The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 71 The Invincible in the Dark Palace

With that said, Chi Cang strode forward with such force that he frightened the two old men into confusion.

But they immediately thought of Chi Cang's identity, and suddenly felt that it was natural. A long time ago, the Thunder Emperor was definitely no worse than the creatures sealed here.

However, it's better to be careful. With so many "big ones" gathered together, the demonic power released is so powerful that even if they were once the Ten Evils, they would fall prey to them if they were not careful. After all, the Thunder Emperor was not in his prime.

"Slow down, don't get too close yet." Uncle Jingbi quickly spoke out, advising Chi Cang to put safety first.

"It doesn't matter!"

Chi Cang waved his hand, indicating that he knew what was going on.

After approaching the black hall, he suddenly felt like he was being stared at by a wild beast, which indicated that this place was extremely unusual.


Chi Cang smiled and knew that he had come to the right place. He had an intuition that the things sealed here were definitely not weaker than him at his peak and belonged to the same level of creatures.

The two old men followed. After arriving here, the black energy lingering on their bodies faintly emerged again. It was the source of demonic nature hidden deep in the soul. It was caused by being infected by black mist for a long time and was difficult to eradicate.

Chi Cang cast his eyes into the main hall and saw the scene inside. Although it was dark, he could see clearly.

There are some stone statues in the hall, which are ancient and mysterious. They are full of cracks and have cracked for a long time. The surface is covered with a thick layer of dust. It is unknown how long they have been lying here.

Those statues were also tied with iron chains, tightly bound, as if they were trapping vicious prisoners.

"The power beyond the extreme."

Chi Cang muttered to himself, approaching the main hall, he felt a very threatening force. Even if he exceeded the limit and was judged by the Virtual God Realm as "the strongest in the Blood Moving Realm" and "the strongest in the Cave Heaven Realm", he could not relax his vigilance. .

At this time, Chi Cang saw the faint black mist emerging from the statues. After carefully sensing it, he felt a throbbing in his heart.

"Is this the so-called demonic power? Are you infected by this black mist?" He turned to look at Master Bird and Master Jingbi behind him and asked aloud.

"It's not just them, there are others." Master Bird pointed at the back of the main hall.

There is a large prison over there, and there are extremely strange altars. Each altar has an earthen jar, sealed by the blood-stained altar, and there are dozens of them.

Just as Mr. Bird said, these earthen jars are also releasing black mist outwards. When dozens of earthen jars are put together, the number is huge, floating in the void, and it is shocking to anyone who sees it.

If you guard here all the year round, you will naturally be eroded by the black mist. This is unavoidable. In addition, Master Bird and Master Jingbi have damaged their souls. Over time, they have been deeply rooted in demons.

"Huh? That's..."

There were brilliant symbols floating in his blazing eyes, and he stared at two extraordinary bone books. They were very simple and filled with fairy spirit, and the mysterious ancient characters on the bone books were vaguely visible.

In his eyes, the two bone books flickered, bursting out with brilliant red light, as if they turned into two lifelike real phoenixes, flying and soaring in the darkness.

"True Phoenix Treasure Technique." Chi Cang knew the origin of the two bones. It was the treasure technique possessed by the True Phoenix, one of the ten evil spirits. It was extremely precious.

"That's right, it's the True Phoenix Treasure Technique. It's the most precious thing in the Virtual God Realm. It can be said to be an invincible technique in the world." Uncle Jingbi nodded.

"The True Phoenix Treasure Technique is originally prepared for those who are invincible at the same level. You can learn it as much as you like. The records of the Blood Moving Realm and the Cave Heaven Realm just now did not give you any rewards. This True Phoenix Treasure Technique can be regarded as a record-breaking reward. Okay, but you can’t take these two bones away, you can only learn them here, but this will be extremely dangerous, and you will most likely become a demon.”

"Yes, once you become demonized, you will completely fall into darkness, and the False God Realm will suffer catastrophe as a result, so be careful."

The two old men knew that they could not stop one of the Ten Evils, so they warned here that if Chi Cang fell into the darkness, the most terrifying consequences would occur.

"Don't worry, I control the thunder, and the darkness will not come to you."

Chi Cang's whole body was surrounded by lightning, and he decided to try the power of those stone statues. He sealed his Immortal Ancient Dharma Fruit, Cave Heaven, and Spirit Transformation, leaving only the blood-moving level, and then stepped into the black hall.


At this moment, the iron chain wrapped around the stone statue began to shake inexplicably, emitting terrifying power that stabbed the soul.

The stone tires that were originally motionless actually moved together, stretched out their big hands, and patted Chi Cang.

Chi Cang's expression was slightly condensed. How could this be the power that the Blood Moving Realm should have? It is beyond the so-called extreme realm.

There is no doubt that these ancient creatures have traveled a long way beyond the extreme realm and are extremely threatening.


Chi Cang's body was full of energy and blood, and the blood Shen Xi in the form of thunder pools flowed rapidly, emitting bright light, all turned into combat power, blessing Chi Cang's body.

He stretched out his big hand and violently attacked those stone statues. There were four stone statues in total, representing four unparalleled strong men. They took action together and besieged Chi Cang. One after another, stone-laid arms struck, driving the iron chains to emit The clanking sound of metal gave people a strong sense of oppression.

At this moment, it seemed as if four ancient invincibles came from the oldest era and wanted to fight Chi Cang to the death.

The battle was fierce, with a total of eight stone arms covering the entire sky.

Any one of them can easily kill the so-called blood-moving genius in the Void God Realm.

However, here in Chicang, such an effect could not be achieved. He stood on the same spot without moving his steps. Only a pair of arms blocked the terrifying attack like a violent storm. His figure was majestic and incredibly strong.

"So strong..." Mr. Bird was surprised. He was indeed one of the ten fiercest men.

"It's unbelievable. One person is fighting against four supreme beings." Uncle Jingbi opened his eyes wide and stared at the battle in the palace.

"I remember someone once said that the strongest person in a certain realm can be cultivated and tempered here. He already has that kind of atmosphere."

At this time, the movement in the palace became more intense. The battle was no longer limited to the blood-moving realm. Chi Cang released his seal and raised his realm to the cave sky.

Correspondingly, the power that the stone statue can use has also been greatly increased, and the battle has been directly upgraded.

I saw Chi Cang and the four ancient stone statues attacking fiercely. The sky was darkened and the whole black palace was shaking.

Master Bird and Master Jingbi looked at all this and were stunned. Is this too strong? Chi Cang withstood the siege of four people without even manifesting the ten caves outside his body. He seemed to be able to do so with ease and still have some strength left.

This is an amazing result.

You must know that each of the four stone statues in the ancient temple outside the seal can be called invincible. They were once enshrined in the temple by the ancestors in a world. Their origins are unimaginable. Now, four such terrifying existences are present together. He came out, but there was nothing he could do about Chi Cang.

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