The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 79 Resurrection of Sacrificial Spirits

The level of vitality contained in this Thunder Tribulation Liquid is unimaginably high, and it has the power to create life. You must know that the ability to create life out of thin air is a taboo. Even immortals and immortals are exploring it and cannot really do it. This shows how precious the Thunder Tribulation Liquid that Chi Cang took out was.

But for Chi Cang, this ultimate thunder calamity liquid is really worthless. He can take as much as he wants, and the innate thunder pool in his body will be continuously produced.

In this process, the most important thing is the original symbol deep in the thunder pool, which can be called the source of all the punishments in this world.

He only grasped a small part of the secret of the original symbol, and was able to cast the forbidden thunder chain, pull the immortal-killing guillotine, and escape from a certain death situation.

If it is completely controlled, it will truly become the embodiment of divine punishment.

Heaven's punishment has two sides, and the original symbol in the thunder pool shows its vitality. Therefore, the thunder calamity liquid in the thunder pool is amazingly effective, full of vitality, and can bring people back to life.

Chi Cang let go of his palm, and the brilliant drop of Thunder Tribulation Liquid floated up, came to the withered and browned gourd vine, sank in, and disappeared.

It was very calm at first, and the Thunder Tribulation Liquid seemed to have disappeared into the sea, without any movement.

However, the next second, the dry vine body burst into divine light, and the entire body was filled with golden light, as if it was poured out of divine gold.

Mysterious symbols swam from the dazzling green gourd to the whole body of the gourd vine, exuding wisps of heavy mist, showing a dark color and looking extremely scary.

These were the hidden dangers and root causes left behind when the old vine suffered severe damage, but now they have been forcibly removed by the powerful vitality in the Thunder Tribulation Liquid. The constraints of many years have since disappeared and no longer exist.

The old vine trembled for a while, the golden lines in the vine leaves flashed, and an inexplicable divine voice sounded.

At this moment, the vine body is blazing, constantly overflowing with massive amounts of vitality, breathing clouds and mist, nourishing all living creatures around it, and they are evolving together.

You must know that the drop of Thunder Tribulation Liquid given by Chi Cang is not a diluted Thunder Tribulation Liquid, but a pure Thunder Tribulation Liquid, which is of great benefit to Liu Shen, but he did not use it to restore himself. He pays attention to smoothness. Its natural nirvana, otherwise, Chi Cang can completely use the thunder pool liquid to make Liu Shen recover quickly.

Such an astonishing treasure liquid is absorbed by the gourd vine that is only in the divine fire realm, and its effectiveness can be imagined.

The old vines couldn't even absorb it all, and a lot of vitality overflowed, filling the air and forming clouds.

In just an instant, this garden became a fairyland on earth. It is estimated that a dying creature could come in and take a breath and escape from death immediately.

Soon, the vine body revived, and a mysterious energy spread in all directions, like a vast ocean, unparalleled.

This kind of fluctuation was intercepted by Chi Cang, and could only be sensed in this garden.


There was a riot in the garden, and countless light rains exploded on the body of the gourd vine. It was all full of vitality. It was absorbed by the withered yellow leaves, and a touch of green emerged, quickly spreading to the whole body.

The heaven and earth trembled, runes were densely covered, and the breath of life in the garden was like a sea, penetrating the sky and the earth.

Various legendary visions appeared, such as stars shining in the sky and golden lotuses growing everywhere.

It was so sacred, the chaotic energy surged, as if we had arrived at the time when the world was first opened.

After a long time, the garden finally calmed down. The old vine was truly "resurrected" and full of vitality. From the inside out, it was even more terrifying than in its heyday. There was a blazing sun floating inside. There was no doubt that it had returned to its peak. State, and with the help of the heaven-defying Thunder Tribulation Liquid, it has improved to a higher level.

The originally dull yellow leaves have turned into dark green, crystal clear, exuding a peaceful treasure light, flowing with brilliant green clouds. The green gourd rumbled and vibrated, and the sound of the avenue came out, seeming to be experiencing a kind of helplessness. The transformation of imagination.

Powerful life fluctuations spread and vitality flowed. A god got out of trouble and came back to life. The old vines sprouted new shoots, like green agate, all bright and powerful.

It is surrounded by the divine chain of order, which is sacred and inviolable, and has a great majesty.

"Thank you, senior, for saving me. I should have died of exhaustion." At this time, the green old vine spoke up to express its gratitude to Chi Cang.

"It's nothing, it's just a little effort."

Hearing Chi Cang's words, Lao Teng was in a daze. What could he do with a little effort? You must know that in this lower world, it is difficult to find a magical object that can save it, because it has lived for too long and has been seriously injured. It is normal for its life to dry up. Things that can save its life are in higher-level worlds.

Therefore, in Lao Teng's eyes, Chi Cang is a big shot in the upper world.

The person who planted it, the founder of the Butian Pavilion in the lower realm, once told the story about the upper realm under the vine. It was also at that time that the old vine knew that there was another, more powerful sky outside the sky.

After calming down a little, Lao Teng said solemnly: "Senior saved my life. This is a great kindness. As long as it doesn't harm Butian Pavilion or cause trouble to the earth, I can do it for senior."

It knows that there is no free lunch in this world, and the other party spending a huge price to give that immeasurable divine fluid must have its purpose.

However, Lao Teng has made an oath to protect Butian Pavilion, and since it has a peaceful nature and a big heart, it will not do anything that is detrimental to Butian Pavilion or disturb the earth, even if it is killed.

"Don't be nervous, I said, it's just a little effort. To me, that drop of Thunder Tribulation Liquid is insignificant." Chi Cang said calmly. He was not exaggerating, he was just stating a fact.

Old Teng took a breath of cold air. It could be seen that Chi Cang was not lying.

This amazing drop of divine liquid caused all its injuries to disappear, and its life was restored to several times stronger than at its peak, almost reaching the realm of true one.

When it comes to him, it is insignificant. So what level of creature is Chi Cang? God?

No, it is definitely much scarier than the gods.

Old Teng's heart palpitated. Who was this creature that saved him? It's so terrifying, what's his purpose?

Chi Cang noticed the uneasiness of this divine vine. He thought for a while and said: "If you really want to repay me, take more care of my descendants in the future."

When Lao Teng heard this, his heart moved. Could it be that the descendants of this mysterious and powerful man were practicing in Butian Pavilion?

"I dare to ask, senior, who is your junior?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Hao's face appeared in Lao Teng's heart.

"He hasn't come yet, but he should be arriving at Butian Pavilion in the near future. There is no need to pay too much attention. After all, young people have to walk their own path. However, if someone wants to bully the small, then it is not hard work. problem."

"Junior understands." Lao Teng understood in his heart that he wanted it to help take care of the child.

You don't need to interfere too much at ordinary times, and only take action to rescue you when you encounter an irresistible danger.

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