In the Tangli Palace, the capital of the King of Yan.

"I knew it! I knew it!" King Yan shouted back and forth, as if he was regretting something.

The assassination of Qin failed, and the king of Qin was furious. The troops were sent to Jidu with the intention of destroying Yan.

All the ministers of the State of Yan, Prince Dan of Yan, and Lord Yan Chun are all waiting for the King of Yan's decree.

war! How to fight?

It's just that King Yan Xi had no idea. He is still regretting that he should not have listened to Prince Yan's idea to provoke Ying Zheng. If he had cut off the land early, he would not have so much trouble now, and his original ambition and dissatisfaction will not be seen at all.

"Father!" Prince Yan walked out of the train.

"whats the matter?"

"The Qin army has arrived with a hundred thousand troops. Now there is only one battle. I am willing to lead the army to fight." Prince Dan of Yan asked for orders.

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal!"


The ministers of the State of Yan walked out of the train one by one and agreed to Prince Dan's request.

"Okay...okay!" Yan Wangxi suddenly felt weak and sat down on his throne, without any royal etiquette. The strange look of King Yan shocked everyone present, and he quickly noticed it himself. He quickly straightened his posture, sat up on his knees, and said in a serious voice: "Make the prince a general and lead an army of 180,000 people." , go out to fight the Qin army!"

"My son obeys the order!" Yan Dan said.

"Everyone, go down!" King Yan waved his hand, and then said as if he remembered something, "Brother Wang, stay here for a while."

Yan Dan glanced at Yan Chunjun, with a trace of unnoticeable vigilance in his eyes. But then he hid it again.

When all the ministers and Yan Dan retreated, Lord Yan Chun was alone.

"Brother Wang, I should have listened to you earlier." King Yan looked outside the palace. Although the sun was high in the sky, he felt a sense of desolation.

"Brother Wang, you must be on guard!" Yan Chunjun warned.

"What are you guarding against?" Yan Wangxi now has no basic thinking ability because of fear.

"Brother Wang has also seen that because of the Qin State's affairs, all the ministers are on the side of the prince. The 180,000 troops are in the hands of the prince. If he wants to abolish the establishment, he can only do it with the palm of his hand. "

"Wang'er, he won't...he shouldn't..." At the end of the sentence, Yan Wangxi's voice could not even be heard by himself.


Qin army camp.

"The Yan State has 300,000 troops?" Ying Ziyi knelt down and sat on the commander's seat. Below is a spy who got information from other places.

Wang Jian knelt down and sat beside him. Ever since he lost the bet, he felt a little curious about Ying Ziyi's unpredictability. He wanted to see what this childish man could do.

"Even if the Yan State devoted all its efforts, it still couldn't produce 200,000 people. Where did the 300,000 people come from?" Ying Ziyi asked his subordinate, Xiao Zuo.

"I heard that Prince Jia of Dai State led an army of one hundred thousand, and was recruited by Prince Dan of Yan State, and entered the territory of Yan State."

"One hundred thousand, is it Gongzi Jia? Can he come up with one hundred thousand people? He has thirty or forty thousand people, and he has already paid off his capital."

In just a few words, he figured out the enemy's form. This child seems innocent and innocent, but he has put in a lot of effort and has a lot of scheming. He should not be underestimated, Wang Jian commented secretly in his heart.

If Ying Ziyi knew what Wang Jian was thinking, he would definitely laugh out loud. The reason why Ying Ziyi knows the form of the enemy is because the poster's power detection program lists the basic information of each country, including population and cultivated land.

"As the young master said, Mr. Jia only has thirty or forty thousand troops at most, and the enemy's combined army is at most over two hundred thousand. However, the number of enemy troops is still twice that of our army, and it is difficult for the king's reinforcements to arrive at the moment. This battle is not Easy to fight." Wang Jian said.

"What does the old general mean?" Ying Ziyi asked.

"It's better to avoid his sharp edge and look for opportunities to fight again." Wang Jian suggested.

"Haha!" Ying Ziyi smiled, "Old General, you worry too much."

"Please give me some advice, Master!" Wang Jian said to Ying Ziyi. This strange scene was seen by all the generals in the tent. Wang Jian, the first general of the Qin State, does not need to perform this gift even if the other party is a prince.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Ying Ziyi said: "Zhao Gongzijia is a young disciple. Yan Taizi Dan is a young man. The Yan Kingdom has an army of more than 200,000. I regard them as powder in the palm of my hand, which can be broken with a snap of my fingers." .”

Ying Ziyi's words were shocking, and all the generals in the tent were stunned, but maybe they were frightened...

Ying Ziyi glanced at the generals in the tent and was very satisfied with the effect. He was so frightened by this x-pretence.

"Master, what's your countermeasure?" Wang Jian asked while the generals were stunned on the spot.

Wang Jian is very old-fashioned. He doesn't care what Ying Ziyi says and directly asks him for countermeasures. The implication is that you have already blown your reputation, is there any good way to defeat the enemy?

"A hundred thousand troops marched into the land of Yan and crossed the Yishui River."

Ying Ziyi's answer was simple and rude. A goes over, **** ya.



Arrange with your back against the water.

Ying Ziyi issued an order, and one hundred thousand Qin troops came out of Puyinkou and entered the territory of Yan. They crossed Yishui with lightning speed.

Just when everyone thought Ying Ziyi was going to make a big move, he ordered people to build a camp by the Yishui River and wait for the Yan army.

Any general who understands the art of war knows that using troops should serve as a backer and a river. Forming an array with your back against the water is clearly something that only a layman can do!

For a time, all the generals in the Qin camp were suspicious of Ying Ziyi. Could it be that the young master who made a shocking statement in the tent that night was just a Zhao Kuo who talked about military affairs on paper? ah! No, even if it was Zhao Kuo, he wouldn't do such a bastard thing as standing up against the enemy. This is forcing all the brothers to die! As soon as the 200,000 Yan troops arrived, they had no place to escape.

"My lord, what is the purpose of forming a formation with your back against the water? I don't know." Wang Jian asked quietly while Ying Ziyi was inspecting the army.

At this time, Gai Nie was guarding Ying Ziyi, doing his best. He also knew that it was against the rules to form a formation with his back against the water. However, he couldn't see what Ying Ziyi was doing for a moment.

"Does General Wang Jian really not know?" Ying Ziyi asked tentatively.

"Veteran, you really don't know!" Wang Jian answered honestly.

"The kid's plan can be hidden from the old general, even Yan Dan can't see through it." Ying Ziyi said with a smile: "Within half a month, the Yan army can defeat it!"

"Oh!" Veteran Wang Jian touched his beard and seemed to be thinking.


At night, Ying Ziyi camped.

"See you, sir!"

Ying Ziyi summoned Zhang Han into the camp and gave instructions.

"Zhang Han, do you know how many cavalry there are in our army?"

Zhang Han cupped his hands and said, "About fifteen thousand."

Since King Wuling of Zhao rode on horseback and shot in Hufu, the national power of Zhao has greatly increased. Other countries followed suit, and cavalry was used as an independent branch by all countries. Among them, Qin's use of cavalry was the most refined.

"How many elites are there among them?"

"About three thousand." Zhang Han replied loudly. He knew the situation in the army well.

"Very good! I will hand over these three thousand cavalry to you. Tonight, you will lead the troops to leave the camp and go to the upper reaches of Yishui River!" With that said, Ying Ziyi handed the tiger talisman for troop deployment to Zhang Han.

"Sir, what does this mean?"

"Come here." Listening to Ying Ziyi's words, Zhang Han's eyes widened. Until Ying Ziyi finished speaking, Zhang Han surrendered heartily and bowed: "I understand that I will not let you down."

~~~~~~~Thank Xue Ye, the civet cat, and Yigu Liangxinliang for the reward~~~~~~~~~

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