The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 80 Thunder Pond in the Cloud

“Okay, that’s it.

By the way, there are many people who covet the divine seed you produced. In the past, you didn’t have much life and had no choice. Now you are back to the top and have made a breakthrough. What will you do? Chi Cang asked aloud.

Lao Teng answered without hesitation: "Junior will continue to pretend that he is about to die, so that all the enemies will appear. When the time comes, no one will be spared, and they will all be killed."

After hearing Lao Teng's intentions and plans, Chi Cang nodded. Pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger was the best choice in this situation.

Immediately afterwards, Lao Teng said: "Hundreds of years ago, those thoughtful people plotted this gourd. If they had come together at that time, I would have fallen.

However, the younger generation managed to trick and kill a sacred mountain venerable, and frightened those creatures with evil intentions, so that Butian Pavilion can continue to this day. "

It tells a story from the past. It is a divine vine that has survived to this day in ancient times. The divine seed it produces attracts attention from all parties and is not coveted by the strong.

"Very good." Chi Cang nodded. This old vine is not bad. It is a good tricker. I don't know how many creatures with evil intentions will pay the price for their greed this time and die miserably in front of Butian Pavilion.

Afterwards, he took Lei Que and left without asking Lao Teng to do anything, because he had no intention and was just doing whatever he wanted.

Perhaps in the future, when Butian Pavilion is besieged on all sides, he will come to appreciate this reversal.

Chi Cang sat cross-legged on Lei Que's back without disturbing anyone. Like a ghost, he left the Butian Pavilion directly.

He didn't pay attention to any of the creatures below, and just passed by, heading towards the outside of Butian Pavilion.

When passing by a spiritual mountain filled with lightning and lightning, he stopped.

There is only one palace on the top of the mountain here, which releases the aura of immortality in the thunder. The palace is very empty. There is only a majestic figure sitting cross-legged in the ocean of thunder and lightning to practice. He looks very powerful, with hair like steel needles. As hard as he is, the lightning surges when his eyes open and close, which is very extraordinary. He has the cultivation level of the Formation Realm, and he is a prince.

"Lei Zu Muyan?" Chi Cang said to himself, remembering this person's identity.

In his memory, he taught little Shi Hao that there was not only destruction but also life in thunder, which greatly broadened Shi Hao's attainments and path on the thunder path.

However, the embarrassing thing is that he himself has not realized the vitality in destruction, and his talent is a bit lacking.

Now, as the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors, Chi Cang has come to Shicun and taught Shi Hao what Thunder Dao is, laying a broader foundation for him. From a perspective, Shi Hao is the only one in the lower realm. Even in the The upper realm is also outstanding.

If he goes to Butian Pavilion and meets Leizu Muyan, their identities may be reversed, and he doesn't know who taught whom.

While Chi Cang was thinking, Lei Zu actually stopped practicing, walked out of the palace, and hurried away in one direction.

Chi Cang was thoughtful and asked Lei Que to follow him and take a look.

After traveling for several hundred miles, Lei Zu stopped.

In the sky not far ahead, there was a thundercloud, with lightning and thunder, rumble and vibration, and a heavy downpour.

This is the real thunder of the Nine Heavens. It is different from the thunder spells cast by living beings. It carries the power of heaven and is many times more powerful than the thunder spells cast by magic arts.

Lei Zu waited silently. After the heavy rain subsided and the thunder light was no longer so intense, he set off, stepped on a precious phantom, and rushed into the thunder clouds.

The sky was dark, and the lightning flashed in the dark clouds. Although it was not as fierce as before, it was still scary, especially when it came close.

After a heavy rain, an inexplicable aura will appear among the dark clouds, which is the power of life. It is bred in the thunder and will form the legendary Thunder Tribulation Liquid.

This is exactly Mu Yan's purpose. He takes huge risks to find that precious ray of life in the lightning full of destructive power.

Bolts of lightning struck down, emitting a powerful force that destroyed the heaven and earth. Lei Zu Muyan was struck, his body shook, and bright red blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

But he didn't give up and still sensed in the thunder clouds.

It is a pity that Lei Zu Muyan did not realize the vitality in the thunder, only the destruction.

So he could never find the right direction. He groped around, risking his life to find it, but would not give up.

Because many years ago, he spent countless time and energy, and by chance, he got a drop of extremely precious Thunder Tribulation Liquid.

Over the years, he has struggled to replicate his success.

This time it was not only for him to practice the thunder method, but also for the sacrificial spirits that were about to wither. That thunder calamity liquid contained precious vitality and might be useful for the sacrificial spirits. He had to find a way to get more.

Mu Yan was hit from time to time, Baoyi became scorched black, his body was stiff and cracked, and he suffered heavy injuries, but he still didn't find the right direction, just bumping around and relying on luck.

Even Chi Cang, who was sitting cross-legged on Lei Que's back not far away, felt a little anxious after seeing this scene.

At a glance, he saw an ordinary thunder pool hidden deep in the thunder clouds. What was brewing inside was not thunder calamity liquid, but some rich purple mist. If it was gathered more, maybe a few drops could be gathered. Moreover, the effect was not Not too outrageous.

"Talent is a bit worrying."

Mu Yan did not realize the vitality, and was like a headless fly in the thunder cloud. He was able to bump into it once, as if he had used up all his luck, but now he cannot detect the thunder pool.

Soon after, the thunder clouds gradually faded, and the ordinary thunder pool was about to dissipate. Mu Yan sighed, had he failed again?

He shook his head. It was indeed not that easy to obtain the Thunder Tribulation Liquid. It would cost a huge amount of money and there was no guarantee of success.

Just when he was disheartened and ready to give up and try again another day, a mysterious wave erupted, which was very dazzling in the thunder sea full of destructive power.

He narrowed his eyes, glowing with blazing light, and looked at the source of this mysterious fluctuation.

The next moment, Mu Yan's eyes suddenly widened, as if he had seen something incredible.

A simple stone thunder pool actually flew out of the thunder clouds, full of vitality, which was surprising.

"Oh my god, what a powerful vitality, turned into a divine pool, which can breed Thunder Tribulation Liquid." Mu Yan couldn't believe all this. The thunder pool he had been looking for so hard to find actually appeared on its own and flew out of the thunder cloud. Are you hallucinating?

He shook his head, patted his face, and then opened his eyes. As a result, the thunder pool was still moving at high speed, but it was not coming towards him.

Mu Yan's eyes were fixed on the thunder pool, wanting to see where it flew to.

Finally, a powerful ancient relic thunder bird emerged from the void, and the thunder bird flew towards its back. There, stood a young man with extraordinary temperament, majestic and majestic, with eyes as deep as the stars, like a supreme king. .

The simple thunder pool flew onto the young man's palm, rising and falling on it, just like an ordinary treasure controlled by the young man.

Mu Yan's pupils shrank suddenly, feeling that his brain was a little weak.

A young man photographed a thunder pool that could breed thunder calamity fluid from a distance outside the thunder clouds? Is this fake?

"Are you Lei Zu?" Chi Cang asked calmly.

When Mu Yan heard this, his heart tightened.

"Yes, uh... no."

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