It was so angry that it wanted to vomit blood. The last remaining remnants of its body were the hope for its future rise and recovery. Even the ancient saints were reluctant to take them out and consume them when they besieged it, because they would be less useful.

You must know that this is the remnant that was saved from the attack of the Everlasting Immortal King. It is not easy to save it. The divine substance inside has been severely damaged and cannot exert its peak power. It has become a sexual consumables.

Unless Demon King Pu swallows enough life essence to resurrect these residues, it will be gone after use.

Now, three powerful enemies are besieging it without morality. If they don't use the residue of the body, they will fall in an instant.

Demon King Pu really had no choice but to fight hard against the enemy. He watched helplessly as the precious remaining material of the giant dissipated little by little, and his heart was bleeding.

"Don't you have any pride as a strong man?" Demon King Pu roared, and once again used the Heaven-reaching Dharma, erupting with terrifying power. Snow-white cursed demon whiskers like dandelions fluttered in the air, shrouding the three powerful men.

Chicang used the True Phoenix Treasure Technique in his left hand and the Thunder Emperor Treasure Technique in his right hand. Thunder and fire intertwined, creating a blazing light.

Half thunder, half flame, Blazing Cang's combat power rose fiercely, destroying the cursed demon whiskers floating over.

This thing was used by Demon King Pu himself, so it was naturally terrifying. Chi Cang did not dare to be careless. He must not let down his guard against the dying counterattack of a remaining giant.

On the other two sides, Zhenlong and Liu Shen also cleared all the demon whiskers. They were able to suppress Demon King Pu at their peak, and now it goes without saying that they can do so with ease.

"The pride of the strong?

I only know that history is written by the victors. If there is the power to suppress everything, one person can naturally overturn the world. If not, as long as he can win, no matter what he does, it is not too much.

Isn’t that the case in your foreign land? Chi Cang said calmly.

Under the intertwining of thunder and fire, a giant finger holding up the sky stood between the sky and the earth, and crashed down.


The Dharma Aspect of the Pu Demon Tree instantly cracked under this terrifying blow, and a large crack extended on the trunk, from the sky to the ground.

True Dragon and Liu Shen also acted mercilessly, showing no mercy at all. There was no need to pity this notorious executioner.


The Dharma image was shattered once again and turned into dust.

Correspondingly, some of the giant residue material in the staff disappeared.

Demon King Pu was desperate. These guys really didn't have martial ethics. They didn't even have the pride of a strong man. They decided to beat it in a group.

I'm afraid I'm doomed today.

It was unwilling to give in. After so many eras of ups and downs, it became a giant among the immortal kings. It was high up, overlooking the vast land.

How could it end like this? Even the incomparably powerful Wu Jing couldn't kill it completely, and he must not fall here.

Demon King Pu went berserk, all the remaining giant substances were exhausted, and white mysterious symbols emerged from the void, surrounding him.

The next moment, fragments of time are flying, and the immortal mark appears from ancient times to today.

It exhausted everything, summoning the immortal mark left when fighting in the lower world, and summoned a part of the immortal power.

This is a desperate blow that blocks everything. If the three strong men are successfully destroyed, it can still survive. Although there is no remaining material in the body, there is still hope of making a comeback.

"Destroy it. If you ruin my good deeds, you will all die." Demon King Pu went crazy and roared at the top of his lungs, like a ghost from ancient times, which made people's hearts tremble.

This time, a nearly physical Pu Demon Tree appeared, showing a trace of immortal power. In its current state, it can have such a level of backup, which fully shows how terrifying the giant is.

Chi Cang's expression changed slightly. Pu Mo Shu's ultimate backhand was too terrifying, and his combat power was actually close to that of a true immortal.

At this moment, it is useless for him to rely on God-level magic power to attack. It is like a mayfly shaking a tree. If he relies on his physical body to shake it hard, he may be able to stimulate the ten evil powers hidden in the flesh and blood. However, unless it is a last resort, Chi Cang cannot He will do this because he is not absolutely sure.

The giant is really not that easy to kill. Chi Cang really can't keep this guy alone.

The entire Baiduan Mountain was trembling, and the young geniuses fighting in various secret realms all stopped what they were doing and looked in one direction in shock.

There, there was a towering sacred ancient tree. It was so huge that it almost filled their sight. Looking around, the sky was filled with demon whiskers, like life-threatening talismans, which shocked people's hearts.

Many teenagers were terrified, their souls were trembling, and a feeling of panic was spreading.

what is that? A magical tree at the level of gods?

If Baiduan Mountain hadn't been a secret realm arranged by the Supreme Being, it would have collapsed into dust long ago.

Even so, Baiduan Mountain is also in the process of destruction, with the Pu Demon Tree War Seal as the center, spreading to all directions.

Fortunately, Chi Cang, Liu Shen, and True Dragon stabilized the void and prevented Baiduan Mountain from being completely destroyed.

Outside Baiduan Mountain, in front of the Light Gate, several vague figures stood in the void, submerged in light and shadow, and could not be seen at all.

These are the venerables present. At this time, they all gathered around and used their methods to explore the situation inside the light gate.

Because the breath of the Pu Demon Tree directly penetrated the light door and overflowed, making all the venerables tremble with fear.

Here, there are the clan leaders of large tribes, the venerables of the ancient sacred mountains, and the human emperors of ancient countries. They are all worried that their descendants will be robbed, and everyone's face is as dark as water.

There was a golden figure among them, releasing a powerful energy that made the surrounding venerables fearful.

He is the Human Emperor of the Fire Nation, and this person who came to Duan Kong City is just an incarnation of the real Human Emperor, for no other reason than his daughter participated in the trip to the secret realm of Baidu Mountain.

The Human Emperor came in person, just to take her back.

At this moment, the incarnation of the Human Emperor frowned, because he knew that this power far surpassed that of the Venerable and was immeasurable. Even across the secret realm, it made people feel frightened.

What kind of shocking change happened in Baiduan Mountain? What kind of terrifying creature jumped out? He was very worried about Huo Ling'er's safety.

In the center of the battle, the real dragon stood up, glowing all over, and the real dragon aura was filled with streaks and wisps, and soon filled the world with deafening dragon roars everywhere.

"In the ancient battle, there was no real difference between life and death between you and me. Didn't you just say you wanted to kill me? Now I give you this chance."

The real dragon made a sound, and its majestic power penetrated the sky, and a huge real dragon appeared. Its sharp claws, heavy dragon horns, and sinister scales were just like the peerless real dragon that fought against the immortal kings back then.

It used to be a giant that was even more powerful than Demon King Pu. This mark has been repaired with Thunder Tribulation Liquid and has the power of several strikes, no less than Demon King Pu's war seal.

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