"Real dragon!"

Demon King Pu gritted his teeth and his eyes were red. Even if the final outcome was death, at least he would take away the real dragon that had beaten him.


With a loud shout, the Towering Magic Tree erupted, and countless thick branches extended out, covering the sky and the earth, leaving no gaps, wrapping around the body of the real dragon, trying to trap it, and then break open its body to absorb the power of the real dragon. .

This Pu Demon Tree War Seal, which can exert near-immortal combat power, is really terrifying. If it goes crazy, anyone will be afraid of it.

The entire land was covered in shadows, and the creatures in this small secret realm had already collapsed to the ground in fear, trembling, and not daring to move at all.

Chi Cang took action, cut open his own skin, and used his own blood as a guide to suppress the entire universe.

Originally, this blood only had the breath of a god, but as a result, after being affected by the fluctuations of the battle between the real dragon and the Pu Demon King, it burst out with terrifying power.

In an instant, thunder surged and runes were densely covered, and the void of this world became stronger, able to withstand the torment of supreme-level combat power.

Afterwards, he and Liu Shenli stood in the distance and watched the battle quietly.

Chi Cang needs to passively stimulate the dormant power in his own flesh and blood to have the strength to participate in this battle, and Liu Shen, who is completely Nirvana, needs to recover more and is temporarily unable to intervene.

In addition, the real dragon's message allowed them to raid the formation, so they suspended the siege and watched the battle quietly.

If the real dragon is defeated, Chi Cang will directly fill it with his physical body. There is no other way, his dormant combat power can only be triggered passively.

However, this idea is obviously a bit redundant.

As the leader of the Ten Evils, it goes without saying that the true dragon's combat power is great. Even if there is only a trace of mark left, it can still suppress the enemy.

The branches and cursed demon whiskers that filled the sky were all destroyed by the real dragon's claws, tail and horns. Its body was the most powerful weapon. In comparison, the hardness of the trunk of the Demon Pu tree paled in comparison.

However, after the real dragon crushes one wave, the next wave will come immediately, and it will last endlessly, as if it will never be finished.

Moreover, those snow-white demon whiskers burned in the air, forming one bright avenue symbol after another, shrouding the real dragon.

Later, the essence of the real dragon involuntarily spilled out of the body and was swallowed by the demon tree.

This is Demon King Pu's specialty, devouring his opponent, replenishing himself, and eventually defeating the enemy.

However, the real dragon is not a vegetarian. The real dragon horn on the head seems to be able to open up the world. With one blow, the void is shattered and the chaos is filled. A terrifying destruction occurs here, and countless Pumo tree trunks are smashed to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, a real dragon claw grabbed it again, extremely powerful and unstoppable.


The real dragon's claws that covered the sky directly grabbed the main trunk of the Pu Demon Tree and made a long claw mark, which was bottomless, sawdust flew everywhere, and caused heavy losses.

Demon King Pu was in pain and couldn't help but retreat, feeling extremely frightened and angry.

It still couldn't beat the real dragon just like it did in the Immortal Era. The opponent was like its master. It beat it violently when it was at its peak, and then beat it again after it was crippled.

Such a result was difficult for King Pu to accept. Its rise was so glorious that it was hard to find an opponent in the world. However, after becoming a giant, it failed one after another and was beaten so violently that the whole tree went crazy.

"Real dragon, go to hell!"

Demon King Pu roared, desperately trying his best, and the immortal battle seal opened up the world, as if he had come to the era when chaos had just begun and everything was in its infancy.

In the boundless chaos, a tall Demon Pu tree soared up, its umbrella-like branches and leaves covering a large area, like a wild beast swallowing it in one gulp.

A large world was swallowed up by the Demon Pu Tree, and all living things perished, becoming the nutrients that nourished the Demon Pu Tree.

This is definitely something that really happened, now presented in the form of a vision.

Devouring a large world in just one mouthful, the former Demon King Pu was undoubtedly extremely terrifying. Killing was completely common for him, and his subordinates were contaminated by countless dead souls.

It definitely does this kind of thing a lot.

Not only that, there is also the scene in the void of it devouring the true immortals of the primitive ancient world in the ancient immortal era. It is extremely cruel. The devoured people have all their spiritual deeds turned into nutrients, and without exception, they all become powder.

Demon King Pu was completely desperate and his eyes were red.

After witnessing these scenes, the real dragon felt a silent anger accumulating in his chest, wanting to release it completely.

"You deserve to die!"

It shouted loudly, and all the dragon scales on its body vibrated together. The dragon's unique true Tao runes emerged one by one, exuding the most powerful offensive power and concentrating on the tail. In just a moment, there was a concentration of energy there. The blazing sun destroyed the surrounding void.


The real dragon swung its tail. At this moment, time and space seemed to have frozen. An extremely thick and scaly real dragon's tail suddenly crossed the horizon. With majestic force, it hit the main trunk of the Pu Demon Tree fiercely. superior.


An earth-shattering explosion occurred at the collision point. The universe was turbulent. Symbols shot into the sky and shot out in all directions. Large winding cracks spread out from the center like a spider web.


Demon King Pu screamed, and the immortal war seal was pulled back to the distant immortal ancient by this tail, returning to the era where it belonged.

Kinsen's fighting power disappeared all of a sudden, and the entire tree of Pu Demon King collapsed immediately, being knocked back to its original shape, as if his body had been emptied out.

Now that it has exhausted all the residue of its body, it is no longer a threat.


The staff became more and more charred, lost all power, and fell to the ground.

The real dragon recovered its body, and the chaotic light around it dimmed a lot. Obviously, it consumed a lot of energy and tried its best to defeat the battle seal summoned by Demon King Pu.

Chi Cang immediately provided the True Dragon with the Innate Thunder Tribulation Liquid. The massive amount of life essence allowed the True Dragon to quickly regain its vitality.

Such a result left Demon King Pu in a desperate situation dumbfounded and suffocated.

He tried his best, even if it failed, he could accept it as long as it caused a lot of trouble to the real dragon. The result was good, and the Thunder Emperor immediately made up for it.

Was the emotion just in vain?


The Pu Demon King in the staff was so angry that he vomited blood. These three were able to hit, recover, and even spank.

The three people came and surrounded the staff. Even at the last moment, they were cautious.

"Destroy it, there will be no more accidents this time." The real dragon's eyes were deep and sad.

Liu Shen and Chi Cang were silent, and were also infected by this emotion.

Those beautiful memories, those glorious pasts, those familiar but long gone faces are all buried in the long river of history.

All we can do now is kill our enemies with our own hands and remember those who have passed away.

"Sacrifice the departed heroes of ancient times."

The real dragon looked up to the sky, then lowered its head, waved its claws, and fell down boldly.

"don't want!"

Demon King Pu's desperate roar came from the staff.

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