"Array with your back against the water?"

Prince Yan's army was less than ten miles away from Yishui. When he heard that the Qin general on the opposite side used troops like this, he was quite surprised.

"Isn't it General Wang Jian who is commanding?" Yan Dan asked.

The spies of the State of Yan have already investigated the situation of the Qin army ahead, and the content is quite detailed, because the other party does not seem to have any plans to hide it.

"Prince, the Qin army is led by Ying Ziyi, the fourteenth son of the King of Qin, as the general, and Wang Jian as the deputy."

"That rumor about the bet is actually true." Yan Dan murmured.

"And...!" The spy hesitated.

"And what?" The person who asked was Zhao Guogong Zijia. He was very strong and spoke in a rough voice.

"It is rumored by the Qin army that Ying Ziyi once uttered arrogant words, saying: "Zhao Gongzi Jia is a young man. Yan Prince Dan is a young man. The Yan State has an army of more than 200,000, and I regard it as powder in the palm of my hand. It can be broken with the snap of a finger.'"

"How unreasonable! That six-year-old kid bullied me too much!" Gongzijia said angrily.

"Brother Zhao, don't worry about it!" Yan Dan advised. He also knew the temperament of this young master Jia. He was rough and unscrupulous, but he had a great reputation (that is, he loved face), but there was nothing to argue with a child.

The generals of the Yan State asked Yan Dan to speak, and they also stepped forward to comfort him: "I think that ignorant boy who is standing against the water and does not know the heights of the sky will defeat the Qin army one day. I will surely capture him alive and sacrifice him to your two highnesses."

"God is really helping Dayan. The foolish king Ying Zheng uses a six-year-old boy as his general, so he is destined to be defeated. Your Highness, the last general is asking for a fight."

"The last general invites you to fight!"

"The last general invites you to fight!"


In the big tent, the generals of Yan State all walked out of the train and began to ask Yan Dan for a battle. But he just shook his head. He still had some unexplainable doubts in his heart, and the source was just a six-year-old child.

After a while, Yan Dan shook his head slightly and said, "In this case, Ronghui, you will lead 50,000 soldiers and horses as the vanguard of our army to meet the 14th Young Master of King Qin. His Highness Young Master Jia and I will arrive soon."

"A certain general takes orders!"

After the military deliberations were completed, everyone retreated. Only Yan Dan was left in the empty camp. He sighed in his heart. Since the death of Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang, the Mo family has lost two top masters, and he himself has also lost two good friends. After sending his two friends to hell with his own hands, his heart was no longer as decisive as before, but only filled with endless hesitation and regret.

After all, Yan Dan is not such a cold-blooded person. Perhaps becoming a Mohist, doing chivalry, and living a life of gratification and revenge is what he wants. But as the prince of a country, even if he is extremely noble, Yan Dan cannot truly live as he wishes.


"Did Yan's army come so quickly?"

Ying Ziyi stood on the tall wooden watchtower in the center of the camp, observing the Yan army arrayed in the distance. The opponent has a clear banner and excellent soldiers and armor, and should be the main force of Yan's army.

"What are you going to do?" Xiaomeng asked, standing next to him.

"You also know that commanding troops in combat is not my specialty!"

Xiao Meng chuckled, "Then you still dare to brag in front of everyone, saying that you regard the Yan Dynasty Alliance Army as a fan that can be defeated with a snap of your fingers."

"Hahaha! Commanding the army is not my specialty. I am good at digging holes." Ying Ziyi smiled awkwardly, "Besides, with Wang Jian in the army, even if they form a formation with their backs to the water, the morale of the Qin army will not be dissipated for a while. , if you keep it for ten days and a half, it won’t be a problem.”

"Dig a hole?"

"Look!" Ying Ziyi said, the Yan army on the opposite side had already begun to take action. The Yan army soldiers holding shields and short blades began to move slowly towards the Qin army camp.

According to Ying Ziyi's instructions, the Qin army set up layers of deer antlers and horse fences outside the camp, and also took the time to dig a not-so-deep trench. After these layers of obstacles, the Qin Army's crossbowmen were already on standby, waiting only for the opponent to get to a suitable distance.

Arrows were like raining locusts, and with a roar that broke through the sky, they fell into the Yan army's array, but they had little effect.

The Qin army's crossbow array was so powerful that it was impossible for Yan Dan not to guard against it. Among the 50,000 forwards brought by Ronghui this time, they were specially equipped with a thousand large shields specially made by Yanduzhong craftsmen.

The shield is thick and broad, with a ferocious and terrifying beast engraved on it. It is enough to protect three or four Yan soldiers from being attacked by the Qin army. However, making a large shield requires a lot of materials, and its uses are extremely limited. Not everyone can resist it, and it is not feasible for large-scale equipment. As the Yan army marched, a thousand Yan warriors held large shields, covering the archers and foot soldiers beneath them, and moved towards the Qin army's camp.

"Wow!" Ying Ziyi looked at the situation on the battlefield and saw the Yan army getting closer and closer. He couldn't help but exclaimed, "It seems that Yan Dan also put in some effort!"

"You don't seem to be in a hurry?" Xiaomeng asked.

"Look, they're getting close to the trap I set."

"Trap?" Xiaomeng looked into the distance and saw a strong man of the Yan army holding a large shield and the Yan soldiers under him were traveling at an extremely slow speed when they suddenly fell into a big pit. The four or five Yan Bing fell into it, and soon there was no sound. He must have been caught by some mechanism. The rest of the Yan army was unable to rescue them, and they were afraid of suffering the same fate. Every time they took a step further, a foot soldier stretched out his long spear and knocked on the ground to ensure the safety of the road ahead.

"Did you order someone to dig this hole?" Xiao Meng asked.

"Yes!" Ying Ziyi said.

"Why only dig one?" Xiaomeng asked doubtfully.

"Don't worry, look!" Ying Ziyi pointed to the battlefield ahead. After a long period of exploration, groups of Yan troops resumed their original marching speed after confirming that there were no pits ahead.

But, poof, after just ten steps, another small group of Yan soldiers fell into the pit. Yan Jun began to explore carefully again.

This process is repeated several times. Finally, the energy and morale of the Yan army's forward were exhausted. The Yan army was only three to four hundred steps away from the Qin camp, but two hours later, they had only advanced a small distance.

Ronghui saw that a long battle would be disadvantageous and would only deplete morale, so he offered money and withdrew his troops. This time the test of the Qin army came to an end immediately.


Ten days later, Tangli Hall in Jidu.

"Brother Wang, look. The commander of the 100,000 Qin army is just a six-year-old boy who is not familiar with the art of war and is arrayed against the water. But the prince is sitting on an army of 180,000 people, and Dai Guo Gongzi Jia has tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to help him. In the past ten days, no achievements have been made, and only money and food have been wasted. Brother Wang, the prince is conserving his strength, and his intentions cannot be ignored!" Yan Chunjun continued to slander in front of King Yan.

King Yan paced back and forth, hesitating. He knew in his heart that the most suitable person to lead the army in Yan country at this moment was Yan Dan, but he was no longer afraid of him.

"Let's do this! I will pass on my will, reprimand Yan Dan, and order him to speed up the use of troops. If the Qin army is not defeated within five days, I will withdraw from his position as general."

"Brother Wang is wise!" Yan Chunjun bowed his head and saluted, grinning. Whether Yan Dan can defeat the Qin army is not what he cares about. He only cares about whether Yan Dan loses power.


"Let's go to Feixue Pavilion today!" Yan Chunjun was extremely happy after leaving the Yan Palace, as if Yan Dan's loss of power was a certainty. He knew in his heart that the 100,000 Qin army was nominally commanded by Ying Ziyi, but in fact it was commanded by General Wang Jian.

The 100,000 Qin army was still commanded by the famous general Wang Jian. How could Yan Dan defeat the Qin army in five days? Even if he were lucky enough to break through, the Yan army would definitely suffer heavy losses. At that time, he could also slander him in front of King Yan, saying that Yan Dan did not care about the life and death of his soldiers for his own fame, but he could still drink a pot of it.

So now, he openly goes to Feixue Pavilion, where Yan Dan shines. He had coveted that little girl Yuki-onna for a long time.

But what Yan Chunjun didn't know was that in the dark, a pair of fierce eyes were staring at him.


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