The battle between Shengqi and Genie ended with Shengqi's defeat.

When a group of Qin soldiers escorted Sheng Qi back to the camp, Ge Nie was standing by. In order to capture Shengqi, he also suffered serious injuries. After returning to Ying Ziyi, he went back to his tent to recover from his injuries.

Ying Ziyi looked at Sheng Qi in front of him. He was struggling unwillingly, but his body was wrapped in several thick black iron chains. Even Sheng Qi, who had divine power, could not get rid of it.

Six strong Qin soldiers carried Sheng Qi's weapon, the giant que, in front of Ying Ziyi. The accompanying chief reported to Ying Ziyi: "Sir, this is that guy's weapon."

"Yes!" Ying Ziyi nodded and glanced at the giant tower. Only a monster like Sheng Qi could dance such a heavy weapon.

"Send him to my tent."

"Yes, sir."

"What should I do with you?" In the big tent, Ying Ziyi lay casually on his cushion and said without etiquette.

"Why don't you kill me?" Shengqi asked.

"With your abilities, it would be a pity to kill you." Ying Ziyi said, "Let's do this! If you do one thing for me, I will let you go."

"Why should I help you?" Sheng Qi's dark face showed a trace of disdain.

"Because I can't help you. If you don't help me, I will let you go now." Ying Ziyi said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Sheng Qi was a little confused about what Ying Ziyi meant.

"Gai Nie fought with you, and many disciples of Lieshan Hall saw it. Think about it, I tried my best to catch you. But now I let you go, and you are Tian Meng and the other five families. Hall Master, what do you think?"

"I didn't expect you to be so vicious at such a young age." Sheng Qi's eyes were full of ferocity, and he looked helpless when he saw Ying Ziyi's smiling face without fear at all.

"I do things for you, and you let me go afterwards. I still cannot be cleared of the suspicion of being a traitor," Shengqi said.

"Yes. But afterwards, I will lock you in a prison in Jidu. With your ability, it shouldn't be too difficult to escape."

"Jidu?" Shengqi looked at Ying Ziyi in confusion, "That's the capital of Yan State!"

"It's just now!" Ying Ziyi said with certainty.

Sheng Qi was quite doubtful about Ying Ziyi's words. Unlike the generals of the Qin army, he was very aware of Jidu's defense strength. The Yan state was remote and weak. It was as glorious as the reign of King Yanzhao, and the whole country was conquered by Qi, but it was soon restored by Tian Dan. The king of Yan State was on the defensive most of the time. Therefore, Jidu was built extremely solidly by the kings of the Yan Kingdom. As long as there are enough troops and food, it is not difficult for Yanjun to hold on to Jidu.

"You're not afraid that I will fight back and take your life. This way, I can still get rid of the suspicion of a traitor." Shengqi told her plan, just to see if the kid in front of him had any countermeasures.

"You have no chance." Ying Ziyi smiled, seeming to be laughing at this big man's straightforwardness and rudeness. But there was no hint of ridicule in his tone, instead he was full of confidence.

"No more nonsense, I want you to help me assassinate someone."

"Who?" Shengqi asked.

"The younger brother of King Yan, Lord Yan Chun."

"Him? Why?" Shengqi asked.

"You don't need to know why! Taking advantage of the truce between the Yan State and my Great Qin, I will let my Great Qin sneak into the capital of Yan to help you enter the city. After entering the city, you lurk down and wait for my orders."

"why me?"

"I don't have a more suitable candidate than you now. Yan Chunjun has many masters. If you want to take his life, it is impossible for you to succeed without a top master. After the incident is completed, I will arrange for you to hide again. After all, It would also be troublesome if you were found."

Ying Ziyi's words eliminated Sheng Qi's last doubts, and he finally agreed to Ying Ziyi's conditions.

Xiao Meng stood aside from the beginning to the end. After Sheng Qi left, she asked, "Why did you let him assassinate Yan Chunjun?"

"If I say that Lord Yan Chun has done many evil things, harming the people, oppressing his subordinates, and being greedy for public wealth and personal gain, the people in the Yan Kingdom would like to eat his flesh alive. If the King of Yan hadn't protected him, he would have died countless times. Yes. A person with a sense of justice like me will naturally want to eliminate harm for the people. Do you believe it?"

Xiao Meng shook her head, "Could you be such a kind-hearted person?"

"Haha! Since you don't believe it, there's nothing I can do about it."

Ying Ziyi betrayed Guanzi. Xiao Meng stared at Ying Ziyi with cute eyes. There was sincerity and urgency on his face, as if he wouldn't give up until he got an answer.

"Dong! The system reminds you that if you make the target unhappy, your favorability will be lowered!"

"Okay! I'll tell you!" Ying Ziyi said, "If Yan State goes to war with me, Great Qin, who will be the leader?"

"Of course it's Prince Yan. His literary and military skills are the best choice." Xiaomeng said.

"Yes! In terms of prestige among the people and the prestige in the military, Prince Dan of Yan is the best candidate to lead the army in the Yan Kingdom, even surpassing his father, King Xi of Yan. It is precisely because of Prince Dan of Yan Because of his talents, he was feared by King Xi of Yan. Therefore, King Xi of Yan moved out a Yan Chunjun to check and balance Prince Dan of Yan. Just imagine, if our Qin army confronts Prince Dan of Yan who is leading the army outside . In the heavily defended capital of Yan, Lord Yan Chun was assassinated. What will King Yan Xi think?"

"He will suspect that Prince Dan of Yan is purging dissidents in order to seize the throne."

"Yes! If this is the case, the capital of Yan will inevitably be in turmoil. Our Qin army of 100,000 people may be able to win without a fight."

Xiao Meng chuckled and said: "Instigating other people's monarchs, ministers and fathers, so that the people of a country suffer from war. When it comes to the ability to do evil, Yan Chunjun is even more difficult to match than you."

"Yan Chunjun can barely be regarded as a villain, but his reputation is so bad that the whole world knows that he is a bad guy. His existence is simply tarnishing the holy word villain. I also do this for Get rid of the scum among our villains!" Ying Ziyi said sadly. If you don't know what he is talking about. Ying Ziyi could win an Oscar just based on his current righteous demeanor.

"...! To be able to say such shameless words so grandly, you are worthy of being 'the person who can change the world.'" Xiaomeng said with a smile, but there was no malice and she seemed a little happy.

"Forget it," said Ying Ziyi, "It's already late, let's go to bed!"

Ying Ziyi discovered that since he was promoted to a moderately famous person. The method of increasing favorability under the Daqin Talent Plan program, which was originally a line of gray font, has now turned into gold. The content is: Sleeping in the same bed.

Ying Ziyi said: It is a bit difficult for a pure person like him to do such a thing. But for the sake of favorability, he had to do it reluctantly!

"But there is only one bed here." Xiaomeng hesitated for a while and said.

"Everyone knows that men and women are different. These are just ignorant and vulgar restrictions. Can't you escape from these worldly opinions?" Ying Ziyi said righteously, not feeling how shameless he was at all. While Xiaomeng was hesitating, he pulled her onto the bed and fell asleep under the quilt.

The next day, Ying Ziyi came to the school where the Qin army trained, where about a hundred Lieshan Hall disciples were imprisoned.

They were all elite peasant disciples who survived the Qin army's crossbow formation. When they saw Ying Ziyi coming, they cursed and shouted.

Ying Ziyi smiled, "You are really energetic!"

The hands and feet of the peasant disciples were tied with iron chains, and their boss Tian Meng was locked in a prison cell, waiting with his eyes closed.

Ying Ziyi walked up to him and asked, "How are you doing? Is the food still good?"

Tian Meng still had his eyes closed, as if Ying Ziyi didn't exist.

"Although your brother's sword injury is serious, it is not impossible to treat. There are about a hundred more elite disciples under your command who have suffered injuries ranging from minor to severe, but it is not impossible to treat. The important thing is that I have ordered the soldiers in the army to Doctors began treatment."

"It's you who hurt them, but it's you who save them. What do you want?" Tian Meng opened his eyes, his small but sinister eyes burning with raging anger.

"Of course I'm going to let you go."

"What!" Tian Meng said in disbelief.

Ying Ziyi turned around and waved his hand, "Tell the other people in the five halls of the farmhouse that if they want to come and arrest me, I'm welcome at any time!"

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