"Ying Ziyi, I...!" In the battle formation, an upright Guanzhong man cursed after killing a Yan soldier. However, before he finished scolding him, he felt that something was wrong. Ying Ziyi's ancestors were all the ancestors of Qin for eighteen generations. According to the laws of Qin, any Qin people who humiliate the previous king will be punished without mercy, including the three tribes of Xiaoshou and Yi.

The Qin people's understanding of Qin's law is already deep in their bones. Fearing and admiring this man, this man is also smart. He secretly thought that this bastard Ying Ziyi is really hateful. He couldn't even scold him. He took a sip and then changed his words: "I'll kill these swallows and dogs!"

Among the Yan army's battle lines, Yan Yi looked at the fierce stalemate on the battlefield. The Qin army's indomitable momentum was several levels higher than during the confrontation a few days ago.

"What's wrong with these Qin people? Are they all crazy?" he said incoherently.

On the battlefield, due to the bravery of the Qin army, the Yan army's front line had already suffered a partial retreat. Yan Yi hurriedly ordered the Yan soldiers in the rear to fill up.

"Rush, rush, rush for me!"

However, the elite Yan soldiers in the array were exhausted, and they were replaced by a bunch of old and weak soldiers, with uneven armor and weak morale. Facing the Qin soldiers who were covered in blood and looked as ferocious as beasts, they were frightened.

There was a gap in the Yan army's front line array, and the Qin army rushed in.

On the battlefield, if a small rout is not stopped, it will eventually turn into a big rout. However, Yan Yi didn't understand, because he was still shouting and charging from behind the formation, without noticing the shape of the front line at all.

"General, Prince Jia's troops have been severely damaged and have retreated. Our left wing has collapsed." The messenger came to Yan Yi, who was heavily protected by the elite Yan army, and reported.

"What!" Yan Yi said in shock.

what to do? What should we do? Yan Yi screamed secretly in his heart.

"General, retreat quickly! It's too late if it's too late," Rong Hui said.


"The last general is willing to serve as the general's queen." Rong Hui said with his hands behind his back.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you." The battlefield was too scary. After handing over the command to Rong Hui, he seemed to have left the battlefield.

Ming Jin withdrew his troops. During the battle, under the command of Rong Hui, the Yan troops on the front line retreated calmly one by one.

"The Yan army has withdrawn." Among the Qin army's array, Ying Ziyi stepped on his feet and observed the situation in the distance.

"Should we pursue him or not?" The command of the battle formation is in the hands of Ying Ziyi, and a hundred thousand troops must obey his orders. Wang Jian came to Ying Ziyi's side. He had a messy bun and an arrow on his left shoulder armor and asked.

Ying Ziyi looked at the sun, but it was already setting. "Send the order and the whole army will rest on the spot for a quarter of an hour. After that, the three armies will attack together, vowing to annihilate the Yan army and attack Jidu."

"Respect the general's order!" The surrounding Qin troops, from Wang Jian to the other soldiers, all knelt down and worshiped.

General, the leader of an army. Among the entire army, his status is extremely high. Qin's laws are strict. Even if the person sitting on the seat is an ignorant child, everyone must abide by the orders he issues. Not to mention a six-year-old kid who had just led them to victory.


"What...what! Why?" Yan Yi's face turned pale. He looked at his own camp not far ahead. All the Qin military flags had been planted, red and black, with tiger stripes painted on them. When it moves, it makes a hunting sound.

"Could it be that Qin's reinforcements have arrived?" Yan Yi murmured, trembling all over. The camp was robbed, which meant they could no longer obtain supplies. The Yan army's camp was in a dangerous position and guarded the transportation hub. The road ahead has been cut off by the Qin army. What should he do?

"General, the Qin army has caught up. General Ronghui has joined the Qin army's vanguard."


The fact that the military camp was robbed spread among the Yan army to ten people, and from ten to a hundred people. The protracted battle was unfavorable, the battle strength was lost, the camp was robbed, and morale was low.

Yan army camp. Zhang Han received Ying Ziyi's order and hid day and night, being careful not to be discovered by Yan Jun's sentries. Today, we finally took advantage of the opportunity for the Yan army to march out and captured their camp. He looked at the situation in front of him and secretly thought that this opportunity was rare.

"Send the order, three thousand cavalry will follow me out of the camp and attack the enemy general's headquarters."

The gate of Yanzhai opened, and three thousand elite Qin cavalry rushed out. After a long battle, the Qin soldiers, who looked like tigers and wolves, took advantage of the situation to catch up, attacking from both sides. The Yan army suffered a large-scale collapse. Even the generals of the Yan army who were determined to fight again could not control the actions of their men.

The Yan army was defeated. The vast plain became the hunting ground for a group of Qin army cavalry.


"We were defeated. How could we be defeated?" Yandu, in the Tangli Palace. King Yan listened happily to the report of his spies and asked about the situation anxiously.

"The Qin generals lined up with their backs to the water. Our general Yan Yi ordered all the troops to move out and forced the Qin army to the bank of Yishui. They fought for a long time and were unable to win. They retreated to rest. Unexpectedly, the Qin general Ying Ziyi was cunning and hid three Thousands of cavalry were on the side, riding our army out, and captured the camp. Under the attack of two sides, our army was defeated."

"Bastard! They are all bastards!" King Yan's face turned red and he shouted angrily, "Where's that bastard Yan Yi? My army of 400,000 was completely defeated by him. I want to cut him into pieces."

"General Yan was killed by Qin General Zhang Han in front of the battle. In addition, the Qin army had already marched towards the capital of Yan. The Qin army summoned our captured people to act as civilians and cut down the surrounding trees. It seems that they were setting up a siege. Intend."

Poof, King Yan sat down happily, "Lost, lost, all lost. What should I do? No, I am the king of Yan country, I can't die like this."

After a while, Yan Wangxi's pupils began to glow with a faint luster. He already had a plan in mind.

"Where is Yan Dan?" Yan Wangxi said to the attendant at the side.

"Since the prince returned to Jidu, he has been closing his house to thank guests and has never left the gate."

"Come here, call the three thousand flag guards in the palace and surround the prince's mansion. Don't let anyone escape."

"Yes!" The attendants around him could guess what Yan Wangxi wanted to do. Even if it has nothing to do with them, they can't help but feel chilled.


"Juzi, the palace flag guards have surrounded the Prince's Mansion. They don't dare to rush in without King Yan's order."

"Father, have you finally taken this step?" Yan Dan's tone was calm. There was no joy or sorrow in his heart at the moment, and there was no wave at all. He knew very well what King Yan Xi was like, so he arranged for his wife and daughter to go out early in the morning.

"Have all the servants and attendants in the mansion been evacuated? If my father finds out that I am not here, he will definitely be angry with everyone in the mansion."

"Everything has been arranged. Before the giant came back, I had secretly started to evacuate the servants in the mansion. Now, except for a group of King Yan's informants who have been imprisoned, the rest have already left Jidu."

"That's good, let's pack up and leave Jidu!"


The Mohist family is good at the art of mechanism. As early as when Yan Dan took over the position of the giant, he had secretly dug a secret passage in his mansion, leading to the Mohist stronghold outside the mansion. Now, it just comes in handy.


Tangli Hall.

"What, Yan Dan has already left the city. How did he escape?" Yan Wangxi said to the leader of the flag guard.

"According to the search, the prince has already dug a secret passage in the mansion, leading to the outside of the mansion. However, how the prince got out of the city, my subordinates don't know."

"Kill, kill, kill everyone in his house, old and young." King Yan roared unwillingly.

"Your Majesty, we found five servants in a room in the Prince's Mansion. They said they were the King's men. Other than that, there was no one in the Prince's Mansion."

"Without Yan Dan, how can I ask for peace from Qin?" King Yan murmured to himself, "No, it won't work. You chase me, and I swear to catch Yan Dan and bring him back to me, no matter life or death."

"I obey my orders!" The leader of the banner guard felt a chill in his heart. Even though he was the leader of the Forbidden Palace who was used to seeing life and death, he couldn't help but feel sad for Prince Yan Dan at this time.

~~~~~~~~~~Thank you 872068859 for the big reward~~~~~~~~~·~~~

~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to Time and Space Crossing Loneliness for the big reward~~~~~~~

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