The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 95 Wildfire can’t burn it all

The dead souls of Pu Demon King have never been felt so close to him before, not even when he was cleansed by the Endless Bell.

It was an invincible giant from a foreign land, and it just died in an unknown corner like this?

If the real dragon attacks, there is no chance that its soul will be spared. It will die completely. Even the ancient elixir from the Emperor's Fall era that is said to be able to resurrect the Immortal King cannot be saved. There will be no more stories in this ancient history. Demon King.

Everything about it will become history and everything will become empty.


Demon King Pu roared in despair, his soul trembled and froze inch by inch, and his vision was quickly filled by a terrifying real dragon claw.


Without the remaining gray matter of the giant, the charred staff was like paper. It was vulnerable to the powerful claws of the real dragon and was instantly turned into powder.

A generation of arrogant alien giants, the Pu Demon King, who was more powerful than the Red King known as the "Beast of Time", died in this way, and died at the hands of the real dragon.

The soul was completely annihilated, not a single trace was left, and the body and mind were completely destroyed.

After killing this executioner, the real dragon neither smiled nor felt relieved, because even if he killed Pu Demon King, those who passed away could not reappear.

Liu Shen and Chi Cang were silent. They could understand the emotions of the real dragon. In the battle of Immortal Ancient, too many people were buried. The whole world was maimed, and the creatures inside were almost extinct. Later generations It’s hard to understand that heaviness.

"It's over." The real dragon sighed and wiped out all traces of the charred staff before stopping.

"It's far from over yet. Some people are still alive and well." Chi Cang's eyes flickered, looking into the distance.

He seemed to see a dazzling golden spear stabbed from an era ago. Suddenly, his body felt a sting. It seemed that he had been torn apart by such a spear, and his body still had the memory of that.

"Yes, there are still people alive and well, but unfortunately, they are determined to kill the enemy but unable to save themselves. It depends on you." The real dragon sighed.

Now it is just a wisp of mark, and it no longer has the power of the past, and it is difficult to defeat those powerful enemies. Unlike Chi Cang and Liu Shen, they have resurrected from nirvana, their life marks are intact, and they have hope of returning to their peak.

If there is a Immortal King-level battle in the future, we will have to rely on them.

"There will be hope for recovery."

The real dragon shook his head with a smile and said nothing. There were no Immortal Kings in this state since ancient times. In the end, no one could truly "live" it.

At this time, the three powerful men noticed that the Demon Pu tree in the Cave Heaven Realm was lucky to survive and hid among the rocks pretending to be dead. If it was in the Cave Heaven Realm like it, it might have been missed.

A cold look flashed in the blazing eyes. This Demon Pu tree is the descendant of Demon King Pu, and it was it that brought the staff. It is difficult to say whether it or the Demon Pu tree family has the backhand of Demon King Pu.

Therefore, he does not intend to let go of this Demon Pu tree. Furthermore, the Demon Pu tree is not a species in this world, and it would be a disaster if it stayed.

Under the pile of rocks, a dilapidated Devil's Tree stood motionless, its branches and leaves all gray and dull, and it had long lost its previous sacred appearance.

It seems that it has died out, and all the life fluctuations have disappeared.

However, in fact, the Pu Demon Tree is still alive, and it is trying to pretend to be dead. Although the chance of success is low, it is better than sitting still and waiting to die.

Time passed by, and seeing the three terrifying old monsters seeming to ignore it, Pu Moshu was ecstatic. If it could survive, it would not go out and devour the essence of life in this world, making a muffled sound. If you have great wealth, you will go out to devour the sky and the earth after it grows stronger.

After witnessing the fight between the old monsters and the tragic death of its ancestors, it was extremely eager to become stronger and full of desire to survive.

However, it would be a bit fanciful for a Cave Heaven Realm ant to hide itself in front of three powerful men and try to escape.

The Pu Demon Tree, which had been happy just now, suddenly froze, because its body flew up uncontrollably, heading towards Chi Cang.

Moreover, the tree body shrank rapidly in the air and was forcibly compressed by an invisible force. When it reached the palm of Chi Cang's hand, it was already the size of an egg.

"Senior, please forgive me. I don't know anything. My ancestors never told me anything."

The Pu Demon Tree was frightened and begged for mercy, struggling violently in the palm of the sky, but it was useless and could not move at all.

Chi Cang didn't speak, his eyes were deep and high, overlooking it, like the cold and heartless sky.

Such a look almost scared Pu Mo Shu to death.

The next moment, thunder light surged, flames surged, and the egg-sized devil tree burned in the thunder fire, emitting a blazing fire light.


The Pu Demon Tree screamed, its vitality instantly fell to the bottom, and then turned into ashes.

The moment before it was completely destroyed, the flame suddenly became brighter, and Chi Cang could see clearly that it was a faint mark, and it was self-evident who it belonged to.

The three of them were all astonished. They had completely killed Demon King Pu just now, but not a single trace of his soul or body was left. As a result, there were still marks left in the bodies of his descendants.

"No wonder this guy was able to survive back then. The wildfires couldn't burn it out, and the spring breeze blew it again." Chi Cang sighed.

"Looking at it this way, all the creatures of the Pu Demon Tree clan need to be destroyed." The real dragon frowned.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen nodded, that was indeed the case.

The three of them checked this small secret place and left after confirming that there was no problem.

They did not leave Baiduan Mountain immediately, but headed towards the center.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the center of Baiduan Mountain, which is known as the Baicao Garden. It is the elixir field of this small ancient world. Countless elixirs have been planted there, many of which are rare treasures. There are even rumors that there are elixirs there. There may be a holy elixir!

However, they are not here for the holy medicine.

The reason why I came here is to see what kind of sacred substance the Fountain of Youth is.

When they set foot in the Herb Garden, they instantly felt a mysterious field that could imprison the treasure and strangle the physical body.

For creatures of different levels, the power bloomed in the field is different. If you want to come and go freely here, you need to be the strongest in the same level.

For Chi Cang and the others, these were naturally no problem, and the three of them stepped in without any hindrance.

In the Herb Garden, there is a sacred light that envelopes the earth. It is full of light and energy. Even ordinary herbs growing in it will become crystal clear and the aura is extremely rich.

Under the influence of the field arranged by the Supreme, the three of them revealed themselves, all very blurry. True Dragon and Liu Shen were surrounded by chaotic energy, while Chi Cang was wrapped in lightning.

As soon as they entered the garden, something strange happened. As if they were aware of their terror, the surrounding ancient trees and flowers all trembled with expressions of fear.

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