The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 83 The enemy that the real dragon defends against

Hearing what Chi Cang said, Zhenlong sighed. They should go take a look no matter what, at least to confirm whether the Thunder Emperor was alive or dead. Unfortunately, the situation at the time did not allow this.

The famous Thunder Emperor, one of the Ten Evils, was forgotten by the world. He fell on the broken battlefield and lay in the cold ruins. His life and death were a mystery and no one cared about him.

To this day, the real dragon feels guilty about this.

Fortunately, Lei Di did not die in the end, survived, and embarked on the road to recovery.

"Leave here and go to the place where I live temporarily. There is a powerful man there who has suffered similar experiences to me. You should be familiar with him before." Chi Cang said, hoping that the real dragon would return with him with three eggs and the dragon's nest. Stone Village.

The remnant seal of the true dragon in the dragon horn replied: "Is there another Taoist friend? If so, then we will bother you.

It is indeed not easy to stay here for too long. I once sensed a formidable enemy and was always on guard against him. "

Hearing this, Chi Cang's heart moved. The existence that could be called an enemy by the former number one villain was definitely a terrifying and powerful man.

The real dragon is on guard, which means that this creature has not died yet and is hiding in the lower world.

"Can you tell me who this enemy is?" Chi Cang asked in confusion, his expression slightly solemn.

The enemy in the eyes of the real dragon is no joke, it is related to the safety of the lower world.

It is too easy for a strong person like the True Dragon to destroy the Lower Eight Realms. Their combat power is so high that it is unimaginable. Even in the heyday of Chicang, they could only look up to them.

Although they are both in the top ten, there is still a big gap between the Thunder Emperor and the True Dragon. Relatively speaking, the combat power of the two is as high as that of the Earth. The Thunder Emperor is not the true dragon's enemy at all.

There was no way, their cultivation years were different, and the Thunder Emperor was still too young. Although his talent and potential were amazing, he died young before he could fully realize them.

If there was a real fight, Chi Cang would be equivalent to an ordinary Immortal King, not even a hair away from a giant-level True Dragon.

"He is Demon King Pu, one of the giants from the foreign land. He has killed countless masters in our world. He has a violent temperament, is extremely warlike, and does not act according to common sense.

First, he competed with me and was injured by me. Then he went to compete with the Six Paths. He was beaten and retreated. After the fight became red, he faced Wuji and fought with him. In the end, Wuji chased him all the way from the nine heavens. Under the eight realms, the body dies and the Tao disappears.

However, his body disappeared and disappeared after that battle. The war situation was tense at that time, so Wu Ending did not pursue it to the end.

Later, I was besieged by alien designs, and with only my remaining body, I came to the Eight Realms, opened up a small world of chaos, protected my children, and lay dormant.

Unexpectedly, hundreds of thousands of years later, I suddenly felt the aura of Demon King Pu. He was not completely dead, but appeared in the world, but later disappeared. "

"Pu Demon King..." Chi Cang said to himself. Just hearing this name would make him feel a huge pressure. He remembered this terrifying creature. He was an exotic giant with boundless power. If he hadn't been too stubborn back then, , always looking for the strongest to collide, he will not end up like now.

"If my guess is correct, he should have been hiding in the small world back then, preserving his remnant soul and body. Later he was born and wreaked havoc on the earth. As a result, he was besieged by the creatures from the eight realms, and his plan to devour all living beings was foiled." True Dragon expressed his guess.

In fact, it is dormant in a small chaotic world, and its response to the outside world is very vague, and the details are not clear.

Chi Cang thought, he had heard the legend about the Pu Demon Tree clan from the eight ancient realms.

In ancient times, a peerless demonic tree once appeared in the Eight Domains, causing endless carnage on the earth. Millions of corpses were laid down, and blood flowed into the river. As long as it took action, no one could defeat it.

The divine seed it spills, also known as the cursed demon whiskers, can take root in the bodies of strong people, absorb their essence, and thus continuously strengthen itself, which is terrifying.

In the era when the Pu Demon Tree was everywhere, even the strongest sacrificial spirits worshiped by various ethnic groups were invincible. They had to retreat and did not dare to fight with them. For the ancient ancestors, it was really a dark time.

Later, the Pu Demon Tree even planted the cursed demon tendrils on the body of a god, absorbing its life essence, draining its energy and spirit, allowing itself to undergo transformation. If it goes one step further, it can directly become invincible in the world.

But in the end, because it was so lethal, all the Saints from the Eight Realms joined forces to besiege it, and defeated it after paying a heavy price.

Since then, the Pu Demon Tree has never appeared again. Occasionally, we can see creatures of this family, but they are also very low-key, far inferior to the legendary one.

Such legends are very consistent with the feelings of real dragons. There is indeed a giant magic tree that was born in ancient times, swallowing the sky and the earth without any scruples.

However, it was later besieged by the ancient saints and destroyed, leaving everything in vain.

He told the real dragon about this ancient story.

"So, Demon King Pu is really alive, and my perception is correct." True Dragon said solemnly.

Judging from the fact that Demon King Pu can cause trouble on the earth, this guy's condition is much better than that of the real dragon. He is definitely a huge threat to the eight realms of the lower world.

"Once its growth is unrestricted, it will be the most terrifying thing. The endless cursed demon whiskers will cover the sky and cover the earth, swallowing thousands of living beings, causing world-destroying results." The real dragon continued, it had fought with Warlike in Immortal Ancient I have fought with Pu Demon King before and I know him very well.

The vitality of this creature is so powerful that it is difficult to completely eliminate it.

"We have to find a way to find it and send it to reincarnation completely. Otherwise, one day, Demon King Pu will return." Chi Cang said, murderous.

"Yes, it's always uneasy to be unsure of this guy's life or death." The real dragon replied worriedly.

"Let's not rush this matter. Let's leave here first." Chi Cang knew that there was no need to rush in finding Pu Demon King. There was no point in rushing.

At least in Shi Hao's future memory, there was no incident of Demon King Pu causing trouble in the eight regions.

Suddenly, Chi Cang thought of something. After Shi Hao entered Baiduan Mountain, he encountered a demon tree in it. It still held in its hands the weapons of the unparalleled demon tree that caused chaos in the world in ancient times. It was obviously similar to the demon tree. It has an extraordinary connection.

If you catch the Demon Pu tree, you might be able to find some clues and follow the clues to find out the Demon King behind it.

Calculating the time, there is not much time left before Baiduan Mountain opens.

"What's wrong with you?" A voice came from the True Dragon Horn, and his tone was full of doubts, because Chi Cang was in a daze and seemed to be thinking about something.

"I think I know how to find Pu Demon King. Let's leave here first." Chi Cang replied.

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