The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 82 True Dragon Tuogu

Through the crack, Chi Cang and Lei Que came to this small world, and were shocked by the sight in front of them.

A towering cliff stands, with steaming mist and chaotic air. There is a nest on it, which is not very big and is made of sacred trees.

The most astonishing thing is that there are three eggs in the nest, about half a meter in diameter. The eggshells have dense and complex dragon patterns, which are imprinted on the eggshells. Indistinctly, there are bursts of dragons roaring up to the sky.

"Real dragon egg!"

Chi Cang was surprised, while Lei Que was extremely frightened. In front of this dragon aura, it could only bow its head.

The three true dragon eggs have intertwined patterns and are imprinted with the true dragon mark. The rich dragon energy comes from the true dragon mark.

In addition, there are other amazing things in the small world. In the sky not far ahead, there is a broken horn, dripping with blood, and very dim.

This is a severed horn of a true dragon, with all its essence lost, and the dripping blood will disappear in the void. Otherwise, a drop of the true dragon's blood can cut off the galaxy and destroy endless stars.

Chi Cang looked up at the broken horn of the real dragon, and many scenes emerged there, some of the battle scenes of the strongest among the ten evils, circulating in the void.

It rotated its body in the universe, and in a moment, the universe cracked, countless stars exploded, exploded, and turned into dust forever.

The power of the true dragon traverses the sky and the earth. During the battle with many immortal kings, a spear with dazzling golden light pierced through the past and present. He fought hard with the true dragon. His blazing eyes were shocked, and a memory surfaced. He had also fought with this dragon. The spear master fought.

"The Immortal King... An Lan?" Chi Cang said to himself and said the other person's honorable name.

Through the scenes of real dragon battles, he remembered some past events. Then, Chi Cang saw some familiar figures and called out their names.

"Yu Tuo, Red King..."

Chi Cang clenched his fists. For some reason, there was a sense of hatred and unwillingness in his heart. He was the youngest of the Ten Fierce, and if nothing unexpected happened, he would definitely become the king and the ancestor in the future.

As a result, he was besieged by the Immortal King... and ended up like this. This is undoubtedly a great regret in life.

It took him a long time to calm down. These causes and effects will one day be settled.

Chi Cang looked at the three dragon eggs, then at the broken real dragon horn, and said, "Fellow Taoist called me here, do you want me to take care of them?"

He could tell that the true dragon's current situation was not far from dissipating completely. Maybe it would last for a few more decades before it completely dissipated.


A weak voice sounded. It was the person who had just transmitted the message to Chi Cang, that is, the real dragon in front of him. It only had a remaining brand left, hidden in the broken dragon horn.

Chi Cang sensed the real dragon's weak state, and spread out a large amount of Thunder Tribulation Liquid with his hand. In just a moment, the small world was filled with rich vitality.

Dots of lightning converged into a vast ocean, surging with vitality, creating all living creatures, and all merged into the broken true dragon horn.

This is the first time that Chi Cang has thrown out so much Thunder Tribulation Liquid, and the scene is extremely astonishing. You must know that this is the Thunder Tribulation Liquid flowing from the innate thunder pool, and its effectiveness is astonishing.

Don't look at the fact that the gourd vine in Butian Pavilion did not immediately break through to the true god after swallowing a drop of Thunder Tribulation Liquid. The Thunder Tribulation Liquid is more useful for recovering injuries and enhancing vitality and foundation. Butian Pavilion's sacrifices to the spirits will not be used for a long time in the future. Worried about Shouyuan's problem, and with a strong foundation, he will soon be the true god, and the future has unlimited possibilities.

Now, so much of the innate thunder calamity fluid has flowed into the broken True Dragon Horn, and acted on the broken mark, the effect is very obvious.

The mark of the true dragon, the leader of the ten evils, suddenly strengthened a lot and was out of the state of dissipation.

"hold head high!"

At the same time, the dragon energy guarding the dragon's nest gradually became substantial, and a lifelike real dragon appeared in the sight of Chi Cang and Lei Que.

Although this is only transformed by dragon energy, the fact that it can be condensed into an entity shows that the state of the real dragon is much better than before.

The Thunder Tribulation Liquid was endless, and Chi Cang kept giving it out without blinking, strengthening the true dragon's mark.

However, this method has its limit after all. When the true dragon mark is restored to a peak, the Thunder Tribulation Liquid loses its effectiveness. No matter how much it is swallowed, it cannot restore more.

But for the real dragon, this is enough. It has temporarily escaped the fate of extinction, and this mark can last forever.

From another perspective, it can be considered alive.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist."

The real dragon's voice sounded, no longer weak, but full of energy, as powerful as the leader of the ten evils.

"We are all ten evil people. What are you talking about? Rather than letting me, who uses thunder, take care of your child, why don't you do it yourself.

Although only a trace of the mark remains, I believe that there will be hope for recovery in the future. Chi Cang said this.

The real dragon sighed, it was really grateful to Chi Cang for giving it the opportunity to watch its children grow up.

Just now, he sensed a familiar qi machine above the ground, and then transmitted the sound to Chi Cang, saving it from itself.

"I really didn't expect you to survive that kind of siege." Zhenlong suddenly said this, making Chi Cang slightly stunned.

Because the meaning of this tone is no different from Liu Shen, it seems that he has been killed in the battle, and he is a little angry. If he has been killed in the battle, how can he reappear?

Chi Cang coughed: "This... I can still resist it."

"At that time, everyone thought that the Thunder Emperor must have died in the battle. You had not really become a king yet. So many immortal kings were besieging you. No matter how you looked at it, there was no hope of survival. In addition, the war was tight, so no one went to find you. You." The real dragon told a story from the past. When the Thunder Emperor was in trouble, the real dragon was still there.

Chi Cang was silent. His memory about the battle in Immortal Ancient was basically blank. He could only recall the names of some enemies until today, but he learned a lot of relevant information from Liu Shen.

The main reason for the defeat of the primitive ancient world was lack of preparation. No one would have thought that a foreign land would suddenly invade in a comprehensive way. In the past, checkpoints were only small-scale, like boiling a frog in warm water.

A sudden large-scale invasion, with more strikes and fewer attacks, was defeated one by one, causing the strongest combat power on the primitive ancient world to be reduced, completely falling into a disadvantage, unable to resist anymore, and finally defeated, and a bright and prosperous era ended.

Thinking about it now, if they had been wary of foreign lands and considered the possibility of a full-scale invasion from foreign lands, they would not have been caught off guard without preparation. Perhaps everything would have been different, and the glory of the Immortal Era would have continued.

"Everything has passed. I have never complained. In that situation, even if there is support, it is too late." Chi Cang said calmly. He asked himself, he was not the only one who was besieged. This was not an accident, but something from a foreign land. You are so thoughtful that you can’t blame others.

Just like the real dragon in front of me, didn't it become what it is now after being besieged?

Alas, please read it, it feels very painful to run naked.

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