The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 74 Business Opportunities

"Dark preview, a corner of the future." Liu Shen lamented that the Void God Realm indeed contained terrifying creatures related to darkness and weirdness.

Liu Shen was surprised when he learned that Chi Cang suppressed the two stone statues alone. You must know that being able to suppress the unchained stone statue again meant that it was not a barely defeated one, but a great advantage.

Perhaps Chi Cang's current limit is three stone statues. This result is undoubtedly astonishing.

Chi Cang is embarking on an invincible road, and may conquer the world in the future.

Later, the two talked about the issue of the law of this world.

"There are indeed flaws in the lower realm, which need to be filled in the complete realm." Liu Shen nodded.

He went on to say: "Perhaps it won't be long before the road I am pursuing will appear. When we get on the road, we will have the opportunity to make up for it."

Chi Cang nodded, relieved.

In the following time, while Chi Cang was cultivating the spirit realm, he would go to the ultimate place of the False God Realm from time to time to compete with the terrifying stone statues in the dark temple.

He completely regarded those stone statues as a training ground, and the four stone statues were also happy to do so.

Even if they are defeated, they will not perish, because Chi Cang currently does not have the ability to kill them, but Chi Cang is different. If he is killed by a stone statue in the palace, he will be doomed.

The four stone statues have countless chances, but Chi Cang only has one chance. The stone statues are naturally willing to try to suppress and kill Chi Cang.

Therefore, they worked extremely hard and became more fierce every time. In this process, Chi Cang's Dharma and path were best tempered, and they made progress every day.

What makes Chi Cang speechless is that every time he enters the Virtual God Realm, he can see Master Bird and Master Jingbi selling his information in the initial land.

What about "One Hundred Things You Don't Know About True Gods", "Quick Tips for Young Gods", "How to Become the Strongest in the Blood Moving Realm", "The Unforgettable Secrets of the Strongest in the Cave Heaven Realm"...

There are all kinds of secret books and secret histories, all related to Chi Cang.

Not to mention, this is really a very good business opportunity, and the sales are simply explosive. One book after another is sold. The initial place is crowded with people every day, and they all come here because of its reputation.

Two bad old men were selling in front of the record monument of "The Strongest in the Blood Moving Realm", which seriously stimulated those passionate young people who had dreams in their hearts and liked porn in their minds.

Even some old men with gray beards couldn't help but spend a lot of money to buy a few books for research.

There was no way, many people witnessed the strong man taking away the two old men.

Apart from the golden beast god servant who had turned to ashes, the only ones who had contact with that mysterious strong man were these two old men. There was no way he could not believe it.

There are also powerful beings who want to use their power to overwhelm others and force Master Bird and Master Jingbi to give Chi Cang's message.

As a result, the bird on Master Bird's shoulder was in trouble, and he was burned to the point of crying for his father and mother.

People realized that the two old men were not simple, even a bird they raised was so strong.

As a result, more people are willing to buy those secret books and secret histories.

However, fiction is fiction after all. Many passionate young people came to the door and said that the God's quick method did not work. They practiced according to the secret book and did not become the strongest in the blood-moving realm.

Who would have thought that Master Bird and Master Jingbi would render these young men speechless with just one sentence.

"So, there is only one strongest person in the Blood Moving Realm, otherwise you would think there are several."

Shaking his head, Chi Cang ignored the matter. Master Bird and Master Jingbi grasped the bottom line very well and did not really sell his information.

Time flies by quickly. Two months later, Shi Hao returned from the wilderness and brought back a child, a black and red unicorn horse.

Shi Hao and the child looked very much like savages. The animal skins on their bodies were stained with blood.

As soon as they came back, they were spotted by the children in the village and surrounded them one after another.

"Two savages? No, it's Xiao Hao."

Shi Hao and the others were in a very embarrassed state. Even Mao Qiu's body was covered with stains of animal blood. It looked like he had gone through countless bloody battles.

"Xiao Hao, you are back. The clan members are very worried. You have been away for two months."

"Xiao Hao is so miserable, I can't even recognize him."

The boy from Shi Cun walked over and hooked up with Shi Hao. They had a good relationship.

They looked at the other child and asked Shi Hao.

"Who is this child?"

"His name is Shi Qingfeng, and he will be our younger brother from now on." Shi Hao introduced.

Later, the dirty-looking but magical unicorn horse was also asked.

"It's Xiaobai, the unicorn I met on the road. It carried me across three hundred thousand miles of wilderness."

When a group of children heard this, they all looked at the unicorn. The dark red scales shone under the sunlight, which was extremely magical.

The adults in the village were alerted and rushed out quickly.

"My child, you are finally back. It's great if you can come back alive." The elder of the clan said excitedly.

A child bravely ventured into the wilderness, traveled 300,000 miles alone, and finally came back alive. This is a miracle.

The usually steady old patriarch was also very excited. These days, he was really worried to the extreme.

"This is the breeze..."

Shi Hao quickly introduced Qingfeng to his uncles, aunts and grandfathers. Everyone felt heartbroken when they learned that Qingfeng was taking Shi Hao's place to suffer in the ancestral homeland on the border of the Stone Kingdom.

Such a young child has endured suffering that should not be endured at his age.

"My child, coming here feels like coming home. We will be your family from now on." Shi Yunfeng touched Shi Qingfeng's head and said kindly.

The other uncles and aunts were also comforting Qingfeng, and the scene was warm and harmonious.

Shi Qingfeng felt warm in his heart. Such an atmosphere was unimaginable before and existed only in dreams. Now that he has really come to such a place, if he lives here for a long time, he will definitely be very happy.

He quickly became involved with the children in Shicun and became very familiar with each other.

After the clan members dispersed, Shi Hao came to the willow tree.

"Very good. You have successfully completed the terrifying test of training cubs from heaven-level ferocious beasts in the ancient times. This is of great benefit to you." Liu Shen spoke up, affirming Shi Hao's performance.

Chi Cang also praised a few words, making Shi Hao slightly shy.

"Your talent is very good, and you have unlimited possibilities in the future. However, you are too isolated in this wilderness, and it is difficult to have the opportunity to see real geniuses. You cannot have a warning life-and-death battle with those pure-blooded creatures and cubs. This is very detrimental to your practice.

There is a mysterious world where wizards are everywhere and competition is fierce. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a trial place specially prepared for monks. Are you willing to go?

Maybe there, you can meet your "little brother" Shi Yi in advance. Although he is not the real person, he is still similar. "

Shi Hao was stunned after hearing Liu Shen's words.

Meet Shi Yi in advance?

"I do!" The next moment, Shi Hao nodded firmly.

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