. They burst into tears of gratitude and rushed to show their loyalty.

Things of this level are something even the so-called gods can only dream of. As an ancient relic, being able to enjoy them is like a dream.

With the diluted thunder pool liquid and Chi Cang's guidance, they are very likely to evolve into pure-blooded creatures and become beast masters. By then, there will be six beast masters in Shicun, which will be stronger than an ancient country.

After doing all this, Chi Cang came under the willow tree and talked with the Willow God.

"Although I have achieved breakthroughs in every realm, I always feel like something is missing if I haven't experienced a life-and-death fight with opponents of the same level.

Liu Shen, how about the two of us give it a try? Chi Cang asked. Although he was invincible in the lower realm, there was a disadvantage: he couldn't find an opponent, which made him speechless.

Five green wickers swayed in the air, and an invisible green ripple was released, which made people feel peaceful.

Regarding Chi Cang's suggestion, Liu Shen shook his head.

"My try with you is not a life-and-death fight. It means nothing to creatures at our level."

Hearing this, Chi Cang nodded. He would definitely not kill Liu Shen, and the same would be true for Liu Shen.

He was a little troubled. In fact, he also needed to fight to verify his understanding.

"There is a place that may be able to help you." Liu Shen said suddenly.

Chi Cang's heart moved.

"Are you referring to the Void God Realm?"

He knew this place. In his memory, Shi Hao once stirred up a storm in the Virtual God Realm and attracted everyone's attention.

There, it is indeed possible to suppress the realm of living beings to the same level. However, Chi Cang does not think that anyone in the lower world can compete with him, not even Shi Hao. Their experience, fighting instincts, understanding of the great road, etc. are not the same. level.

He was one of the ten evil spirits, and Shi Hao was just a child who had just embarked on the path of spiritual practice.

"Yes, your opponent is naturally not a creature from the lower world.

In fact, the eight realms of the lower world are a prison where some terrible creatures are imprisoned, and they may become your opponents.

However, my impression of this matter only ends there. You need to find out for yourself. "

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