The villain system of Mingyue in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 11 Can you speak human language?

"How's it going there now?"

It was Wei Zhuang who spoke. He stood on a small mound outside the forest, leaning on his sword. (Uncle Zhuang, do you really love standing on high places?)

"All the people in Lieshan Hall have been wiped out, and now only the big man is left in the farmhouse." Bai Feng jumped down from the bird's back. The feet touched the white feathers and fell gracefully. The agile figure seemed to be dancing, and landed next to Wei Zhuang.

"It's really amazing, that kid!" Chi Lian exclaimed at this moment, secretly thinking that if Lin'er hadn't discovered the Qin Army's crossbow unit outside the forest, he came to notify him. They retreated early, and the situation in Liusha at this moment is probably not much better than that of the people in the farmhouse Lieshan Hall.

After listening to Bai Feng's report, Wei Zhuang said nothing. In this matter, Ying Ziyi did sell him a favor and asked him to leave early to avoid harming Chi Yu. Under the crossbow formation of the Qin army, he was able to retreat unscathed. Bai Feng specializes in Qinggong, so he won't be in much danger. But the remaining three quicksand kings were not so lucky.

Wei Zhuang could not accept that Liusha suffered such a tragic loss without even touching Gai Nie's sword. But Wei Zhuang was a proud man. Although he was in love with Ying Ziyi, he would not admit it. At least, not to your face.

"Let's go to Jidu!" Wei Zhuang said after a long silence.

"Then Gai Nie, should we leave it alone?" Chi Lian asked, feeling a little happy unconsciously.

Wei Zhuang glanced sideways at Chi Lian and said, "The battle between me and Gai Nie will come one day. At this moment, it is still too early."

In the forest.

"Bibi Dong! The farmer's unique side mission 'Shen Nong's Immortality' has started."

The sound of the system rang in Ying Ziyi's ears. He listened attentively for a moment.

The farm side quest Shennong Immortal is now available. Invulnerable to a golden gun and invulnerable to a hundred poisons, this is what every villain longs for.

The task condition is that the farmhouse is complete. (undone)

Mission Condition 2: The Black Swordsman’s Gratitude. (undone)

Mission condition 3: Obtain "Shen Nong's Classic of Hundred Herbs" (not completed)

Reward for completing the mission: the title ‘Shennong Immortal’.

At this time, the system sounded again.

"Bidong! Congratulations to the original poster for receiving a total of 1 point of green hatred (one point of green hatred equals 10,000 red points of hatred). Choose whether to redeem it."

Let me go, my brother has made the people of Lieshan Hall so miserable, how can he only gain 1 point of green hatred? Ying Ziyi looked at Tian Meng again at this time and found that although he had 1 point of green hatred, he only had half of it now.

Only now did Ying Ziyi understand that the system's so-called quantification of an ordinary person's hatred to the extreme into 1 point of red hatred was only theoretical. In practice, it is almost impossible for one person to direct all his hatred towards another person.

People are complex, but system programs are simplified. Therefore, no matter how sophisticated the system program is, it cannot completely measure human beings.

Ying Ziyi has chosen whether or not. There is no time to worry about the upgrade now.

He focused his attention on the mission of ‘Shen Nong’s Immortality’.

The mission condition is to keep the farmhouse intact, which means that the people in Lieshan Hall must be released, and the sixth farmhouse should not be turned into the fifth farmhouse.

Mission Condition 2: The Black Swordsman’s Gratitude. How can Shengqi be grateful to him? How grateful should you be? The system didn’t say anything at all!

As for the third task condition, "Shen Nong's Classic of Hundred Herbs" is obtained.

Ying Ziyi knew that "Shen Nong's Classic of Hundred Herbs" was the supreme secret book of farmers, and it was said to be a treasure passed down by the Shennong clan. It's just that over the millennia, many of them have been lost. Even today's peasant heroes and masters of the six halls are still practicing in fragments.

This deceptive system, where can he find the complete "Shen Nong Baicao Jing".

There were arrows and grass clippings flying. As Ying Ziyi became distracted, the scene returned to silence again.

At this moment, Sheng Qi stood alone with a huge sword, his outline was deep, and a pair of fierce eyes stared at Gai Nie on his dark-skinned face. The blood in his whole body was boiling, and he felt the burning fighting spirit. He had an urge at this moment to defeat the man in front of him and prove who was the strongest in the world. However, there was a large group of peasant disciples behind him, so he couldn't just leave them alone and concentrate on fighting Gai Nie.

Shengqi's fighting spirit and fierce intent burned toward Ge Nie like a raging fire. Genie is still like a calm lake, as if no matter how big the storm is, it can't cause a single ripple.

Tap tap tap. Neat footsteps sounded in the woods. Wild beasts are running around, and forest birds are flying in fright. Led by Zhang Han, the soldiers of the Qin Army armed with long swords quickly surrounded everyone in the forest.

"My subordinate Zhang Han is late, please forgive me, sir!" Zhang Han knelt down on one knee and apologized to Ying Ziyi.

"Please forgive me, Sir!" Qin soldiers imitated Zhang Han and said in neat voices.

"Nothing!" Ying Ziyi said nonchalantly. He looked at the farm boys in the field. "Take them all away."

"Yes!" Zhang Han stood up and said with cupped hands. Then he issued an order to a group of Qin soldiers, "Take them all away."

Shengqi placed the giant sword in front of him, the huge sword exuding a dark luster. Legend has it that the giant tower was built by Ou Yezi for Gou Jian, the king of Yue. It is very blunt and heavy and cannot be danced by those who are not born with supernatural powers. Once it is exerted with incomparable power, it is known as the "Supreme in the World". But since ancient times, few people have been able to fully exert its power, and Shengqi is one of those people.

When Ying Ziyi issued the order, Shengqi was already on the verge of breaking out.

"Wait!" With an order, the Qin soldiers who were moving just now stopped immediately and put away their Changge.

Well-trained and disciplined, the Qin army is worthy of being known as the best in the world. It wins Qi Andao.

Ying Ziyi pointed at Sheng Qi and said to Zhang Han, "You don't need to take action against that man."

He looked at Gai Nie again, "That man, Mr. Gai Nie, you can capture."

Gai Nie glanced at Ying Ziyi and nodded silently.

Ying Ziyi received Gai Nie's reply and said to the Moon God: "Please help me, Lord Moon God. I just want to ask Lord Moon God to step in and deal with these farm boys."

Moon God smiled and said: "The Yin Yang family is willing to serve the young master."

After explaining everything, Ying Ziyi took Xiaomeng and left.

Sheng Qi looked at Ying Ziyi who was walking away with a complicated expression. However, he quickly abandoned the unnecessary distractions and focused his attention on Gai Nie.

The battle between masters begins here.


Qin camp, in Ying Ziyi's tent.

He was sitting cross-legged and entered the villain's space.

"Choose to redeem!"

"Bidong! Congratulations to the poster for his successful promotion. The poster is now quite famous. The current hatred value is 9000 (red). Unlock the gratitude value of character-related information. Choose whether to enable the subroutine."

"Turn on!"

The slightly famous subroutines that originally had gray fonts are now gold.

"But what's going on with this gratitude value?"

"Bidong! This is one of the attitudes of the characters in Qin Shi Ming Yue towards you."

"I'm a big villain, why do I want others to be grateful to me?" Ying Ziyi asked disdainfully.

"Bibi Dong! Gratitude is linked to loyalty, which is one of the important indicators to measure the power of the poster's subordinates."

Ying Ziyi understood the meaning of the system, "Does a villain need loyalty when recruiting a younger brother? Isn't a poison enough? Isn't the subroutine just unlocked a synthesis program for poison?"

"Dong! What the poster said is a typical non-mechanical operation under irrational behavior. The system cannot analyze it and give an accurate answer."

"Can you speak human language!"

"Bi dong! The host is asking me questions!"


~~~~~~~~~Thank you Moxue for the big reward~~~~~~~~~·

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