The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 96 The Secret of the God Stone

Yes, these plants have noses and eyes, and they are looking at Chi Cang and the others in horror.

"It should be the pollen contaminated with the holy medicine-level psychic flower, which makes them intelligent."

Willow God spoke out. He is a plant-like creature, so his judgment will naturally not be wrong.

The three of them paid no attention to these frightened plants and had no interest in them.

Liu Shen and Zhenlong were about to walk deeper into the Baicao Garden. As a result, Chi Cang suddenly walked in a direction and picked up a stone the size of a human head from the ground.

It is understandable that those plants are dyed with psychic flower pollen and give birth to spiritual intelligence, but a stone also has a mouth, eyes, and rich expressions, which is a bit unusual.

Liu Shen and Zhenlong looked over in surprise, sensing the extraordinary nature of this stone and thinking thoughtfully.

Chi Cang's palm exerted force, and thunder flickered, lingering around the stone.

"It hurts!"

Shi Shi grinned and screamed in horror.

"A talking stone. Could it be that your intelligence was awakened by the pollen of the psychic flower?" Chi Cang kneaded it with his fingers, and the stone's expression changed with such force.

"That's right, boss, that's it. Don't use any more force, it will break."

"This is a bit dishonest. Do you think I will believe it?" Chi Cang became more powerful, and the void around his fingers rumbled and vibrated, which was terrifying.

The stone took a breath, this time it was not pretending, it was really going to be crushed.

"Boss, please forgive me and tell me what you have to say. I admit that I just lied." Shitou exclaimed, hoping that Yi Chicang would stop.

If it doesn't stop, it will be crushed and burped on the spot.

Chi Cang relaxed a little, Shitou breathed a long sigh of relief, and his eyes changed when he looked at Chi Cang. He had never seen such a terrifying person before, and he was much stronger than those gods.

"Tell me, where are you from? Don't lie, otherwise you will know the consequences."

"If you tell me, can you please stop crushing me?"

"Say it, as long as you are honest."

Liu Shen and Shenlong watched Chi Cang Shiwei quietly. They had already figured out what race this stone belonged to, and they all became very interested in it.

Shitou looked at these three unfathomable creatures, and in desperation, he gritted his teeth and decided to reveal everything.

"Well, it seems I can't hide my secret anymore." It sighed.

"I am actually a sacrificial spirit." After Shitou finished speaking, he looked at the three people cautiously, because the precious blood of the sacrificial spirit has miraculous effects, and God knows whether these three people will be tempted.

"But what I want to explain is that I am no longer the person I am now, but I was the person I used to be. There is no soul-sacrifice blood in my body at all, it is all stone dregs, the kind that I would bite my teeth if I eat it." It added quickly.

"I remember that the first generation of sacrifices to the spirits of the Stone Kingdom was a stone that struck the gods. It couldn't be you, right?"

Chi Cang said in surprise.

Liu Shen and Zhenlong also looked over. They had discussed the issue of the Ten Evils, and naturally they talked about the Stone Kingdom's Soul Sacrifice and God Stone. This is a member of the Ten Evils and God Stone clan, and is very rare.

The original God-Striking Stone is likely to be destroyed. True Dragon remembers that back then, the Ten-Devil-grade God-Striking Stone fought against the Immortal King of a foreign land. After the battle, it disappeared without a trace, just like the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass.

Moreover, the battlefield where the God Stone was struck did not belong to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and had long since been wiped out into dust in the Immortal Ancient Tribulation. Therefore, few rumors about the God Stone have been passed down, unlike Kunpeng, Alicorn Ant, etc., because well known to future generations.

The current Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are just a part of the primitive ancient world. The big world was destroyed, and many fragments floated to unknown chaotic areas, or became dust, or fell into the turbulent flow of space. Occasionally, Manifested in the world.

"Yes, that's right, it's me, but I ran away and left them my remains." Shitou said carelessly.

Chi Cang was speechless for a while. If this was true, then wouldn't this stone be too irresponsible? A country worshiped its spirits and ran away directly.

Look at how dedicated the little red bird is.

However, compared to Qiongqi, who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges to sacrifice spirits, the Shiguo Spirit Sacrifice is pretty good, at least it leaves a legacy.

"A country sacrifices souls. This is a position that many living beings cannot achieve. The whole country sacrifices souls. Why did you run away?" He asked.

"What a fart... uh... sorry, slip of the tongue." As soon as Dashenshi started to complain, he realized that there was something wrong with his words.

The person in front of me who uses thunder can really crush it. How can he talk like this?

“What I mean is that the location of the Soul Sacrifice seems to be very good, but it cannot meet my needs at all. It cannot get me so many good things to swallow, and it is simply impossible to move forward.

If I stay there all the time, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to make progress until I die.

I have no choice but to run away. I can't hang myself on that tree, right? "The god-beating stone showed a helpless expression.

"Besides, the path of worshiping spirits is not suitable for me. It has come to an end. Plus, Shi Guozun has been with me for so long, so I have to leave something for them.

I broke away from the Taoguo of the past, started all over again, and left my legacy to them.

Later, I found an opportunity and followed a boy from the Stone Kingdom into Baiduan Mountain. There were a lot of good things here, especially the divine spring of youth, which can be called a divine thing. "

"You have been standing outside the garden for so many years. I'm afraid you have eaten a lot, right?" Chi Cang suddenly asked.

God-Smashing Stone froze immediately, his heart beating rapidly.

"Well, actually it's not much. The first time he ate more than two hundred kilograms, he was kicked away. The second time, it was even less. The third time, he was knocked away as soon as he came in!" The God-Smashing Stone was furious.

"Then there should be a lot of fountains of youth inside you."

Faced with Chi Cang's continuous questions, God-Smashing Stone was obviously unable to resist.

It explained quickly.

"It's okay. I only eat sediment. The golden juice will flow out in the end."

After asking some more questions, under the intimidation of Chi Cang's force, all the God-Smashing Stones were used.

Liu Shen and Zhenlong were a little speechless. They always felt that the temperament of this stone was a little out of control. It was in the sky and on the ground. It didn't look like a country offering sacrifices to spirits. Could it be that he was lying again?

"Three big guys, I have confessed honestly, can you let me go?" The God-Smashing Stone showed a miserable expression and complained endlessly. It felt that if it was taken away by these three people, it would definitely not end well. When you are with someone who is much stronger than you, you cannot control your destiny.

Chi Cang looked at it and thought in his mind. In his memory, Shi Hao used the God's Stone to make those pure-blooded creatures towering. Even if he did not take away the God's Stone, Shi Hao would take it back to Shicun.

Thinking of this, Chi Cang couldn't help but smile.

"I can let you go, but I think we will meet again sooner or later."

Dashenshi complained in his heart and couldn't help but roll his eyes. It's too late to hide from you. Who wants to see you again?

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