The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 97 Immortal Spring Eye

Amid Chi Cang's profound smile, Dashenshi walked away in fear.

Although it had made up its mind to stay away from Chi Cang and his group, Chi Cang's prophetic words still frightened the God-Smashing Stone.

A strong person of this level has profound meaning in every word and action.

It murmured in its heart, jumped among the psychic plants, and disappeared.

It wasn't until Chi Cang and the others went deep into the Herb Garden that it poked out half of its head, hid behind a wisteria, and secretly observed the situation inside.

"They are not here for the Divine Fountain of Youth, are they? With the strength of these people, I am afraid they will have to bear the whole pot."

The God-beating Stone had a worried look on its face. It had been plotting against the mud and sand in the Immortal Spring Pond for a long time, but it only ate a little bit, which was not satisfying at all. If these three people were to eat it all at once, it would be all in vain.

At this time, a long purple vine reached down, with a pair of big purple eyes on it, looking at the God-killing Stone warily.

"What are you looking at? I'll bite you later." God-beating stone said fiercely, startling Ziteng.

The surrounding plants also showed fearful looks. This stone is not a simple stone. Back then, the Holy Medicine-level Psychic Flower tried to fight it for the sacred object in the garden. As a result, it was beaten up by the stone head and bit it hard. From then on, it never looked back. Dare to approach the Fountain of Youth.

If this stone goes crazy, no plant here can beat them.

"It shouldn't be possible, right? For people at their level, the Fountain of Youth shouldn't be of much use."

Dashenshi was very confused in his heart. He plucked a flower next to him very domineeringly, and plucked off the petals one by one, muttering to himself.

"Will... won't... will..."

Deep in the Baicao Garden, Chi Cang, Liu Shen, and True Dragon walked towards the depths.

"Do you think what it just said is true?" Chi Cang asked.

Liu Shen didn't speak. He didn't know much about the God Stone, and many of his memories had not yet been restored.

The real dragon opened his mouth and replied: "The God-Smashing Stone Clan has always been mysterious, and there are only a few clan members in an era. In the Immortal Ancient Era, there was the God-Smashing Stone Daoist who was one of the top ten evils. No force in this clan dared to offend him. .

Many of the tools made by monks using the God-killing Stone are the remains of the deceased. Someone has studied this clan and given a reliable statement.

The reproduction method of the God-Striking Stone clan is very likely to be split. In other words, the existing God-Striking Stone is most likely to come from a rough stone. They should all know how many tribesmen there are in the world. "

Hearing this, Chi Cang looked thoughtful.

"So this guy might still be lying."

They talked while walking, and in a blink of an eye they arrived at the destination of their trip.

Ahead, the golden light was blazing, as if there was a golden sun spreading across the sky, with golden ripples in the sky, a vast expanse, extremely gorgeous.

That is where the Fountain of Youth is located, a golden spring pool.

The field here is very strong, and one step forward requires facing terrifying pressure. However, to the three strong men, this is nothing at all. They can all be called invincible among the same level. In this kind of targeted In the field, it is natural to walk on the ground.

Finally, the three of them came to the Fountain of Youth. It was a pool measuring one foot square. It was rich in essence and steaming. No juice could be seen. Only a large amount of sand was left. It contained astonishing divine substances and filled the air with a powerful force. life fluctuations.

Just one puff will make you feel like a fairy.

These sands are crystal clear, very moist, and sparkle with rays of light. All the golden ripples are emitted by them, releasing powerful and immortal divine power.

The three of them looked at the bottom of the sand with bright eyes, and found a small golden dragon that was more than a foot long, with golden light radiating from its body, dazzling like a small sun.

"Took the form of a dragon."

The real dragon was slightly startled. In this lower world, there was actually a pool of spring that evolved toward their clan and transformed into the form of a dragon.

This may be an instinct of living things, spontaneously choosing the direction of evolution.

"This should be a fairy spring, which was artificially dug into a pool. The essence of the spring water that came up turned into this little dragon today.

The power of the god in its body is very strong and unparalleled. If you give it time, it can quickly become stronger.

If you take the path of worshiping spirits in the future, it will not be difficult to become a god. Liu Shen said with admiration.

Life is the greatest miracle in the world. As time goes by, a pool of spring can turn into a living creature and become a strong person.

They decided to intercept a ray of material from the golden dragon and use it to study the vitality in it, which would be of some use to the current Liu Shen.

Of course, this is done without disturbing it.

Under the powerful magic power, the golden little dragon unknowingly lost a ray of golden substance. However, the dragon energy on its body became more and more intense. This was regarded as a kind of compensation for taking that ray of substance. This golden dragon will have a better future. The practice is of great use.

Afterwards, the three of them went to another place and found an ancient coffin of unknown age. Inside lay a broken corpse, covered in scales and stained with blood. It looked like he had been seriously injured after a bloody battle. fallen.

There are seals everywhere here, all of which have reached the supreme level, and the corpses in the ancient coffins also overflow with the terrifying energy belonging to the supreme.

This is a genuine supreme creature. It is buried in an important secret place in Baiduan Mountain. It is not simple.


The real dragon let out a light sigh, apparently discovering something.

It took action and turned the Supreme corpse over. Suddenly, a strange altar was revealed. It was small, not big, and had five corners.

The more I look at the real dragon, the more familiar it becomes.

“The corners are very similar to the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, and they seem to have their own Qi.

There should have been six reincarnation disks here, and a supreme series of battles took place. In the end, the reincarnation disks were taken away. "

It made this judgment because the aura of the supreme artifact remaining in the altar was sensed by the true dragon who was familiar with it.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen looked at each other, and before their eyes seemed to be a battle for the chaotic magic weapon that took place in Baiduan Mountain in ancient times. In that battle, someone got one or more corners of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk.

In addition, Chi Cang also knew that the small tower, which was also a chaotic magic weapon, was also in Baiduan Mountain.

It may have participated in the ancient battle, and its purpose was most likely to regain its lost tower. Some of the big figures in the upper world controlled part of its tower.

The three of them did not touch the scaly Supreme corpse because they did not have that kind of need or hobby.

They left the ancient coffin, passed through numerous supreme magic circles, and arrived at a safe place.

Chi Cang did not intend to find the small tower, because like the God-killing Stone, it would be taken back to Stone Village by Shi Hao, and he did not want to interfere too much.

The three of them looked down at Baiduan Mountain with deep eyes and saw many geniuses fighting for the treasures.

The description of the God-killing Stone in the previous chapter was slightly wrong, so it was changed to say that the God-killing Stone was a lie.

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