"Throughout the ages, if a genius can achieve amazing achievements in a certain realm, he can leave his name in history and become an extremely powerful person.

And he, moving the blood realm and the cave heaven realm are both so terrifying, what kind of path is he going to take? "

The two old men looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"This won't work. You can't measure how strong I am. Can you let go of the chains and let them attack with all their strength?" Chi Cang suddenly spoke up during the battle, startling Master Bird and Master Jingbi.


"Please do not."

They waved their hands repeatedly, their eyes widened, and they firmly disagreed.

"There are some records there, take a look." Uncle Jingbi pointed to a place where some vague words were carved on the ground, warning future generations not to open the shackles.

Because any stone statue is truly invincible, and no one in the world can defeat it.

"The real invincible? Am I not? I am very curious. Everyone can be called invincible, so who is the real invincible? There should be a result when two invincibles compete." Chi Cang is a little unhappy with that record Cold, for the genius of the lower world, this sentence needs careful consideration, but for him, it does not.

"There is a prison over there, why not go there and give it a try first." Master Bird wiped the sweat from his forehead and suggested.

Opening the chains on the stone statue is really not a wise move and makes people feel frightened.

"Yes, the creatures sealed in the jars on the altar are also extremely terrifying, and they all have the power to break through the extreme realm." Uncle Jingbi nodded.

Looking at Chi Cang who was eager to try, the two old men had a headache. As guardians, they didn't want to cause any trouble, they just hoped that the prison could satisfy Chi Cang.

"Okay, I'll give it a try. If it doesn't work, I will definitely open the chain." Chi Cang nodded, blasted away the arms of the four stone statues, and strode towards the altar at the back.

As soon as he stepped into the dark prison, the earthen jars on the altar began to shake, emitting strange and terrifying fluctuations. As soon as he got close, bloody claws and hands would come out and kill Chi Cang.

"This is a part of the dark prophecy. It is just a preview. Some of the generals are locked here to train their descendants." At this moment, Master Bird said these words as if he was dreaming.

He himself was surprised and a little confused.

Obviously, this is a memory hidden deep in his mind. He was once forgotten due to demonization. Now that he touches these things, he is stimulated and speaks out involuntarily.

Chi Cang looked at Lord Bird, ignored him, stretched out his big hand, and faced the bloody claws and palm that he grabbed.

The altar was in pieces, all filled with strange earthenware jars, stained with blood. Hands and claws stretched out from the earthen jars one after another, displaying powerful ancient magical powers, attacking Chi Cang with overwhelming momentum.

However, Blazing Iron Blood took action, flapping one hand repeatedly, without even using any magic, relying on sheer strength to repel those strange and frightening attacks one after another.

Compared to the stone statues in the black palace, the creatures in these jars were much weaker.

The only thing that pleased Chi Cang was that the number of earthen jars was considerable, dozens of them, which made up for the lack of attack power. However, for Chi Cang, this was still a bit unsatisfactory.

"It's not possible. It seems that the only way is to unlock the chain seal of the stone statue." Chi Cang shook his head for a while and stepped among the altars. No one could stop him, as if he was entering an uninhabited place.

At this moment, Master Bird and Master Jingbi were speechless. They could both see that the war general sealed in the prison would not pose any threat to Chi Cang.

"Let's learn the True Phoenix Art first." Chi Cang didn't plan to come to this prison again, so he decided to take the opportunity to learn the True Phoenix Bone Book that was stranded in the center of the prison.

He came to the bone book and stood there to watch. There were still bloody palms and sharp claws attacking around him, but they were all blocked.

In the bone books that record the true phoenix treasure technique, 10% are immortal inscriptions, and the remaining 90% are avenue lines. The most primitive bone inscriptions are used to interpret the most essential rules. They are like the stars in the sky, constantly changing, indescribably wonderful, and rote. Memorizing it won't work, you need to understand it here.

Chi Cang calmed down and silently understood the true phoenix magic in the bone script. In his eyes, these bone scripts were like dancing phoenixes one after another, with firelight, spreading their wings and hitting the sky. After falling, they were reborn from the fire. , from withering to becoming dazzling again.

This is the true secret of the True Phoenix Art, which is profound, vast and unpredictable.

After a long time, Chi Cang understood the phoenix bone in the prison. He stopped staying and turned towards the black hall.

During this process, dozens of earthen jars continued to attack Chi Cang, and released black mist containing terrifying demonic power, invading Chi Cang's body.

It's a pity that the black mist can't get close at all. The whole body is surrounded by lightning and bathed in thunder. Every time the black mist comes close, it is smashed to pieces.

He is like a supreme and majestic king of thunder, capable of destroying all things, even the darkness that makes people change their color cannot come close.

Soon, Chi Cang returned to the dark palace. He did not rush to untie the chains on the stone statue. Instead, he went to the second True Phoenix Bone Book first, and with the attack of the stone statue, he fully comprehended the True Phoenix Treasure Technique.


A layer of gorgeous flames danced and adhered to his body surface, like the feathers of a true phoenix, very bright and brilliant, overflowing with vitality.

The next moment, there was thunder surging in the firelight again. Thunder and fire intertwined, and it was extremely fierce, making the nearby black mist crackle.

He had truly obtained the True Phoenix Treasure Technique. Counting his Thunder Emperor Treasure Technique and the Caozi Sword Technique obtained from the mountain treasure, he already had three Ten Evil Treasure Techniques.

Coupled with Liu Shen's method, Chi Cang possesses four forbidden secret techniques.

He looked at the extremely nervous Master Bird and Master Jingbi outside the palace, and told them to relax and not be nervous.

Then, he took action to untie the shackles on a stone statue.

"There should only be one true invincible."

In an instant, black mist filled the sky, filling the entire dark palace.

The stone statue was completely different. It didn't feel like a stone statue to Chi Cang at all, but more like a supremely powerful man returning from distant ancient times. It was like the rebirth of the God of War, filled with the most powerful power.


The battle in the Blood Moving Realm was about to break out. This time, the seal of the stone statue was released, and the pressure on Chi Cang suddenly doubled, which was more than the previous four stone statues combined.

After a head-on collision, Chi Cang felt pain for the first time.

"very good."

The roots of his black hair rose up, and the fire and lightning intertwined, exerting unimaginable force, and fought with the stone statue.

Under the shocked gazes of Master Bird and Master Jingbi, Chi Cang laughed and actually opened the chain of another stone statue.

"Hahahaha, not enough."

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