"Sister, come and give me a hug!"

In the big tent, Ying Ziyi takes the main position. There were four or five beauties from the Yan Kingdom surrounding him, some pinching his feet, some beating his back, and some feeding him fruits.

Sitting on their knees were various generals of the Qin State, such as Wang Jian, Xin Sheng, Li Xin, and the father and son Meng Wu and Meng Tian who had just arrived with 200,000 reinforcements.

The scene in the tent was strange. If Ying Ziyi had grown older, he would not be able to escape the title of a drunkard and a womanizer. But now, what a scene this is!

In the center of the tent, Rong Yan, the Yan envoy with a resolute face and sharp edges, had been standing there for an hour. When he entered the tent, no one greeted him, so he just stared blankly at the boy in front of him playing for an hour with five beauties waiting on him. He wanted to call this bastard a drunkard and a womanizer, but he couldn't. Such a young child doesn't drink at all. Lustful, even if he is lustful, what can he do?

For a moment, he was confused. Was it really this six-year-old child who led the 100,000 Qin troops to turn defeat into victory at the Yishui River and defeat the 400,000 Yan troops?

Rong Yan casually glanced at the generals in the Qin army's tent. They were all famous generals who were famous in the world. They could still endure this weird scene in this big tent. What's more, he is an envoy from a defeated country.

But, after all, we can’t drag it out any longer.

"Sir, I have been here for an hour. I wonder when we can have formal negotiations?"

"Ah? Who are you?" Ying Ziyi glanced at Rong Yan, as if he had just discovered him, and said.

"...!" Rong Yan is also a capable official in the diplomatic field. After all, his magnanimity is not false. He leaned over and said seriously: "Rong Yan, the envoy of the State of Yan, has come to meet with you on the order of the King of Yan. Your country will discuss peace matters."

"Oh!" Ying Ziyi said, but there was nothing more to say.

Rong Yan was a little impatient and said: "My king is willing to dedicate the head of Prince Yan Dan to the King of Qin to atone for his previous sins. In addition, my country of Yan is willing to be a vassal state of Qin and will never betray."

"Pfft!" Ying Ziyi laughed. If he laughed out loud at such a scene, he would undoubtedly be humiliating the other party's envoy. Ke Rongyan is magnanimous and is not someone who gets easily offended after all.

"Master, what are your objections?"

"Firstly, what do I want with Yan Dan's head? Secondly, King Yan can even kill his own son, how can we expect him to be loyal to me, Great Qin?"

"...!" Such straightforward words were not meant to be used in diplomatic situations, but Ying Ziyi's nonchalant attitude made Rong Rong feel angry and helpless.

"What do you think, Master?"

"Tell Yan Xi that if he recognizes the situation, he will wear plain clothes and white clothes and go out of the city to present his seal. The King of Qin is kind and our army is powerful, and he will find a place for him to spend the rest of his life in Liaodong. Otherwise, when the city is destroyed, not a single blade of grass will be left. "

Rong Yan took a deep breath. He couldn't tell for a moment whether the aggressive and imposing young master in front of him was the same person as the bastard who was addicted to women just now.

"Sir, do I need to report to my king?" Rong Yan leaned over and bowed again.

"No need!" Ying Ziyi said.

Rong Yan didn't understand, so he saw Ying Ziyi continue to say: "My army of 300,000 has already set off for Jidu. Sir, just stay in the tent for a few days and go to see King Yan Xi with our army!"

After hearing Ying Ziyi's cold words, Rong Yan's expression changed several times and finally calmed down. His face was pale and bloodless. Ying Ziyi bowed down and walked out of the tent.

"Sir, Yan's envoy Rong Yan committed suicide outside the tent."

"Hey, I heard that there are many generous and sad people in the land of Yan and Zhao. What I saw today is true. What a pity... What a pity!"

"I wonder what you're sorry for, Master?" Meng Tian asked.

"Such fertile soil is in the hands of King Yan. It is really a waste."

Ying Ziyi waved his hand, and all the beauties from the Yan Kingdom beside him retreated.

"Where is our forward now?"

"It's less than forty miles away from Jizhou. There was no resistance along the way." Wang Jian said.

"How will King Yan choose to be happy?" Ying Ziyi said with a smile.


King Xi of Yan was still waiting for news about Rong Yan. While he was lingering in the palace, he heard that the forwards of the Qin army had arrived at Jidu.


"Your Majesty, the vanguard of the front army are all cavalry, led by Qin General Zhang Han, and they have traveled hundreds of miles."

"Cavalry, then we won't be able to attack the city. Not bad, not bad...!" King Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty, no matter what, whether it is war or peace, make a decision early!" Among the trains, an elderly minister dressed in the attire of a minister came out.

"Zhan, how to fight? Peace, how to make peace?" King Yan said happily.

"Your Majesty, our envoy is back."

"Pass it, pass it quickly!" King Yan shouted happily.

The person who went to the palace was Rong Yan's deputy envoy. He looked sad and explained the situation to King Yan.

"The Prince of Qin, Ying Ziyi, has something to say: I want the king to wear plain clothes and go out of the city to present his seal. He will ask people to choose a place in Liaodong for the king. Otherwise, when the city is destroyed, not a single blade of grass will be left."

"Your Majesty, you must not profess your vassal status in front of a six-year-old child."

"Your Majesty, let's fight to the death with the Qin people!"


Just when everyone expressed their intention to die with the city, even the octogenarian grandfather just now was not surprised. King Yan said happily, "Let's go."

"Your Majesty, where are we going?" Although most people are asking for a fight, some are reluctant to give up their wealth. Hearing that King Yan was pleased with this statement, he hurriedly asked.

"Liaodong! Liaodong is cold and the terrain is dangerous. The Qin people will not bother to attack if they come. As long as the Yan State survives and finds an opportunity, it may not be impossible to restore the country."

There is another thing that King Yan did not say. If Qin spends too long attacking other countries, he might not be able to be the peaceful King of Yan for the rest of his life.


On an unattainable mountain peak somewhere, the Moon God was standing on it, her purple-sleeved skirt dancing in the wind, her beautiful face showing a slight strangeness, "But in March, the Yan Kingdom was already like this. The odd number is worthy of being odd." number."

Under it, there were all the refugees from the Yan Kingdom. They were carrying the old and the young, with yellow faces and ragged clothes. They were walking in groups on the plain, preparing to enter the mountains and forests to the west to escape the war.

Among these thousands of refugees, there is a group of people with ragged clothes but firm faces. Although they seem to be scattered among the refugees, they are arranged in an orderly manner, hiding murderous intentions, and protecting the two women in the middle, one large and one small.

This is the goal of the Moon Goddess, her sister, Concubine Yan, the most amazing woman in Onmyoji.

But Luna is not in a hurry, she is waiting for night to fall.

Until now, Yue Shen still can't understand why her sister betrayed the Yin Yang family? But this is no longer important.

As night fell, the group of Mohist disciples were already resting. The figure of Moon God was like a ghost, and several of the on-guard Mohists fell down before they could react. She came to Concubine Yan and watched her coaxing her daughter to sleep, but had no intention of disturbing her.

"Are you finally here?" Concubine Yan did not raise her head, and gently patted her daughter to let her sleep peacefully.

"Have you forgotten the mission of the Yin Yang family? Do you think we can't do anything to you in the Yan Kingdom?" Yue Shen asked.

"Yes, you are attached to the Qin State, using the power of the Qin State to eliminate dissidents and do whatever you want. I think in a few years, the world is so big that there may not be a place for me to hide." Concubine Yan said in a calm tone, as if she was making a statement. come out.

"You must know that God's will cannot be violated."

"God's will is unpredictable, and luck is unpredictable. In this final time, the Yin and Yang family thinks they can calculate everything, and they want to seize the opportunity step by step, but they don't know that God's will is playing tricks on people."

"What a trick of God's will." The Moon God smiled, not as mysterious and dignified as before, but with a charming and graceful posture, "Since our Yin and Yang family broke away from Taoism five hundred years ago, we no longer believe in those who pretend to be noble. It is the way of human beings, obeying nature and responding to people, and integrating nature and man. If we cannot break through the limits of heaven and man, then what is the meaning of our existence and those of Taoists?"

"You should know that there is no way forward on this road. Over the past five hundred years, the Yin Yang family has had many talented people. However, among them, there are often those who are demons and few who have entered the Tao." Concubine Yan's face is similar to that of the Moon God. Now one is as cold as ice and the other is as hot as fire, the contrast is sharp.

"In these troubled times, the boundary between demon and Tao has long been forgotten by the world. What can we do if we try to find out? This is a dangerous and lost path. What is behind the fog? Who can know until the end?" Moon Goddess returned to being solemn and dignified, the moonlight was hazy, she breathed a long sigh of relief, not knowing what she was thinking. After a while, she said to Concubine Yan: "Are you willing to go back with me?"

"You should know my answer."

"Okay! I'm looking forward to our next meeting!"

The Moon God left a blurry figure behind, and soon disappeared into the moonlight.

~~~~~~~~~Thank you for the big reward from Void, Lonely and Hate~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~Thank you Setsunaga Naheng for the big reward~~~~~~~~~~

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