Looking at the initial place where more and more people gathered, Chi Cang smiled, turned around and left abruptly. This was Shi Hao's moment, and there was nothing more for him to do.

The first time he stepped onto the stage in the wilderness, there was a violent storm. Shi Hao was like a boulder falling on a calm lake, destined to cause boundless ripples.

When Master Bird and Master Jingbi saw Chi Cang's leaving figure, they suddenly felt dizzy. This naughty boy is obviously not afraid of trouble, and he doesn't take it too seriously. He can cause trouble for you no matter what. How can you take care of him? ? It's impossible to stand up and clear the obstacles for him, right? This loses the meaning of hard work.

But then I thought about it, if this little troublemaker could sort out all the trouble he caused, that would be pretty good.

"Since he is a descendant of the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors, this little disturbance should be nothing."

"Yes, if you think about it this way, the current storm is not big enough." Master Bird said to himself, his eyes rolling around, as if he had thought of some good idea.

"Well, I seem to have smelled some business opportunities. Don't miss it. It will definitely sell well." Uncle Jingbi was very slippery and thought of it at the same time.

"Oh, don't blame us, I think this naughty kid is very strong and can withstand it.

After what happened last time, our reputation plummeted and hit rock bottom. We must restore our image this time. "

Master Bird and Uncle Jingbi discussed it and decided that in the future it would be necessary to provide those buyers with Shi Hao's coordinates in the Virtual God Realm. This time they were not going to be rogue and wanted to sell some powerful materials and give them a nice name to Shi Hao. More grinding.

Chi Cang naturally didn't know about these things. When he asked the two old men to take care of them, he just thought that they were the guardians of the virtual god world and that they knew more about this world and could save Shi Hao from making some detours.

If he knew the conversation between these two old men, he would definitely be dumbfounded. However, Chi Cang had confidence in Shi Hao. Before his help, Shi Hao could sweep through the same level and survive under the encirclement and suppression of many forces. Now he has achieved a breakthrough. After all, Shi Hao, who was far beyond Chi Cang's memory, had no reason to fail, and would only become more brilliant and dazzling.

He came to the ultimate place of False God Realm alone, fought fiercely with the most powerful stone statue in the dark palace, and constantly verified what he had gained.

At this moment, Chi Cang cannot let go of the three stone statues to fight with them, because once they are opened, they must be defeated and re-sealed. If one mistake is not made, it will cause extremely serious consequences and destroy the virtual god world.

Therefore, he is currently only competing with two unlocked stone statues and two unlocked stone statues. This is the limit, and he cannot make a breakthrough for the time being.

After a great battle, he left the False God Realm and returned to Stone Village, where he discussed Taoism with the Willow God under the willow tree.

"The sky and the earth are dark and yellow, the universe is ancient, and the eight realms of the lower world have hidden too many secrets. There are many creatures like us who survived the catastrophe." Chi Cang sighed.

He thought of the Kunpeng nest in Beihai, one of the Ten Evils. He had returned to the level of a true god, but Kunpeng had already fallen. A generation of strong men finally perished in the uncared-for Beihai. It was really sad.

"I decided to go out for a walk, Willow God want to come with me?" He asked towards the charred willow tree.

"No, I'm about to transform. Just stay here. Be careful all the way. The lower world is not easy." Liu Shen said.

Hearing this, Chi Cang looked at the five green willow branches. At their roots and on the charred tree trunks, there were more than a dozen obvious protrusions. Apparently, more than a dozen new willow branches were about to grow. Liu Shenhui Take this to recover a lot.

"Congratulations." Chi Cang was happy for Liu Shen. His arrival not only made Shi Hao's growth progress a lot, but Liu Shen's recovery process was also faster. Originally, Liu Shen should have just taken out four new branches at this time point. , with five pieces together, he made the process a lot faster.

After bidding farewell to Willow God, Chi Cang found Thunder Bird, which was teaching several green-scaled eagles the secret method and their cultivation.

Now, they all have a strong sense of belonging to Shicun and have a deep bond with each other.

Knowing that Chi Cang was going to the outside world, the Thunder Bird was very happy. It flapped its wings, and thunder suddenly filled the air between its feathers, which was very magical.

This is an ancient relic who is proficient in thunder methods. He has a certain fate with Chi Cang because he is the Thunder Emperor and uses thunder methods to traverse the world.

So this time when he went out, Chi Cang chose to let the Thunder Bird follow him. On the one hand, this kind of raptor is extremely fast. On the other hand, he also planned to support the Thunder Bird. If he could advance to the Beast Master earlier, he would be better able to do so. Protect Stone Village.

His departure from Liu Shen is already certain, and he must make plans for the future in advance.

After personally giving some guidance on the cultivation of the Green Scaled Eagle and the Little Blue Scaled Eagle, Chi Cang and Lei Que left.

After several meals of beast master meat supplements, and after refining and swallowing the diluted thunder pool liquid given by Chi Cang, Lei Que has made great progress and is not far behind the beast master.

An ancient ferocious bird of this level spread its wings in the sky, literally covering the sky and the sun.

However, they are not in this business just for the limelight. Lei Que controlled his body size to just enough to carry Blazing Cang, and flew across the earth at high speeds in the sky.

Chi Cang sat cross-legged on Lei Que and looked down quietly. The endless wilderness and the magnificent mountains and rivers were all in his eyes.

Their speed is so fast that it can be called lightning speed, and they can move quickly.

Hundreds of thousands of miles of wilderness quickly passed by.

One person and one bird gradually approached the super settlement of mankind. People established vast ancient kingdoms on the earth, and large tribes stood up one after another. However, in front of the boundless primitive land, these tribes and ancient countries were nothing, just like islands in the sea. Dotted in the wilderness.

Under Chi Cang's instruction, Lei Que headed towards Butian Pavilion, the legendary ancient pure land in the wilderness.

There is a gourd vine that is about to reach the end of its life. It is the sacrificial spirit of Butian Pavilion. It has lived for endless years and participated in the ancient divine war. Now, it has exhausted its vitality, gradually withered, and is about to die. status.

In Chi Cang's memory, in the future, the Butian Pavilion will be besieged by the Sky-Swallowing Bird, Qiongqi, the humanoid creatures from the Nanyun Mountain, and Xiao Xitian's sacrificial spirits, causing the Calabash Vine to fall and the Butian Pavilion to separate and collapse.

Now, the Sky-Swallowing Bird and Qiongqi have entered the stomachs of everyone in Shicun, and have long since turned into matter circulating between heaven and earth. Naturally, it is impossible for them to survive and attack Butian Pavilion.

As for the creatures in Nanyue Mountain and Yi Mountain, they are safe and will definitely attack. The current situation of using the Butian Pavilion to worship the spirits is absolutely unstoppable.

It is the strong support of Butian Pavilion. If it falls, this ancient pure land will collapse immediately, and there will be no accidents.

Chi Cang's trip here is to see what is going on with this divine vine. In the future, Shi Hao and Qingfeng will join Butian Pavilion. This force is still very harmonious and has a good atmosphere. Chi Cang feels that it should not die like this. .

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