The villain system of Mingyue in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 13 I’m just a soy saucer

Prince Yan Dan held the silk strip with the information in his hand tightly and frowned. The scene outside the carved window lattice was as beautiful as before and intoxicating, but for him it was like chewing wax.

As a giant of the Mohist family, Prince Yan wields huge power in the world. Rangers with strong martial arts skills, skilled craftsmen who are proficient in machinery, and weapon masters who are good at forging... They all joined the Mohist family and became Mohists because they admired the morality of the Mohist family, and followed the lead of Prince Yan Dan.

The whole world is white, but I am the only one who is black. Don't attack Momen, just love your whole life.

Prince Yan Dan chewed on sixteen words.

The prince of the Yan Kingdom and the future heir of the Yan Kingdom has the most ancient and noble surname. He has huge influence in the world and abundant financial resources.

But all of this is still no match for that person. That man who is high up in Guanzhong and has eyes on the world. Lord of Xianyang, King Qin Yingzheng.

It is true that strong people cherish each other, but what the strong want to know more is, compared with the other party, who is stronger?

Prince Yan took a deep breath. Ying Zheng's ambition is really too big, so big that it's scary.

Sweep across Liuhe and dominate the world. Kill Di and destroy the barbarians, and shine upon China. Wen Zhiwu Kung Fu can be passed down for thousands of years. The foundation of all eternity begins with me.

It was a clear summer night, under the starry sky. At that time, Ying Zheng, who was still the hostage of Zhao State, was drunk, blushing, and raised his head to the sky and shouted. They were just kids then. Who cares about children? Who would take it seriously? So after everyone present heard it, they laughed it off, and maybe even told it as a joke to others. It's just a child talking in his sleep, and it will be over soon.

But Prince Yan Dan was different. Even thinking about it now, he could still feel the blood-boiling feeling he had when he was a boy. Ending thousands of years of chaos, creating a restoration of governance that even surpassed the era of the Three Kings. This is what every ambitious person has dreamed of doing.

But, it was only in a dream. After calming down, he realized how far he had to go to realize this dream. This price is something he cannot afford. The Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period. Over the past thousands of years, there have been many heroes, and they are only one step away from being the supreme in the world. But this step is difficult to take. He was fascinated by what Ying Zheng wanted to do and was also afraid of it.

This is a bloody and thorny road. Along the way, countless strong men will fall, becoming Ying Zheng's stepping stones and the bones of his eternal fame.

He may be the next one.

It's just that he is unwilling to fail like this. Not only for himself, but also for the morality of Mohist. He placed his hope on Jing Ke. He knew that it would be risky, but he had no choice but to do so.

However, he recently received a piece of news that made him feel ominous.

Ying Ziyi, the fourteenth son of King Yingzheng of Qin, made a bet with the generals of the Qin camp. The state of Yan will demand peace. If he fails, the general Wang Jian will lead the horse for one year. If he wins, he will command an army of 100,000 people until Jidu is captured.

Just hearing this news may just make people laugh. But Prince Yan's heart was filled with turmoil. Jing Ke's assassination of Qin, such a confidential matter, could it be possible for a child to see through it like this? Or before Yan Guo sued for peace?

He hesitated, he hesitated, but it was already too late. Whether it was to stop Jing Ke's actions or to make further preparations, he had no time.

All Prince Dan of Yan can do now is to arrange for his wife and daughter Yue'er to leave Yandu early and go to Guancheng, the stronghold of the Mo family.


Xianyang Qin Palace.

"Hahaha!" Jing Ke gasped and half-knelt on the ground. After fighting with the Qin masters for three hours, he was already exhausted. A line of blood left from his forehead, with a fishy smell. Jing Ke licked the blood on his lips and regained his strength.

The broken rainbow in Jing Ke's hand was still as good as before, emitting blazing fire and full of boundless violence. After cutting down dozens of famous swords used by Qin Palace masters, they were still intact as before. It was made from fragments of stars that fell from the sky, and was originally a dragon-slaying sword.

However, where is the dragon?

Within five steps, a hundred people are at fault. Jing Ke looked at the distance of more than ten steps in the palace. There was a pool of clear water in between, like a vast ocean that could not be crossed.

From hundreds of steps to now ten steps, Jing Ke has killed many Qin guards along the way, and a path of blood has been formed. Jing Ke holds the broken rainbow in his hand, filled with murderous intent, and shoots straight into the sky. Many Qin Palace masters surrounded him in the center, frightened by the evil intention, but they did not dare to step forward for a moment. Watching so many of his men die, facing fierce assassins so close at hand. Ying Zheng, who was sitting on the throne, still looked as calm as ever. This calm face made Jing Ke want to beat him severely.

Jing Ke laughed at himself and said loudly: "Since you knew that I was coming to assassinate you, why did you let me go to the palace?"

"How can the law be implemented before the adultery is exposed?" It seems to be a question, and it seems to be an answer. The cold words uttered made Jing Ke's burning heart feel cold.

What a terrible person!

"Hahahaha, okay!" Jing Ke laughed even louder and shouted outside the hall, expecting someone to answer him, "Brother Wuyang, are you not dead yet?"

"You're not dead yet, how could I die!" A rough voice came from outside the hall, sounding like a loud bell, echoing throughout the entire hall. That was the voice of Qin Wuyang, the top master of the Mo family.

The battle was still going on, and Jing Ke had to look outside every once in a while. Perhaps it was to hope that there would be partners to fight with him in the midst of the swords and shadows, or perhaps just to find some solace on this road that was doomed to failure.

However, the voice was getting weaker and weaker after all. By the end, it was so weak that it was inaudible.

Jing Ke knew what Qin Wuyang's fate was! And he was almost there...

After that shocking assassination, only half an hour later, the Qin Palace returned to its former solemnity and grandeur under the cleaning of the palace officials. The bodies were removed and the blood stains were wiped away as if they didn't exist. Standing here, Li Si had no idea that half an hour ago, this was a noisy battlefield, where a war was going on, a war that might shake the world.

As the criminals who assassinated King Qin, even if they died, their fate could be imagined.

Can Hong was placed on King Qin's imperial case, and Ying Zheng seemed to be able to faintly hear the clanging sound of the sword, still telling the story of despair and reluctance.

Looking at this fierce sword, this dragon-slaying sword, Ying Zheng frowned and ordered to the young master in the palace: "This sword is too fierce and ominous. I asked him to mix metal and recast this sword." "

"I respect the King's will!"

"Lee Si!"

"I'm here!"

"The State of Yan openly violated the peace treaty and assassinated several people. What crime should be committed?"

"The unpardonable sin!"

"Order Ying Ziyi to send out all his troops and conquer Jidu."

"Fourteenth Young Master?" Li Si was confused. Didn't this decree come to Wang Jian?

When Ying Zheng's eyes fell on Li Si again, he did not dare to hesitate anymore, leaned over and said, "I respect the king's will!"


"Your Majesty!" The courtiers dispersed, and a eunuch entered the hall with a hurried expression.

"What's the matter?"

"Mrs. Liji's bedroom was on fire, the lady was killed, and Mr. Tianming's whereabouts are unknown."

Ying Zheng said nothing. The eunuch didn't dare to say anything and retreated.

Ying Zheng's gaze stretched beyond the outside of the palace into the dark night sky. After a while, he sighed: "Whatever has to go must go!"


When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shone into Ying Ziyi's tent, he was holding Xiaomeng in his arms, and the Loli in his arms was as soft as a comfortable pillow. Holding her, my waist no longer hurts, my legs are no longer sore, and I don’t even sleep on my side...ah! nothing.

Xiaomeng's eyes were blurred, her cute look was pitiful, and she said, "I hate it, why are you sitting up?"

"Ah! I'm just here to make soy sauce." Ying Ziyi said and felt something was wrong. He looked around, then lay down again, continued to hold Xiaomeng in his arms, got into the warm bed, and began to dream.

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