The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 75 The ultimate naughty boy

"Okay, you tell the clansmen not to worry, and then we set off." Liu Shen said resolutely.


Shi Hao nodded, turned around, came to the old patriarch's house, and briefly described the situation.

Shi Yunfeng and some clan elders were there. After listening to Shi Hao's words, they all sweated for him. This virtual world was too scary. They could actually meet the young of ferocious beasts such as Bi Fang, Fei Yi, and Bai Hu. You can also meet Shi Yi, the man with double eyes who took away the Supreme Bone.

The Stone Clan definitely used the entire clan's efforts to cultivate that young man with astonishing talent, and his achievements can be imagined.

Relatively speaking, Shi Hao is younger than him and has wasted some years. It is undoubtedly disadvantageous for Shi Hao to face him at this time.

Shi Hao explained in detail the various aspects of the Virtual God Realm. It was very special and allowed all creatures to fight at the same level. In this way, he was not necessarily inferior to Shi Yi.

"Child, you must be careful. The cubs of ancient ferocious beasts are no joke."

The Yiqian tribe knew that God Liu wanted to sharpen Shi Hao for his own good, so they had no objection.

"Well, don't worry, Grandpa."

Shi Hao returned and came under the willow tree.

"Liu Shen, Uncle Chicang, I'm ready."

"That being the case, let's start our journey to the sky." Liu Shen's voice sounded. Although it was soft and calm, there was an inexplicable majesty to it.

The five willow branches overflowed with brilliant light and turned into a blazing divine chain of order, soaring into the sky and piercing a portal that coincided with Chi Cang's route at that time and led to the original land.

Shi Hao only felt that he had left the place where he was, gradually rising up, passing through the hazy portal, and came to a strange world.

The branches of the Willow God led him, and Chi Cang's spirit followed behind, hiding his figure so that even Shi Hao couldn't see it.

When they were about to reach the starting point, Willow God's branches stopped moving forward, leaving Shi Hao to go alone and hone his skills.

Chi Cang followed behind, surrounded by mysterious symbols. He was so detached that the rules of the Virtual God Realm could not restrain him at all.

Without knowing it, Shi Hao came all the way to the original place. He stopped in front of a large bluestone inlaid with many rune bones, squatted down, and started studying it with interest.

Chi Cang behind was a little speechless. Shi Hao was indeed the same as in his memory, and he was about to start to show his brain circuitry that was different from ordinary people.

He stood far away, and before he had stood for long, two old men came over.

"A being like you would stalk a little kid?"

The two bad old men didn't look straight, they said with a smile, their eyes moved around, looking a little wretched.

"He is one of my juniors. It is his first time to come to the Virtual God Realm. He is not familiar with the place. In addition, he is very simple. I am afraid that he will be bullied. So in the future, please take care of him more." Chi Cang replied road.

Master Bird and Master Jingbi looked at each other, are they descendants of the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors? He must have amazing talent and be worth cultivating.

Ever since the last time Chicang set a major record that allowed them to recover part of their memory, they have understood their mission. They must do their best to cultivate the most powerful genius, and it is best to be invincible in a certain realm, both ancient and modern.

The descendants of the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors are naturally qualified to attract their attention.

"Don't worry, we will take good care of this little baby. It doesn't matter if it's simple. These things can be exercised." Master Bird said with a smile.

Uncle Jingbi was also there to confirm.

At the moment when the two old men were talking to Chi Cang, Shi Hao's "abnormal" behavior attracted the attention of passers-by.

He was actually trying to crack the bluestone and take out the talisman bones.

"Oh my God, whose naughty kid is this? Why did he destroy the passage?"

"You are so young, no wonder you did such an amazing thing. Didn't you know that the passage is very hard and cannot be shaken at all?"

People were pointing and laughing at Shi Hao.

Master Bird and Master Jingbi were also in a daze. Why didn't this child take the usual path? They will destroy it as soon as they arrive, not even sparing the passage to the initial ground of the Virtual God Realm.

They looked at Chi Cang in confusion.

Chi Cang showed an awkward yet polite smile.

"As a junior, I'm just a little naive. I don't have any other bad intentions."

The two old men were doubtful and wanted to destroy the passage as soon as they came. If it was too big, wouldn't it turn the virtual god world upside down?

While they were thinking about it, Shi Hao had already borrowed a two-thousand-jin hammer, started rotating it, and struck the big bluestone violently. The frequency was like a chicken pecking at rice, as if a two-thousand-jin hammer was hammering. The hammer is just straw.

After a few blows, the big hammer deformed, the hammer head flew out, and was scrapped on the spot.

A middle-aged uncle changed his mind. This hammer was his, but it was abandoned like this. He wanted to hold Shi Hao accountable, but he just said to use it casually.

Who knew that a little kid could have so much strength, swinging a two-thousand-pound hammer as if for fun, without even taking a breath.

No one had time to be surprised, Shi Hao made a new move, his whole body was glowing, and various runes emerged, so densely packed that they were countless.

His aura suddenly changed, from a harmless child to a small ferocious beast in human form. Electric light shot out from his two eyes, and he waved his fists, driving a layer of bright red energy and blood, exerting power beyond the extreme. Throw it at the big bluestone.

This punch was purely physical power, without the blessing of runes. Therefore, the big bluestone did not launch a defense, and the rebound of the few precious bones was not as powerful as when the power of runes was used to swing the sledgehammer.

There was just a "click" sound, and the big bluestone cracked, and several pieces of crystal-clear precious bones fell out and scattered on the ground.

Shi Hao was pleasantly surprised and hurriedly put away a treasure bone. Suddenly, several other treasure bones glowed and flew directly through the air. He became anxious and shouted loudly.

Everyone was in a daze. This naughty boy actually destroyed the passage and pulled out the precious bones.

Master Bird and Master Jingbi were stunned, this little baby really did it.

Judging from his appearance, he is only a few years old and yet so ferocious, he is worthy of being a junior valued by the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors.

They could see clearly that Shi Hao had extraordinary achievements in the blood-moving realm. Otherwise, it would be impossible to break the big bluestone with pure physical strength.

"What a seedling." The two old men stared at Shi Hao closely with their eyes shining.

"There is no need to affect his growth trajectory. Just take care of him a little. By the way, don't tell me about my existence."

"I understand, just don't worry."

The two old men walked over quickly, and Chi Cang stared at them suspiciously. Are these two bad old men reliable?

Why did he just hear them discussing how to get the precious bones that Shi Hao smashed out, and how many bones were suitable? Could it be that he heard it wrong?

At this moment, Shi Hao was surrounded by onlookers, because the precious bone he obtained was amazing.

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