The villain system of Mingyue in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 16 I have a horse named Red Rabbit

Yan Chunjun died.

How did it hang up? Rumor has it that Yan Chunjun got into a jealous fight with a violinist in a brothel and went home angrily. On the road, he was shot to death by a nine-foot-tall man in black with a sword.

Many masters around him were not spared either. According to the legend in the streets of Yan State, the big man was covered with golden light, which was extremely dazzling. He swung his sword down, causing rocks to collapse and trees to crack. He seemed to be the incarnation of a god who came to the world to clean up Yan Chunjun, who had done many evil things.

"Where are the assassins? Where have they gone?" King Yan shouted angrily. If an outsider didn't know the inside story, would they think he loved his younger brother so much?

In fact, all the chamberlains who have served King Yan for a long time know that King Yan does not value this younger brother as much as he seems on the surface.

"Your Majesty, after Yan Chunjun left Feixue Pavilion, he was assassinated by more than ten men in black on his way back home. One of them was very skilled in martial arts. Even the master Jueying beside Yan Chunjun was not spared. After that, They disappeared without a trace and our men could not trace their traces.”

"Of course you can't trace it!" Yan Wangxi scolded angrily. He has already determined in his mind the mastermind behind this incident.

Who can ambush so many masters in Yandu? And who can hide them without a trace after the assassination? The important thing is, who will benefit the most if Yan Chunjun dies?

Yandan! Yan Wangxi had no doubt in his heart that Yan Dan was the main messenger of this incident.

"My prince! You are so generous." Yan Wangxi clenched his fists, and the veins on his hands popped out and made a thumping sound. All the ministers and waiters of Yan State in this room could hear King Yan's voice. But they all remained silent, not daring to react at all.

Everything finally returned to calm. After being angry, King Yan returned to calmness. He felt a chill and was frightened. Since Yan Dan dares to attack Yan Chunjun, what about him? What will happen to him?

"Yan Yi!" Lord Yan Chun said to the ministers under the throne.

"Is your presence here?" A wretched guy came out.

"How is the situation over there in Yishui?"

"Your Majesty, our army and the Qin army are still at a stalemate!"

"Trash! An army of 200,000 people can't defeat a six-year-old child!" King Yan shouted loudly, and Yan Yi quickly leaned over to apologize.

"This is the king's order. Yan Yi, you will replace Yan Dan as the general, and I will give you another 200,000 horses. If you can't defeat Qin within ten days, you don't have to come back."

"I...I obey your order!" Yan Yi was quite excited, but in his voice, he couldn't tell whether he was happy or afraid. After calming down, he felt something was wrong and asked: "But where do we still have 200,000 troops in the country?"

"By my orders, all the elders over fifty years old and all the men under twelve years old in the country will go into battle, vowing to defeat Qin." On the throne, King Yan looked at him coldly with a pair of triangular eyes, which was filled with coldness.


"Young Master, this is what happened!" In the Yandu camp, some masters from the Mo family had already told Yan Dan the whole story.

Yan Dan sat casually on his desk. After listening, he looked up at the snow-white tent ceiling. What was he thinking?

"Big Master, things have reached this point, you should make plans in advance!"

"Twenty thousand old and weak, fighting against the tiger and wolf Qin. Father, you are forcing them into a desperate situation! After this battle, no matter whether we win or lose, our Yan country will be shaken and in danger." Yan Dan He let out a long sigh.

Although Yan Chunjun is annoying, Yan Dan never regards him as an opponent, but just a villain who needs to be careful. Because the energy they control is never in the same weight class, Yan Chunjun has a prominent status, but it is nothing compared to his status as the crown prince of a country. There are so many experts around him, but in fact, except for one Jueying, Yan Dan doesn't pay attention to anyone else. And Yan Dan controls extremely powerful forces in the world, and many masters obey his orders. Mohism and Confucianism are both known as the two major schools of thought in the world. Although the two top masters Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang, as well as some elites, were completely lost in the assassination of Qin, and the Mo family's vitality was severely damaged, the basic machine city of the Mo family was still in his hands. The top combat power cannot be compensated for a while, but elite disciples can still be cultivated as long as they are given time. Therefore, there is absolutely no need for him to take people like Yan Chunjun to heart.

But at this critical moment, Yan Chunjun died! Although Yan Chunjun was annoying to him when he was alive, after he died, it was no longer as simple as a trouble. King Yan's suspicion may make the entire Yan Kingdom buried with him.

"Tell me, what should I do?" Yan Dan murmured.

"I don't know? But I know that the 180,000-strong army of the Yan State is in the hands of the tycoon, and Gongzi Jia accepts the tycoon's financial bribes, so he will not embarrass the tycoon. Yan Yi has no plan. The 200,000-strong army, after hearing the giant's plan, I am afraid that all my reputation will be returned to my subordinates."

"Yes! The army is in my hands, but now I am bringing my troops back to Jidu. How will the people of Yan view me, how will the people of the world view me, and where is the moral integrity of us Mohists? The most important thing is the Qin army We will not miss this opportunity. Once we withdraw our troops, the Yan Kingdom may not be around anymore." Yan Dan's tone was full of helplessness and frustration.

"Juzi..." The man heard Yan Dan's words, his face was sad, and he was speechless for a moment.

"Where are Yue'er, mother and daughter?"

"My subordinates have arranged for the crown prince and princess to leave the city. They should be on their way to the government city at this moment. It's just..."

"What's wrong?" Yan Dan asked doubtfully.

"Ah! It's just a small problem!" A trace of worry flashed across the man's face, but he finally covered it up.

"You go down!"


Yan Dan did not notice the abnormality of his subordinates. After leaving, he said: "Unexpectedly, I was defeated at the hands of a six-year-old child. Zhao Zheng, you really gave birth to an amazing son!"


Yan Dan finally returned to Jidu in depression. The first thing Yan Yi did when he took office was to deliver a speech to mobilize the entire army. But what he said didn't make sense at all, and almost no one criticized him.

The second thing he did was to launch a force of 400,000 troops and launch a fierce attack on the Qin army along the Yishui River. There is no way, the Qin army cannot be defeated within ten days, and his head will not be saved. But he didn't have many skills at all in commanding the army. The method he used was to shout at the old and weak in front of the formation: Charge, charge, charge quickly!

Within three days, both the Qin and Yan armies suffered heavy casualties. However, the Yan army's offensive was effective. The Qin army had withdrawn from the camp last night and headed to the Yishui River. It seemed that they were preparing to run away. Yan Yi was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately sent out all his troops, intending to destroy the 100,000 Qin troops.

It's just dawn, by the Yishui River!

The Qin army was already arrayed by the river, and Ying Ziyi was riding on a strong maroon horse. The Yan army is coming, and he is currently mobilizing before the war.

Wang Jian and other generals were in formation, commanding the troops. The situation has become extremely critical. Even the general Wang Jian has now put on armor and gone into battle, vowing to live and die with the 100,000 Qin troops.

Gai Nie and Xiaomeng were following behind Ying Ziyi. Watch him holding a small speaker he made and shouting in front of the formation.

"Thank you for your hard work, soldiers!"

nonsense! Of course we are lucky. The Qin army below is probably thinking, who put us in this situation? This guy burned down all the ferries last night. The 400,000 Yan army has now surrounded us and formed a formation with our backs to the water. We can't even run away now.

Unexpectedly, they looked at Ying Ziyi with some kind of extraordinary light in their eyes, and Ying Ziyi felt a cold feeling behind his back. He didn't see the expected tearful words like "Thank you for your hard work, chief." Instead, he saw tens of thousands of malicious eyes staring at him, and he felt full of malice.

"Soldiers, do you know the name of the horse under my crotch?" Ying Ziyi asked.

"Well?" Even the Qin army with strict military discipline couldn't help but whisper at this moment. What did the six-year-old commander want to say?

"It's called Red Rabbit! It can travel thousands of miles in a day." Ying Ziyi raised his chin proudly, stretched out his hand, pointed at Gai Nie and said, "Do you know who he is?"

Without waiting for anyone to answer, Ying Ziyi said again: "He is the best swordsman in the world, the Sword Master Gai Nie. He goes in and out of millions of armies, and it's like there's nothing on the ground."

Ying Ziyi unconsciously introduced the advantages around him, and the implication was that if you can't defeat him, don't even think about dragging your brother to be buried with you.

Tens of thousands of Qin troops had black faces on their faces. If Wang Jian and other generals hadn't stopped him, there might have been a few heroes who saw injustice on the road and acted on behalf of God. They rushed out and beat Ying Ziyi to a pulp. Ying Ziyi felt that his long-standing hatred bar had risen by several hundred.

Then, Ying Ziyi shouted through the loudspeaker with "serious words and sincere words": "The future is bright, but the road is tortuous. Da Qin is just, and the Yan army will be defeated. It is impossible for you to drag me to death together!"

The crowd was full of emotions, and many Qin soldiers cried unconsciously. (Grandma, I don’t know what kind of evil we did in our previous lives to see such a commander-in-chief!)

Seeing that everyone was attracted by his charisma, their faces turned red as if they had been shot, and tears of hatred shone in their eyes.

Ying Ziyi secretly said: Military morale is available. So he rode his horse back to the center of the battle formation.

At this moment, the figures of 400,000 Yan troops had appeared in the eyes of many Qin troops flashing with tears of hatred.

~~~~~~Thanks to the civet cat for the big reward~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~Please recommend, please collect~~~~~~~~~

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