Compared with Liu Shen, Chi Cang is still more down-to-earth. If he has the ability to change something, he is happy to do it.

This is related to the different situations of the two of them. Chi Cang has completely lost his memory. He only has memories related to Shi Hao, which is equivalent to experiencing a new life.

Liu Shen retained some memories and emotions from the past. He had a very high standing on the Nine Heavens and was not able to mingle with the villagers like Chi Cang.

If Chi Cang was still the Thunder Emperor before, his thoughts might be completely different from Liu Shen's.

In short, Chi Cang is acting recklessly now. His idea is very simple. He just wants to see what the direction of history will be if Butian Pavilion does not disappear.

One person and one bird approached Butian Pavilion, and saw a huge stone tablet engraved with the three words "Butian Pavilion" from a distance. The writing was vigorous, vigorous and powerful, and vaguely, a vast and majestic aura rushed towards the face. Of course, this was The feeling of Lei Que is nothing to Chi Cang.

They continued to fly inside. The huge stone monument was only the outer area, not the real mountain gate.

Finally, they came to a huge mountain gate. Two stone mountains were juxtaposed, forming a natural portal, majestic and majestic, shrouded in auspicious aura.

In front of the mountain gate, there was an old man sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes and concentrating, not noticing the arrival of Chi Cang and Lei Que at all.

At this moment, Lei Que's whole body was covered with crystal mysterious symbols, hidden in the void. Even if the old man was very powerful, he could not detect it.

Chi Cang ignored it and let the Thunderbird fly as he pleased. There were all kinds of terrible restrictions on the way, but he resolved them in advance.

They walked smoothly, as if they were walking in their own back garden.

There is no way, Chi Cang's strength is too strong, and he is said to be at the level of a true god. In fact, there are not many true gods who can fight with him, and the various restrictions of Butian Pavilion are naturally impossible to stop him.

The thunderbirds spread their wings and flew over the boundless mountains and palaces, approaching the important place of Butian Pavilion. During this period, they saw many powerful figures, either sitting cross-legged in the mountains or under the waterfall, all practicing.

At a glance, there are beautiful mountains and rivers, spiritual springs and waterfalls one after another, cranes flying, and the forest is filled with old medicine, which is rich in essence and fragrant.

In the barren eight realms of the lower world, the scene here is no different from the pure land of the immortal family. No wonder it is so famous that many creatures yearn for it.

Chi Cang and Lei Que did not stop and went straight to the most mysterious place of Butian Pavilion.

This is where the ancient sacred vine lies dormant. It covers an area of ​​dozens or hundreds of miles and is a large ancient garden that no one dares to approach on weekdays.

There is no one to guard here, because there is no need at all. Just imagine, does the sacrificial spirit of Butian Pavilion still need human protection? It has been guarding the entire ancient pure land for countless years.

Who dares to go to the place where sacrifices are made and act wild?

You must know that this divine vine has an extremely brilliant record. It once participated in the ancient divine war, and later killed a powerful man from the lower realm. It shocked the earth and made many forces afraid to act rashly.

Therefore, it is deserted and desolate.

Chi Cang left Lei Que's back, landed on the ground, and walked towards the depths.

Under Chi Cang's instructions, Lei Que shrunk his body and turned into the size of an ordinary sparrow. He landed on Chi Cang's shoulders and followed him towards the place where the divine vine took root.

The closer you get to the central area, the more desolate it becomes. The vegetation decreases sharply, the ground is bare, and in the end there is no grass growing at all.

All the vitality seems to have been sucked away by the divine vine, and other plants cannot survive here at all.

Chi Cang walked a few steps and came to a desert desert. He felt a suction force, an inexplicable force trying to swallow the life essence of living beings.

On the sky, endless stars dropped down one after another, and a massive amount of divine light descended, rushing into the depths of the Gobi.

"Can't you control your instinct anymore?" Chi Cang said to himself. From what he has seen so far, he can already imagine the specific situation of this divine vine. It is indeed not optimistic.

Its life is about to end, so devouring the essence of heaven and earth is the instinct of a dying creature. Because of this, a Gobi desert will be formed here. At the same time, the divine vine is also devouring the power of the falling stars in the sky, as well as the power that permeates the heaven and earth. The essence of time.

Chi Cang continued to move forward and soon came to an ancient garden. Ancient walls were lined up, covered with mottled traces of time. They had been there for an unknown number of years and were almost about to collapse.

He took the thunder bird through the wall and reached the deepest part, where he finally saw Shen Teng himself.

As far as the eye can see, endless light rain falls, making the place glow with silver light, creating a sacred and peaceful place.

There is a plant in front, which is exactly the purpose of Chi Cang's trip - to worship the spirits of Butian Pavilion.

It was just as Chi Cang imagined, yellow and sickly, as if it was about to wither.

This is a gourd vine, clinging to a pile of rocks. It has no luster and no divine light. It is just yellow and withered. Its body is not very big, only five or six meters long. Its leaves are very sparse and lack of vitality. , looking lifeless.

Chi Cang could see clearly that this divine vine only had its last bit of vitality. It was an obsession that made it hold on to its last breath and not fall immediately.

Even if the stars and gods in the sky continue to fall down into its withered body, it still cannot change the decline, and Calabash Teng is always listless.

On the divine vine, there was the only cyan thing hanging. It was a cyan gourd, only the size of a palm. It was wrapped with strands of chaotic energy. It seemed to contain a piece of heaven and earth inside, which was very extraordinary.

The blazing god's eyes were like lightning, and he could see through the situation inside the green gourd. There was a mysterious symbol condensed in it, as if it was produced when the chaos first opened. It was all-encompassing and had the aura of opening up the world.

"The Green Gourd is not bad, it is a divine seed. No wonder the Sky-Swallowing Sparrows and the others are willing to take huge risks to attack Butian Pavilion."

His gaze moved downwards. Under the divine vine, there was rain of light constantly falling. It looked very sacred. Practicing and enlightening in the rain of light could help people practice better.

In general, Shendou needs vitality. Only vitality can save a god who is about to reach the end of his life.

However, ordinary vitality was of no use, because the old vine had been severely injured, and the injury caused it to almost completely rot inside.

In his memory, Shi Hao tried to seize the sand that soaked the Fountain of Youth, but it was no use. The old vine was still going to die. The reason was because the level of vitality was not enough.

Also, the Thunder Tribulation Liquid taken by Mu Yan, who was proficient in thunder magic, was of no avail.

However, things full of high vitality are not difficult for Chi Cang, he can take them inexhaustibly and use them inexhaustibly.

Chi Cang no longer hesitated, and a drop of Thunder Tribulation Liquid from the ancient thunder pool in his body immediately appeared in his palm.

In just an instant, the power of creation and vitality spread out, and the previously barren Gobi desert immediately became full of vitality, with touches of green appearing.

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