The villain system of Mingyue in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 10 I mean you are all hot chicks

The rightful owner has arrived.

The right person is naturally not Sheng Qi. Ying Ziyi didn't have the guts to take on a top-notch T-shirt like Sheng Qi head-on.

Of course, what he had to carry were the hundreds of elite farm boys behind Sheng Qi.

When hundreds of farmers' children arrived in the middle of the forest, it was so noisy that it looked like a vegetable market. It instantly lowered the level of this stormy meeting and the scene of a battle between masters.

"Hahaha! Ying Ziyi, I didn't expect that we had already laid an ambush here. You kid was so scared that you wet your pants!"

These hundreds of peasant disciples should be disciples of Lieshan Hall based on their banners. When their boss Tian Meng triumphantly walked out of the circle surrounded by his younger brothers and came to the center of the forest, his tiny eyes were now wide open and his mouth was wide open, as if he could swallow an apple.

The field was clearly divided into four forces.

Gai Nie, Xiao Meng, Moon God, a party headed by Ying Ziyi who was lost in thought under the tree. The quicksand of gathering and dispersing in Wei Zhuang is one side. Shengqi is a single swordsman, and he is clearly different from the peasant disciples of Lieshan Hall, so he seems to be on the same side. The rest were Lieshan Hall disciples headed by Tian Meng and his second brother Tian Hu.

Unlike Tian Meng's minions, Tian Meng can be regarded as one of the first-class masters. He could tell that almost no one on the field could be offended by him.

The two heroes of the Yin Yang family, the right protector of the Yin Yang family, the Moon God, and Sheng Qi, who has always stood aside to draw a clear line with him. What kind of formation is this!

But the minions around him didn't see it that way, thinking that the solemn scene in the forest was because their arrival had shocked everyone present.

As a result, their arrogance became even more arrogant.

"Look, those two girls are so pretty! Let's have a good time later..." (referring to Luna and Chi Lian)

"Who are those two fools with swords?" (Referring to Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang)

"There are still a bunch of stupid guys. Your grandpa is here, why don't you get out of here." (Referring to the Three Kings of Quicksand)


Let me go, these guys are really talented! Ying Ziyi was shocked. The efficiency of drawing hatred was really high.

Seeing everyone's eyes looking at Tian Meng full of hostility and cold murderous intent, it was obvious that everyone regarded him as the leader. Tian Meng's body felt covered in fine sweat.

"Shut up!" Tian Meng shouted with all his strength. The veins on his face were bulging and his face was ashen. He was obviously angry because of his pig teammates. The scene suddenly became quiet.

The scene became quiet, but Tian Meng didn't know what to do.

He was neither advancing nor retreating at the moment, and was very embarrassed for a moment.

"Mr. Wei Zhuang!" Ying Ziyi stood up and said, cupping his hands.

"What's the matter?"

"Now that there are so many young people gathered, why don't you and Mr. Gai Nie choose another day to fight again." Ying Ziyi made a suggestion.

Wei Zhuang snorted and was noncommittal. Under the speckled sunlight, the forest in the distance was reflected in a black-like color. From deep in the forest, a group of black mist quietly moved towards Wei Zhuang.

At the sparse place, the sun shone, and a boy with a vague face appeared in front of everyone.

Mo Qilin whispered a few words into Wei Zhuang's ear. Wei Zhuang's expression changed, he turned around and left.

"Brother, we will meet again. Next time, one of us will eventually fall."

Seeing everyone leaving the quicksand, Tian Meng's pressure suddenly dropped and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Watching the quicksand go away, Ying Ziyi breathed a sigh of relief. He stood up and walked to the center of the forest amidst everyone's somewhat surprised expressions.

"You are Tian Meng, the leader of Lieshan Hall."

"It's me. I've been looking for you for a long time."

"Oh, why?" Ying Ziyi smiled.

"Don't you know you are valuable? Even a human head on your neck is worth ten thousand gold, let alone one alive."

"You won't be the only one who wants my head today, and you won't be the only one tomorrow. Can you succeed just by relying on you?"

Ying Ziyi smiled brightly. Judging from the system space, Tian Meng's hatred value was successfully raised by him.

It's just that Ying Ziyi is a little disappointed. Tian Meng's level is obviously a first-class master (distinguished by the others), but his hatred value is only green. What a rubbish.

"Are you provoking me?" Tian Meng's expression turned gloomy.

"What nonsense are you talking to him? Catch this little bastard and teach him a lesson." Tian Hu, a red-haired man, was impatient and had already drawn his sword.

"Shut up." Tian Meng was not stupid, he was still assessing the situation in front of him. In fact, there are 100,000 disciples in Nongjia's Sixth Hall, and the internal competition is very fierce. No one who can sit on the throne of the Hall Master will be a fool.

But his younger brother Tian Hu is different. He has a violent personality and is a bit stupid and rough.

"Ah! I think you misunderstood." Ying Ziyi said, his momentum weakening a bit. Xiaomeng felt a little strange about Ying Ziyi's attitude. In her impression, he was not a

Tian Meng brought his men down this time because he believed the reports from his spies. Ying Ziyi came out of the camp alone, accompanied only by a little girl who was like a maid, and there was no first-class bodyguard army. The terrain of this forest is winding and the roads are complicated, making it unfavorable for military personnel to form formations to fight against the enemy Qin army. On the contrary, it is conducive to the rangers under him who are highly skilled in martial arts and good at roundabout fighting to play their strengths. But now there are two masters beside Ying Ziyi, Gai Nie and Yueshen. If he fights head-on with them, he will definitely not get any benefits, and will also take advantage of the other five members of the farm who are hiding in the dark.

Tian Meng was thinking about whether he should retreat temporarily, but after hearing Ying Ziyi's words, he secretly thought that if there was a chance, he might be able to retreat decently. But Ying Ziyi's next words made him turn green.

"I mean, all the people in Lieshan Hall are hot chicks."

At this moment, Ying Ziyi spread his hands and curled his lips, as if he was possessed by a gunner, arrogant to the max, and his mean expression looked a bit angry. He seemed to hit me when he was a bit dissatisfied.

The group taunting finally had an effect, and the hatred value progress bar displayed on the system materialized screen in front of Ying Ziyi was rising slowly.

The anger could no longer be controlled. Even their leader Tian Meng could not stop a group of angry men. Tian Hu immediately shouted angrily and raised his sword towards Ying Ziyi, hoping to kill this hateful boy.

"Second brother, stop!" Tian Meng wanted to stop him, but was unable to stop him.

The one who took action was Gai Nie. He swung out his long sword without any unnecessary showoff. What everyone saw was just a dazzling sword light. Afterwards, Tian Hu fell down.

Seeing that his brother's life and death were unknown, Tian Meng could no longer calm down.

"Go...go up, kill them."

The angry Ma Zai brandished the handle of his knife and charged forward. There was only a dozen feet between them and Ying Ziyi. This group of people are elite farmers, and they can rush up from this distance in just a few breaths.

Gai Nie waved his sword and stood in front of Ying Ziyi, while Yueshen was making a very strange mudra with his hands. Ying Ziyi glanced at it, and it seemed that the other party was going to use a bigger move.

The distance between the peasant disciple and Ying Ziyi was finally less than five feet. Dozens of crossbow arrows flew down from the sky and were shot in front of the farmer's disciples. slowed down their pace.

Tian Meng raised his head and looked at the sky. The clear sky was now filled with crossbow arrows as black as locusts, densely packed and flying towards here.

"It's the Qin Army's crossbow formation. Everyone, please avoid it."

The crossbow array of the Qin army split mountains and seas, and its reputation spread far and wide. Tian Meng shouted and wanted to remind everyone, but it was already too late.

Gai Nie hugged Ying Ziyi and backed away quickly. Xiaomeng and Yueshen also followed Ying Ziyi on both sides and retreated.

The waves of crossbow arrows were very directional, taking the big tree where Ying Ziyi was as the boundary, and headed towards the peasant disciples one after another. I don’t know how the Qin army is positioned.

After twenty waves of arrows. The peasant disciples had already suffered heavy casualties.

Ying Ziyi retreated behind the big tree and suffered little impact. With the abilities of the three masters around Ying Ziyi, Ying Ziyi didn't lose even one hair.

Ying Ziyi returned to the center of the forest again, and the scene was in a mess. Most of the peasant disciples who had been actively shouting just now had been killed or injured, and the remaining people had exhausted most of their energy due to resisting the crossbow array, and fell to the ground without support.

"You have been ready for a long time!" Tian Meng said bitterly. He is a first-rate master, and after twenty waves of feather arrows, he only suffered a slight injury. Most of the elite disciples of Lieshan Hall were lost. At this moment, he was filled with hatred and wished he could kill Ying Ziyi.

"You are too naive." However, Ying Ziyi still did not realize that he was being targeted by a first-rate master. He continued to taunt: "I knew someone was going to deal with me, but would I leave the Qin camp without any preparation? How did you become the boss with your IQ!!"

"You...!" Qi and blood surged, unable to breathe, Tian Meng collapsed to the ground.

At this time, Sheng Qi stood in front of Tian Meng.

"You want to help me!" Tian Meng was weak and seemed a little surprised.

"At the same time, peasant disciple, I cannot stand idly by." In the crossbow formation just now, Sheng Qi placed the giant tower in front of Tian Hu and him, blocking the twenty waves of arrow rain and protecting Tian Hu's life. .

Ying Ziyi looked at Sheng Qi. At this time, the long-lost system sound sounded in my ears.

"Bibi Dong! The farmer's unique side mission 'Shen Nong's Immortality' has started."


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