The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 70 The Ultimate Land of Virtual God Realm

They were not spiritual companions of the real world or people who came in through other paths like him, nor were they transformed by the order and rules of the virtual god world, but two strong men whose souls had been damaged.

Not only was the soul damaged, but there was also a vague demonic power in both of them, which made people very uncomfortable. At least Chi Cang was disgusted with it, as if he was born to be his enemy.

Especially after the record of "the strongest in the blood-moving realm" appeared just now, that kind of demonic power became more profound. Others couldn't feel it, but Chi Cang could.

Breaking the record in the False God Realm is like a key to unlocking the memories of the two old men, and also the key to unlocking the long-accumulated magical power.

If there are guardians in the Virtual God Realm, it must be these two people.

"I want to know where the ultimate secret of the Virtual God Realm is."

Chi Cang didn't mince words and directly stated the purpose of his trip.

When these words appeared, the confusion in the eyes of the two old men suddenly disappeared, a brief moment of clarity appeared, and their temperaments also underwent earth-shaking changes.


There was black lightning appearing next to the two of them, and there was also a harmonious sound of the avenue, shaking the void.

The two of them wake up like a dream, and the visions on their bodies are sometimes sacred and sometimes demonic. They become Buddhas with one thought and become demons with one thought.

They did not answer Chi Cang's words for the time being, but were thinking, frowning and thinking hard. Sometimes they were quiet, sometimes confused, sometimes sharp, and their temperaments kept changing.

"We seem to have really lost some memories..." Master Bird and Master Jingbi replied.

Later, the two told Chi Cang that their memory had not been restored enough and they could not remember anything.

Regarding Chi Cang's question, they racked their brains but couldn't get an answer.

"How can I remind you more? Can Thunder Pool Liquid be used?" Chi Cang asked.

"Probably not. The change just now is because you created a major record, which allowed us to recover some memories. If we want to recover more, we should continue to create records." Bird replied.

Uncle Jingbi nodded, what they lacked was not vitality, but to open the dusty seal.

"Broken record." Chi Cang said to himself. Such an unlocking method made people unable to help but have many associations. Who deliberately sealed the memories of the two? Only by breaking records can the seal be unlocked. What is their mission? Cultivate the strongest genius?

"Well, yes, it is best to have a major record like the one just now. The effect will definitely be countless times better than other small records."

"If that's the case, then I'll go to the Cave Heaven Paradise again."

Chi Cang pulled Master Bird and Master Jingbi and quickly arrived at the area where Dongtian Paradise was located.

This place is behind the initial land, and all living beings can only exert the strength of the cave heaven realm and cannot surpass it.

What they arrived at was a wasteland with no people around. After arriving at their destination, Chi Cang did not hesitate and immediately burst out with earth-shattering power.

Ten huge caves hang high in the sky, each one is deep and vast, like ten mysterious fairy worlds. His body and soul are also like the caves, releasing amazing secret power.

The energy and blood fluctuations spread out layer after layer, crushing the void. The tall mountains in the distance were affected and exploded directly, turning into powder without any surprise.


Another recording stone was raised. This time it was somewhat similar to the one at the beginning, with the word "strongest" used in both.

"The Cave Heaven Realm is the strongest."

Master Bird and Master Jingbi looked at this scene in surprise. At the same time, a monstrous force burst out from their bodies, like awakening prehistoric beasts.

Because this record was so important, they unlocked a lot of memories and remembered many things at once.

The two bad old men, who were originally wretched, suddenly became celestial and virtuous, with a rather unworldly temperament.

The bird on Master Bird's shoulder suddenly shot up and turned into a dazzling sun, hanging high behind him, covering his head like a bright divine ring.

Seeing such changes in the two of them, Chi Cang's heart moved. It was true as they said, breaking the record could unlock the shackles of their memories.

He didn't speak, just looked at the two thoughtful people, waiting for their answers.

"I remembered, we were injured, and we are still suppressing some things." Uncle Jingbi suddenly woke up and recalled some important things.

Master Bird also remembered it. This was a memory that had disappeared for endless years, and it was only today that he woke up like a dream.

"The ultimate secret of the Virtual God Realm you mentioned should be where we suppressed it." Master Bird's eyes flickered as he looked at Chi Cang.

"Suppressing something? That should be right. This is exactly why I came." Chi Cang nodded.

Hearing what he said, the two old men looked at each other, full of vigilance.

Since ancient times, there have been quite a few creatures and forces that have been plotting against this place. If the things they suppress are accidentally released, it will definitely be a catastrophic disaster.

Therefore, the two had to be cautious.

"I just want to find some suitable opponents to test myself, I have no other ideas." Chi Cang noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere and explained aloud.

"For this reason alone, it is difficult for us to help you. We must understand your identity." Uncle Jingbi shook his head.

"My identity?"

In the palm of Chi Cang's hand, a mysterious and ancient thunder pool suddenly appeared. It was surrounded by chaotic haze, lightning intertwined, and thunder light surged, as if it contained the power of endless catastrophe.

"This is……"

The two old men looked straight, and a memory about Lei Chi came to their minds.

"Thunder Pond? The Thunder Pond in Heavenly Punishment?"

They immediately knew who this extraordinary creature was, and they were all shocked.

"You are... the Thunder Emperor, one of the ten evils. Only he can control the thunder pool."

"How is it possible? Didn't the Thunder Emperor disappear?" The two of them couldn't believe it.

Chi Cang put away the thunder pool and said to them: "It's me. I was lucky enough not to die. I escaped the disaster. Now I'm starting all over again."

The two were shocked for a long time before sighing and saying: "Since you are one of the ten evil spirits, you are qualified to go there."

There is no doubt that the Ten Evils are trustworthy here.

After saying that, they led the way to the ultimate secret place of False God Realm.

They walked along a road to the sky, broke through the vast clouds and mist, walked through the ancient ancient road, and came to a vast and boundless area of ​​chaos.

A bluestone road was paved in the void, and the three of them stepped up and followed this road to the end.

Not far away, there is a huge ancient palace with many cages, which are black, dark and terrifying.

"This is it. The things we suppress are in the main hall and the cage." Master Bird and Master Jingbi's eyes were solemn. This is the source of the demonic nature in their bodies.

"Come on, let me see how strong these things are."

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