The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 76 Appears, loves to eat animal milk

"Little friend, for the sake of me lending you the weapon, can you consider selling the treasure bones to me?" A middle-aged man came over and said to Shi Hao.

Shi Hao turned his head.

"It turns out to be Uncle Hammer."

A middle-aged man had black lines on his forehead, so he borrowed a hammer, and was labeled "Uncle Hammer," a dead kid.

Everyone covered their mouths to suppress laughter. They wanted to say, "What's the point of arguing with a little baby? Uncle Chui, let's just do it."

Next, everyone's eyes were fierce, all staring at the treasure bone in Shi Hao's hand. It was extraordinary and covered with crystal symbols.

At this time, two old men squeezed in. The people next to them were about to get angry, but when they saw it was Master Bird and Master Jingbi, they quickly extinguished their anger.

Who in the current False God Realm doesn't know these two deceivers. The cheats they sell have really deceived many people. Moreover, due to their strong strength, even if they are deceived, they dare not say anything.

Especially the bird on Mr. Bird's shoulder, the flames it spits out are so terrifying that even the princes can't withstand them.

"Little baby, can you show this precious bone to us two old men?"

The two of them showed what they thought were friendly expressions and said to Shi Hao.

Hearing this, Shi Hao looked at the two of them with suspicion on his face.

"No, I haven't even thought about it yet."

He felt that the two old men did not look like good people.

After being rejected, Mr. Bird and Mr. Jingbi were not discouraged and said they would use Jingbi to buy precious bones.

But they were all rejected by Shi Hao.

The two old men were very angry. This little baby was not innocent at all. An innocent child should have been deceived a long time ago.

Suddenly, a simple stone tablet floated up, surrounded by hazy mist, and a line of words appeared on it, each word emitting a dazzling light.

"Crush the initial tunnel and get a piece of the original treasure bone as a reward."

Everyone was in a daze. Was this a record?

They looked at Shi Hao in a daze. This silly boy set a record when he entered the Virtual God Realm for the first time. It was recorded by the Virtual God Realm and told to the world. Is there any justice left?

"Write down the relevant information and complete the record." Lord Bird kindly reminded.

In the False God Realm, it is not easy to break any record, because for endless years, countless creatures have been eager to become famous and have worked hard to break records.

Those records that were relatively easy in the past have now been pushed to the point of being extremely rare. It is very rare for a child to achieve an achievement.

"Huh? Oh, thank you Lord Bird."

Shi Hao was stunned for a moment, and saw the five-colored bird standing on Master Bird's shoulder, and immediately gave him the title "Master Bird".

He walked to the record tablet, scratched his head, and gestured with his hands for a long time, but he couldn't write anything.

Chi Cang in the distance looked at this scene and wanted to laugh. Are you here? That's a very personal title.

"If you have any concerns, you don't have to write down real information. You can just write something casually, such as your hobbies and what you like best." A kind-hearted girl reminded.

When Shi Hao heard this, he was immediately overjoyed and wrote five big characters on the stone tablet in one go.

The stone tablet flickered, and the runes filled the sky. The traces he made immediately shined brightly, and were imprinted on them, bright and eye-catching.

Everyone was petrified, all fell silent, and the scene was audible.

Shi Hao felt something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you like animal milk the most?"

"Haha, this name is really unique, silly boy, aren't you still weaned?"

A group of people laughed and couldn't close their mouths.

Chi Cang smiled, he was really not weaned, not only he was not weaned, but he also brought a new friend to eat animal milk together.

The Shicun Animal Milk Cooking Team provides fresh and different delicious animal milk every day, and Shi Hao and Shi Qingfeng drink a lot of it every day.

Shi Hao was laughed at and felt a little embarrassed.

"Didn't you say fill in your favorite things?"

The kind-hearted girl explained: "What I mean is that you don't need to write down the real information, just replace it with your favorite Noble Phantasm, or a divine bird or beast. My name here is Cai Luan."

"Ah? Can you still change it?" Shi Hao regretted.


Everyone laughed. From now on, no matter how old Shi Hao is, he will have to walk in the Virtual God Realm with the name "Loves eating animal milk". This name is really eye-catching and is definitely highly recognizable.

Soon, under the guidance of everyone, Shi Hao filled in the record tablet completely.

At this time, the False God Realm announced to the world, making his name of "loving to eat animal milk" popular all over the world.

Chi Cang looked at Shi Hao and everyone with interest. This was the scene in his memory. Although his appearance had changed some things, such as the memories of Master Bird and Master Jingbi being partially revived, the things in his memory were still the same. is happening.

The Immortal Ancient Law System was restored to the true realm, that is, the True God, and the memories in his mind were also unlocked, extending from the battle between the two stones to Shi Hao's entry into the Everlasting Mountain to find his relatives.

Although he didn't know who sealed these advanced "memories" in his mind, Chi Cang felt that it must be related to Shi Hao, and it was no coincidence that he came to Shi Village.

He stood not far away, surrounded by mysterious symbols. Except for two extraordinary old men, no one else could see him.

Soon after, many people came after hearing the news, wanting to get the precious bones in Shi Hao's hands.

Some people obviously come with bad intentions and are here for the precious bones, and they are the kind of existence that likes to use force to suppress others.

"Little brother, borrow one to talk." A man said with a smile.

Thinking of Chi Cang's instructions, Master Bird and Master Jingbi reminded Shi Hao to be careful of these people.

Unexpectedly, when Shi Hao saw these people, his eyes lit up and he agreed very happily. He wished he could stuff the treasure bones into their arms immediately and gave them without hesitation.

Master Bird and Master Jingbi were in a daze. They were plotting against your precious bones, but you got on top of them. Is there something wrong with this naughty boy’s brain?

Only Chi Cang knew that Shi Hao deliberately wanted these people to rob him first, so that he could rob him in return.

Sure enough, after those people got the treasure bones, they were unwilling to return them and threw out ten jingbi to get rid of Shi Hao.

As a result, Shi Hao was unwilling and started fighting with them.

With Shi Hao's accomplishments in moving the blood realm, he was almost invincible in this initial place. He could eliminate these people in three strokes, five divisions and two divisions.

After stepping over his feet, Shi Hao shouted for robbery, causing everyone present to turn to stone.

However, beating the younger ones attracted the older ones. This was a big clan, and soon a so-called big shot arrived. If Shi Hao was asked to release him, he would naturally not comply.

A "fierce" battle ended quickly. Shi Hao revived the Supreme Bone and made the ultimate breakthrough in the Blood Moving Realm. He directly swept away everyone and piled a lot at their feet.

"Robbery, robbery!"

The naughty child howled.

Master Bird and Master Jingbi looked at each other. They were convinced that this child had nothing to do with "innocence", at least for now.

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