In the palace of King Qin.

The distance between Ying Ziyi and Brother Zheng is only a pool of clear water. On the throne, Brother Zheng was as majestic as ever, looking at Ying Ziyi and remaining silent. Under the throne and in front of the clear water, Ying Ziyi stood in a daze, looking at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose. As the saying goes, if the enemy doesn't move and I don't move, who can outlast whom? After Ying Ziyi saw the ceremony, the old and the young were at each other's side for a long time.

"You did a lot better than I thought. You defeated the Yan State with only a hundred thousand troops. I should have rewarded you." Brother Zheng started, but stopped mid-sentence.

Ying Ziyi was still waiting for 'but' below.

"However, your series of actions in Yan State have left me puzzled. Can you tell me why?"

Ying Ziyi cupped his hands and said, "I wonder what my father said?"

"A lot of money was spent to build a school in Yandi, and more than a dozen well-known Confucian scholars were invited to teach."

"I just thought it was fun." Ying Ziyi said with a smile. When he did this, he had already asked Brother Zheng for permission in advance, and Brother Zheng agreed at the time. Why are you talking about it now?

"Fun?" Brother Zheng's expression changed several times, but he finally suppressed it. "You should know that Da Qin governs the country based on Legalist concepts."

"My son knows."

"You should know that a large number of important ministers, including Li Si, are disciples of Legalism!"

"My son knows."

"How do you think the so-called great scholars you invited compare with Li Si and others?"

"Vulgar Confucianism is not up to date with the times. It is good that the past is not the present. It makes people dazzled by the name and reality. They don't know what to guard and are not worthy of appointment. Mr. Li Si attaches great importance to the law and knows the opportunities. He is up to the times. He assists the king at the top and provides security to hundreds of officials at the bottom. He is a good prime minister. . All the ministers from Legalism in the court were also heroes for a time."

"So, why?"

After asking several questions, the implication of Brother Zheng’s words was already obvious. Since you know this, why do you still spend so much money to hire those great scholars? What's more, although Li Si studied Confucianism in his early years, he did not deal with Confucianism. By doing this, you have offended a large number of important officials in power.

"The Qin Dynasty prospered based on the law. It lived in Guanzhong for eight hundred miles and ruled the world. However, the world is so big that it is not enough to keep it with the law."

"What a loud tone!" Brother Zheng yelled loudly.

"I don't dare." Ying Ziyi lowered his head respectfully and waited.

Brother Zheng scolded him, but there was nothing more to say. He pumped and turned Ying Ziyi down there, like a spinning top. Brother Zheng felt quite tired.

All officials in the Qin Dynasty, including Li Si, were not frightened when they saw Brother Zheng, so there was no need for such trouble.

"Go down! This time you brought back more than ten carts of goods from Xianyang. I will give you five carts. In addition, I will give you Yuanhong as a reward for your attack on the Yan Kingdom."

"Damn it!" Ying Ziyi was rather hurt. He originally planned to squander all the dozens of carts of goods he brought back, but now he only got five carts. It was a big loss. Which bastard leaked it? He had disguised himself so well along the way that even the soldiers escorting the goods thought they were local specialties from the Yan Kingdom. How did Brother Zheng know?

As for Yuan Hong, Ying Ziyi didn't care much. Although Yi Shui Gehan failed the side mission, Can Hong didn't get it. But he didn't know how to use a sword to begin with.

Just as Ying Ziyi retreated, an old man with white hair and a long beard walked out from the side of the spacious Qin Palace. He was wearing a black robe over his long white clothes. He walked up to King Qin and simply bowed his hands in a salute. Brother Zheng didn't seem to care.

"Mr. Wei Liao, how is this boy doing?"

"Slippery or not." Wei Liaozi commented simply.

Ying Zheng smiled and agreed with Wei Liaozi's evaluation, "That's true. I want to entrust you with an important task. What do you think, sir?"

"Your Majesty knows clearly that this son is indeed extraordinary. He may be a vital addition to your Majesty's great cause. However, using him too early may be detrimental to the Fourteenth Young Master."

"I understand!"


"Is that bastard Ying Ziyi back?" Hu Hai asked angrily.

"Yes, I have met the king." No matter when, Zhao Gao's voice was always so cold, with a hint of chill, which made people feel uncomfortable.

"Hmph! This bastard has made great achievements this time. It will be increasingly difficult to deal with him in the future." Hu Hai clapped his hands, with burning anger burning in his eyes. Although he is young, he is already very scheming and narrow-minded, and Zhao Gao is naturally responsible for this.

"In fact, it's not difficult to deal with him?" Zhao Gao smiled. If he were just an ordinary six-year-old child, even if he was the prince of Qin, Zhao Gao wouldn't care much. But what Ying Ziyi did in Yan State made him deeply afraid. He vaguely felt that his ambition might be ruined because of this six-year-old child. Therefore, he wanted to get rid of Ying Ziyi as much as possible before he grew up enough to threaten him.

"What do you say?" Hu Hai became interested.

"What Ying Ziyi did in the Yan Kingdom, although wonderful, also offended a large number of people."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"A large number of ministers from the Legalist family, headed by Li Si, are already an important force in the court that can influence the king's decision. Moreover, among the many princes in the clan, most of them are worried about the fourteenth prince who is too pushy. Someone is here. For example, Master Fusu."

"Fu Su? Is that the boy?" Although Fu Su was bigger than Hu Hai, there was not much respect in Hu Hai's tone. Instead, he doubted how his brother, who seemed to be kind and like a loser, could do anything to his younger brother.

"Master Fusu is indecisive, but the power behind him cannot be underestimated. The Shennong Order this time is the best proof. Luo Wang has found out that the reason why the farmers took action this time is probably mostly due to Lord Changping. Lord Changping is in the court. As the prime minister, even the king is afraid of the power behind him. Lord Changping will not sit back and let this biggest threat to Prince Fusu's succession to the throne slowly become more mature. Ying Ziyi has offended so many people and wants to deal with him All it takes is a reason. Once Ying Ziyi makes a mistake, and so many people come forward together, even the king may not be able to protect him."

"So, how should we deal with Ying Ziyi?" Hu Hai smiled, looking very happy.

"We can..."

What Ying Ziyi didn't know was that a plot was slowly brewing.


Changping Junfu.

"Mr. Changping!" Fusu was still so gentle and elegant. When he saw this elder, he bowed his hands and saluted.

Qin and Chu have been intermarrying for generations. The sons of Qin may have the blood of the Chu royal family, and there are also people in the Chu royal family whose maternal lineage is from Qin.

Chang Pingjun is the best example. He was originally a prince of the Chu State, but he served as an official in the Qin Dynasty. He was the prime minister of the two dynasties and had a deep foundation in the dynasty. Because his mother was a princess of Qin, and his grandfather was King Zhaoxiang of Qin.

"Young master, please don't do such a great gift to me." Lord Changping hurriedly stopped him.

"It should be." Fusu was very respectful and humble.

Lord Changping asked Su Yan to help him and asked, "What is the purpose of your visit, sir?"

"I have heard some rumors recently about my fourteenth brother Ying Ziyi."

Fusu was about to speak, but was stopped by Chang Pingjun. "I don't have much time."


"I shouldn't say anything. Since Lu Buwei left, I have become a thorn in the king's heart. At least, I want to pave the way for the young master's future before I leave."

Changping Jun said leisurely. On the face, the wrinkled skin trembled, but the dark eyes were extremely determined.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you Mo Xue for the big reward~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~Thank you Shenyi Guixuan, the girl controlled Loli for the big reward~~~~~~~~~~

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