The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 66 Master Bird and Master Jingbi

Chi Cang is on the road and will go to the Virtual God Realm to explore the ultimate secret there.

Liu Shen said that from ancient times to the present, some ancient countries still maintain the tradition of offering sacrifices to heaven as a whole. The ancient gods they believed in have long since died, but they are still making sacrifices, using the strength of the whole country to carry out the sacrifices, solemnly and piously.

The main reason for this is to inherit what the gods left behind. Being able to enter the Virtual God Realm is one of the "treasures" left by the gods.

As long as the beliefs of this ancient country remain unchanged and they hold sacrifices to heaven every year, then the strong men of this ancient country will be able to sense the Virtual God Realm within the scope of this country.

Shicun is located in the endless wilderness, extremely far away from the ancient countries that can enter the Virtual God Realm. It is naturally impossible to enter through sympathetic means.

Fortunately, Liu Shen had other ways. After telling Chi Cang, he could do it himself.

You must know that at this moment, he is a true god, and he is almost omnipotent in the lower realm. After mastering the method, breaking into the virtual god realm is nothing at all.


Ten gleaming thunder beams appeared in Chi Cang's palm. They surged and turned into divine chains of order. They rushed into the sky and suddenly blazed, piercing the sky and opening the law portal that existed in the void.

In an instant, the sky above his head became hazy, and a portal loomed. There seemed to be a cave inside, which was deep and mysterious, as if a vast and strange world was hidden.

"Be careful along the way. There should be guards there. They may be able to provide you with some clues." Liu Shen reminded.


Chi Cang nodded. His powerful spiritual power was like a bright sun, rising high and taking the shape of himself. Then he took a step forward, passed through the light door, and came to a strange world.

It's very empty here, with many ruins scattered across the land, giving people a desolate and distant feeling.

He identified a direction and stepped towards it. Along the way, there were mostly ruins of buildings. The once magnificent palace had long been dilapidated, and the ground was covered with rubble. Ancient sacred mountains one after another stood in the distance, but only half of them looked like they were captured by someone. This forceful factor was cut off.

Chi Cang didn't stop, and soon passed through the misty ruins, approaching a bright world.

This was his first time here. Chi Cang was a little more cautious and did not come directly to some special place. He could do it with his ability.

He walked out of the ruins and came to a populated area.

Chi Cang discovered that there were many large bluestones with flashing runes under his feet, inlaid with several pieces of white animal bones, flowing with mysterious power.

This brought back some memories in his mind.

"Shi Hao must be digging the bones here." Chi Cang said to himself, with a smile on his lips.

Children's brain circuits are strange. Except for Shi Hao, a "dumb-headed young man", no one has ever thought of digging up the bones of the original land before.

However, this also shows that he is different from another aspect, daring to do things that others have never done before.

Shaking his head, Chi Cang truly entered the starting point. People were coming and going here, and it was very lively. There were middle-aged people in rich clothes, young people with strong heads, and even gray-haired old men. .

They were all doing their own thing, some were practicing, some were selling treasures, and some were competing and competing, it was so lively.

Chi Cang's arrival did not cause any disturbance. He was very low-key and no different from other people who arrived.

At most, his appearance and temperament will cause some people to raise eyebrows and wonder if he is a prince from a powerful ancient country.

Although he has done nothing, he has become a big shot in the eyes of many people. Many people can't help but avoid him, not wanting to cause any unnecessary misunderstandings and avoid getting into trouble.

Even though this is the original place, a training ground prepared for the creatures in the blood-moving realm, important people often come to observe the performance of the geniuses in the clan.

Therefore, no one dares to underestimate Chi Cang.

Many times, a person's strength, identity, status, etc. can be seen.

Chi Cang is obviously extraordinary, so naturally he doesn't have a human to provoke him.

He came to the place where the crowd gathered and glanced in all directions, seeming to be looking for something.

Soon, his eyes stayed in one place.

There, there were two old men who smiled kindly and were recommending something to a young man, very enthusiastically.

One has a goatee, and the word "Jingbi" is spoken all over his mouth. The other has a five-color bird standing on his shoulder, with a smile on his face, and looks a bit wretched.

The young man was a little wary, because he had just arrived, and his elders had reminded him that a novice like him could easily be fooled when he first arrived in the Virtual God Realm.

"Young man, I'm not telling you that this ancestral animal skin of yours is worth at most this price. If you go to Gaoli, almost no one will want it."

"Yes, we think you are very innocent, so we give you very real prices. Don't be ungrateful."

The two old men talked to each other, giving sweet dates at one time and big sticks at the other, which made the young man confused and confused, and wanted to sell the ancestral animal skins.

At this time, a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of the three people. The majestic body cast a large shadow, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

The three of them were stunned and turned their heads.

The young man saw the blazing eyes at first glance. They were so deep that they seemed to have no end, containing a brilliant and boundless galaxy.

"I have something to talk to these two old people about. Whether they can sell the animal skins or not, you go there and think about it first, and we'll talk about it later."

Chi Cang's words were very calm, but they had an irresistible majesty.


The young man hurriedly stepped aside.

The animal skin transaction was inexplicably interrupted, and the two old men were a little angry. You must know that the ancestral animal skin that the young man accidentally took out was left by a terrifying ancient relic that was close to the Beast Lord. It was very precious. They had just If the transaction can be successfully completed at the given price, you will definitely make a lot of money.

As a result, they were interrupted by the sudden arrival of Chi Cang, and they were naturally a little annoyed.

"Young man, you..."

The old man who loved to talk about "Jingbi" was about to say harsh words, and the old man with the bird on his shoulder also showed an unkind expression.

However, in Chi Cang's half-smiling eyes, they felt a chill for no reason, and the words they were about to say were suppressed.

The two of them were shocked and confused. This was the first time they had encountered such a situation. Even if the human kings of the ancient countries and the beast kings of the ancient sacred mountains came, they were not afraid and could deal with it calmly.

As a result, now, this person made them feel an unprecedented crisis.

"People of the Ming Dynasty don't tell secrets. I came to you because I have something to ask for your help." Chi Cang went straight to the topic without saying anything else.

There was naturally a reason why he came straight towards these two old men. From the memory of Shi Hao, Chi Cang knew that these two old men were not simple. Liu Shen had said that there should be guardians here. Could you find them? wrong.

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