The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 81 Chaos Small World

Chi Cang was a little confused, what did this mean? Is it yes or no?

Looking at Chi Cang's questioning eyes, Mu Yan quickly explained: "Senior, this junior is called Mu Yan, and outsiders call me Lei Zu, but in fact I am far from being called "ancestor" in Lei Zhi Dao, especially In front of seniors, I don't dare to be arrogant.

In the eyes of the younger generation, only those who have participated in creation such as the elders are worthy of the title of Lei Ancestor. "

Mu Yan clearly knew how difficult it was to find a thunder pool. He had only happened upon it once in so many years. The operation of photographing a thunder pool out of thin air was a legend among legends. It was not even recorded in the bone books.

This time I am afraid that I really met the Lei Dao ancestor.

Chi Cang was speechless, it turned out to be this reason.

"It doesn't matter, Leizu is Leizu."

Mu Yan quickly said yes.

"Are you lingering in that thundercloud just for this kind of thunder pool?"

Mu Yan blushed and nodded hesitantly. In order to find the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, he had spent a lot of effort in the thunder cloud just now. He was really hit hard. There is still a wave of pain in his body until now. A tingling sensation.

"Your qualifications are actually pretty good for this lower realm. Although you have passed your golden years, you still have a chance. Practice hard."

Chi Cang suddenly said this, and then threw the thunder pool to Mu Yan.

The ancient thunder pool, with its mysterious energy, was full of vitality and exuberant, which was in sharp contrast to the destruction shown by the thunder.

This was so sudden that Mu Yan didn't realize it. This was a thunder pool. Some ancient people were lucky enough to obtain the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, but no one had ever captured the thunder pool. Its preciousness was unimaginable.

As a result, the other party simply gave it to him. Mu Yan was so overwhelmed by the sudden happiness that he was speechless for a moment.

When he came back to his senses, the powerful ancient relic Thunder Bird and the young man who looked like a thunder emperor had disappeared. Only this thunder pool was still suspended in his hand, indicating that what he had just experienced was not a dream.

"Who is he in the end..."

Mu Yan's hands were trembling and he was in shock. This experience was so dreamy that no one would believe it if he told it.

At this time, Chi Cang was already on the Thunder Bird, and he had already traveled thousands of miles away from Butian Pavilion.

Flying over the boundless land, the blazing eyes are like two bright lights. There is a mysterious symbol in each of the two eyes. The blazing power of the pupils blooms, and a glance can cover tens of millions of miles.

He is sensing and exploring abnormal nodes, and he dares to do so because he is strong enough. Otherwise, given the size of the wilderness, he would not be able to reach every corner in his lifetime.

The reason why Chi Cang is like this is also because of his whim. For a monk as powerful as him, his spiritual sense is incredibly sharp, he can predict good and bad luck, and predict misfortune and fortune. The occasional whim cannot be ignored.

If you think about it carefully, the wilderness is not simple. In the sparsely populated wilderness, there is actually the inheritance of the supreme palace of the upper world, which is the mountain treasure that the sages covet.

And in an inconspicuous small village like Shicun, there are still hidden powerful people like Liu Shen.

On the North Sea, there is a giant nest left by the Ten Evils, which contains the Kunpeng Treasure Technique that countless people are eager to obtain.

The small lower realm can be called a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

As for Chi Cang himself, he can be considered one of them.

Chi Cang wanted to explore this land on a whim, and this was also the reason.

The speed of the Thunderbird is very fast. When flying at full strength, the scenery on the earth becomes long lines. The distance that ordinary people find difficult to travel in their lifetime only takes a short time here.

They passed by endless majestic mountains and rivers, and also passed by huge cities. Tribes and ancient countries were dotted in the wilderness, burning with the fire of civilization.

The scenery changes, and Chi Cang feels an inexplicable feeling of vicissitudes in his heart. In the eyes of ordinary people, those vast and prosperous ancient countries are immortal and always standing. However, from another level, the powerful ancient countries are nothing more than It is the clouds and smoke of the past, passing away in an instant.

Even the great universe will one day wither and dry up. If we want to survive forever, we can only transcend all the worlds and become the master of the world.

As his thoughts drifted, scenes from the past seemed to appear in front of his eyes. He stood proudly above the nine heavens, commanding billions of thunders, punishing the heavens, and overlooking the reincarnation of the common people...

These pictures are very blurry, very unreal, hazy, as if there is a layer of fog blocking everything.

"Is it my own memory?" Chi Cang whispered, a state of mind that wanted to transcend from endless years ago, making him unable to calm down.

Then, he said to himself: "There is only detachment."

The blazing eyes are firm and unshakable, determined to be the transcendent one. Even if the world decays and the heaven and earth wither, he will exist forever.

After traveling eight million miles in one direction, a sudden voice came into Chi Cang's ears, causing his expression to freeze slightly, and he spoke to make Lei Que stop.

He looked at the source of the sound, his eyes were shocked and a little unbelievable that he had really gained a lot.


Lei Que whispered, seeing Chi Cang showing such an expression, it realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Let's go down."

Chi Cang said nothing, jumped off the back of Lei Que, and fell in the strong wind. The light flickered. The next moment he came to the vast mountains below. After searching for a while, he arrived in front of a bottomless cave. .

Lei Que shrunk his body, came to Chi Cang's shoulders, and looked into the extremely complicated cave. Due to his limited strength, Lei Que couldn't see anything clearly.

Chi Cang did not hesitate and walked straight down. There were many ancient caves below, densely packed like spider caves.

However, these ancient caves are just a cover-up. Chi Cang and Lei Que walked along the same path through the ancient caves.

The chaotic energy is turbulent and very strong. This place is actually a small world of its own, carved out of chaos.

They reached the end of the road and saw chaos and a small sealed world.

There is no way out after arriving here. If you want to move forward, you must open the seal of this small world.

But Chi Cang didn't do this. He looked at the seal and said, "Fellow Taoist, I'm here. Open the seal."

The Lei Que stood on his shoulder, its heart pounding. It intuitively told it that the "fellow Taoist" Chi Cang spoke of was an unimaginable strong man who could open up a small world in chaos. This ability was unimaginable.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a "click" and the seal cracked a large hole, which could allow one person to pass through.

As Chi Cang stepped forward, he felt a vast and unpredictable aura coming towards his face, coming from a powerful creature.

The thunder bird on his shoulder was so frightening that his soul was as cold as if it had fallen into an ice cellar. This was racial oppression and there was no solution.

Even with the blessing of Blazing Cang, the Thunder Bird was still trembling and unable to control itself. It was convinced that this was the pressure released by the supreme being, which was beyond its understanding.

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