The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 67 Friends, please stay

"Is something wrong?"

Master Bird and Master Jingbi were stunned for a moment, looking at each other in surprise.

"Uh, um... do we know each other?"

Uncle Jingbi asked as he rolled his eyes again and again.

Chi Cang thought for a while.

"Maybe we met a long time ago, I can't tell."

"Since you don't know me, I'll give you an initial meeting price. If you ask someone for help, you will naturally have to pay accordingly." Uncle Jingbi laughed so hard that his goatee stood up.

The person in his eyes was probably an extremely powerful person, otherwise he wouldn't have made them all feel in danger.

As for the worth of the powerful man, he is naturally extremely wealthy, and they can kill him severely.

Master Bird has been with Uncle Jingbi all year round, so he naturally understands his thoughts. He himself is also aware of this "business opportunity" and can't help but chuckle to himself.

A big fish came to the door on its own.

The evil looks and expressions of the two bad old men were all captured by Chi Cang. He smiled slightly. How could he not know the little thoughts of these two guys?

"That's natural. As long as you help me achieve my goal, I can raise any conditions."

"Haha, young people are very wise."

"Hmm, why don't you take a deposit or something and see if you are sincere?" Lord Bird suggested.

Uncle Jingbi immediately added in a low voice.

This means that their enthusiasm for doing things later depends on the deposit.

Chi Cang smiled when he heard this.

"No problem, I guarantee you'll be satisfied."

As he said that, in the expectant gazes of the two old men, a drop of Lei Chi liquid appeared in Chi Cang's palm.

For a moment, the expressions of the two old men froze.

What is this?

It is just a drop of liquid, which seems to contain infinite vitality and the most original rules and order of life in the world.

Heavenly materials and earthly treasures are no longer enough to describe it. It is more appropriate to say that it is a collection of Tao rules.

In terms of value, no matter how many bottles of divine blood it is, it cannot compare to it. The two are not on the same level at all.

An unprecedented vitality emitted from the Thunder Pond liquid, spreading in all directions. The entire initial land was hazy, wrapped in vast vitality.

Many monks practicing in the Beginning Land were surprised to find that in this environment, they actually practiced faster.

All the monks were alarmed, and their minds were completely attracted by the thunder pool liquid in Chi Cang's hand.

Master Bird and Master Jingbi were frightened for a while. They originally wanted to kill this strong man, but who knew that what he came up with was simply beyond imagination.

On the contrary, they did not dare to accept it, because they themselves had just said that if you ask someone for help, you must pay corresponding compensation.

Now, the pay is so amazing, so how amazingly busy is this? Can they help?

Thinking of this, both of them felt their hearts tremble.

"We...we can't help with this." Uncle Jingbi said tremblingly.

Mr. Bird also nodded. Although they like to be a little naughty and deceptive, they are not stupid. They really can't accept such hot things.

Chi Cang smiled and said: "You asked me to get the deposit, so I took out my deposit, but you didn't help anymore. How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

When Master Bird and Master Jingbi heard this, they frowned. They thought it was a big fish that came to their door, but in the end it turned out to be a big trouble. It was really unlucky.

"Spare us, we are just running a small business, so we really can't be of much help."

Chi Cang shook his head: "You are not simple. In this False God Realm, you two are the only ones who can possibly help me."

Everyone around was moved. This was the first time they saw these two old men begging for mercy. In the past, a young man was tricked and the strong man behind him was recruited to settle accounts with these two old guys, but he was beaten to death. Fleeing in defeat.

This is enough to show that these two old men are not simple. Even in front of those powerful princes, they are still strong.

Could it be that the young man holding the astonishing treasure was the human emperor of some ancient country?

People were wondering and speculating. At the same time, many people quietly retreated, preparing to spread the news that the shocking treasure appeared in the original place.

Chi Cang saw this, but he never paid attention to it.

The reason why he didn't cover up the Lei Chi liquid was because there was no need. With his strength, why should he be sneaky? A truly strong person always does whatever he wants.

As for the so-called trouble, there is no trouble in the face of absolute strength.

"Let's go, find a place to have a good talk." Chi Cang patted Master Bird and Master Jingbi on the shoulders and said calmly.

The two old men felt cold all over, as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, and the five-colored bird on Mr. Bird's shoulder was also stiff, with shocked eyes, as if it was incredible that Chi Cang was so strong.

"Okay... okay, if we can help, the two of us will definitely try our best. If we can't help, please don't blame us." Uncle Jingbi said worriedly, his heart sinking to the bottom.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you."

At this moment, Chi Cang, with bright eyes, stared at the two old people again and again, making them tremble.

Just as the three of them were about to leave, an unharmonious voice sounded. It was so sudden that it suddenly attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Friend, please stay."

This is a very majestic middle-aged man, dressed in brocade robes, with deep eyes. At first glance, he looks like someone who has been in power for a long time.

People knew that a big force had come upon hearing the news, and was interested in that drop of vitality-shaking treasure. When they saw Chi Cang and others were about to leave, they couldn't help it and wanted to take action.

Chi Cang didn't stop, as if he didn't hear the other party's words.

"Friend, didn't you hear what I said?" The middle-aged man was ignored, and he felt a little embarrassed, and his tone instantly became cold.

However, there was still no response. He seemed to be a clown, talking to himself the whole time.

The middle-aged man looked at Chi Cang's back coldly. He looked angry on the surface, but in fact he was overjoyed in his heart. He was worried that he had no reason to rob her.

"How brave you are to ignore me. I know all the venerables in the wilderness without you.

If you are not a venerable person, how dare you ignore me? "

He spoke indifferently, surprising the surrounding creatures. This was actually a prince who came after hearing the news. He realized that Chi Cang was not the venerable person in the wilderness that he was familiar with, so he had the idea of ​​seizing the treasure liquid.

Chi Cang's ignorance just gave it a reason to rob it.

"God, a prince."

"That man is going to suffer."

"Not necessarily. This is the initial place. No matter how powerful the cultivation level is, when you get here, you can only use the strength of the blood-moving realm. If that person is strong enough in the blood-moving realm, even if the venerable comes, he will not be able to do it. Not cheap.”

"That's what I say, but to be able to cultivate to the rank of prince, the foundation is definitely not bad."

The surrounding creatures had different opinions and were speculating on the outcome of this coming conflict. At the same time, their eyes were staring at the Lei Chi liquid and they were secretly drooling.

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